toolbox-team / reddit-moderator-toolbox-legacy

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Tabmenu List Item Class/ID #729

Closed mmolad closed 8 years ago

mmolad commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

Toolbox adds list items to the tabmenu for functionality. I get why its there, but sometimes we need to do things to the tabmenu that make sense for the default functionality - sorting threads, filtering, etc. - but don't make sense for mod buttons.

In order to correct this, I can target the metrics list-item via .tb-metrics but the Queue Tools one does not have an identifier. This makes it impossible to do things like change the order via flexbox, etc.

Can you please also add a class to the queue tools parent list item so I can account for it in my theme designs? Let me know if you need clarification.

agentlame commented 8 years ago

Use .tb-queuetools-tab

mmolad commented 8 years ago

This doesn't appear to resolve the issue; the class was added to the link, when it should be on the parent list item. The commit reads:

+        $('.tabmenu').first().append($('<li><a href="javascript:;" accesskey="M" class="modtools-on tb-queuetools-tab">queue tools</a></li>').click(addModtools));

It should instead read:

+        $('.tabmenu').first().append($('<li class="tb-queuetools-tab"><a href="javascript:;" accesskey="M" class="modtools-on">queue tools</a></li>').click(addModtools));