toolboc / psx-pi-smbshare

A swiss army knife for enhancing classic game consoles with Raspberry Pi
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Installation on base Ubuntu/Debian #85

Open megacorvega opened 5 months ago

megacorvega commented 5 months ago

The following changes will allow installation for base Ubuntu/Debian installs

  1. run sudo apt install g++ net-tools
  2. For Debian and Ubuntu remove exfat-utils from the deps install section of the script
  3. Check ethernet and wlan interface names with ifconfig then change the eth and wlan entries in
  4. In the script I commented out the crontab line, and manually added the startup scripts to the root cron. Using sudo in the user's crontab asks for a password on boot by default, and will not work on reboot.
$ sudo crontab -e

# root crontab
# 1. log outputs aren't necessary but can be helpful
# 2. I also don't use the wifi access point or xlinkkai in my install, but those can be added here if desired

@reboot bash /usr/local/bin/ > /home/pi/samba-init.log 2>&1
@reboot bash /home/pi/ > /home/pi/wifi-to-eth-route.log 2>&1

These changes should allow you to run the base script, but I still recommend manually running each line to see if something doesn't get setup correctly, and checking each of the services start scripts as well.

Not sure if these modifications should be added to the repo/wiki, but they're here if anyone comes looking.

Trevo525 commented 5 months ago

You should consider forking this and making your changes. Maybe toolboc would accept a pull request even?

megacorvega commented 4 months ago

@Trevo525 Yeah that's a good idea. I'll get that going.