toolforge / video2commons

Transfer video and audio from external sites to Commons.
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MaybeEncodingError import of module #184

Closed Yannf closed 1 month ago

Yannf commented 8 months ago

Hi, Another error now :((( while trying to upload [].

An exception occurred: MaybeEncodingError: b'(\'\\\'PicklingError("Can\\\\\\\'t pickle <class \\\\\\\'video2commons.exceptions.TaskError\\\\\\\'>: import of module \\\\\\\'video2commons.exceptions\\\\\\\' failed")\\\'\', \'\\\'(1, <ExceptionInfo: TaskError(b"pywikibot.Error: UploadError: exists-normalized: File exists with different extension as \\\\\\\'Z\\\\\\\\xc3\\\\\\\\xa9ro_de_conduite_(1933)_par_Jean_Vigo.jpg\\\\\\\'.")>, None)\\\'\')'

Yannf commented 8 months ago

Again while uploading This is a big file (3.5 GB), but... An exception occurred: MaybeEncodingError: b'(\'\\\'PicklingError("Can\\\\\\\'t pickle <class \\\\\\\'video2commons.exceptions.TaskError\\\\\\\'>: import of module \\\\\\\'video2commons.exceptions\\\\\\\' failed")\\\'\', \'"(1, <ExceptionInfo: TaskError(\\\'/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-project/gentoo-prefix/usr/bin/ffmpeg -y -i /srv/v2c/output/bcd9bb16ad0148a1/dl.mp4 -max_muxing_queue_size 4096 -threads 16 -row-mt 1 -crf 20 -qmin 1 -qmax 51 -b:v 0 -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -tile-columns 4 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -f webm -ss 0 -b:a 128000 -ar 48000 -acodec libopus -pass 2 -passlogfile /srv/v2c/output/bcd9bb16ad0148a1/dl.mp4.vp9.webm.log /srv/v2c/output/bcd9bb16ad0148a1/dl.mp4.vp9.webm\\\\\\\\nExitcode: 153\\\')>, None)"\')'

chicocvenancio commented 8 months ago

this is ffmpeg exiting with 153 code. Not quite sure how to debug that.

Yannf commented 8 months ago

Again while uploading An exception occurred: MaybeEncodingError: b'(\'\\\'PicklingError("Can\\\\\\\'t pickle <class \\\\\\\'video2commons.exceptions.TaskError\\\\\\\'>: import of module \\\\\\\'video2commons.exceptions\\\\\\\' failed")\\\'\', \'"(1, <ExceptionInfo: TaskError(b\\\'pywikibot.Error: APIError: stashfailed: Could not acquire lock. Somebody else is doing something to this file.\\\\\\\\n[param: action=upload&filekey=1anetam0ndp0.b7yznj.1.webm&checkstatus=&assert=user&maxlag=5&format=json&token=4132f2423e09c917d39f257ced75445965a988cc%2B%5C;\\\\\\\\n servedby: mw2402;\\\\\\\\n help: See for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at &lt;; for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes.]\\\')>, None)"\')'

chicocvenancio commented 8 months ago

These are all different errors. This latest one is pywikibot.Error: APIError: stashfailed: Could not acquire lock. Somebody else is doing something to this file. which is a commons api error, might have luck retrying by the error message.

don-vip commented 1 month ago

Old ticket that mixes different problems partially solved with the recent upgrade, closing. Please open new tickets if some problems remain that are not covered by an existing ticket.