tooling / book-of-modern-frontend-tooling

The Front-end Tooling Book
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Dependency management > webpack #20

Closed shama closed 10 years ago

shama commented 10 years ago

It would be great to see webpack included. It is fantastic module bundler that combines the capabilities of many of the other module bundlers. Totally framework and package manager agnostic as well.

I've written about it here:

They are nearing a 1.0.0 release and I'll be helping out more with their docs. I'd love to help write a chapter about managing deps with webpack here.


addyosmani commented 10 years ago

:+1: from me. cc @sindresorhus @passy

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago


addyosmani commented 10 years ago

@shama Mind if I assign you as the finalized author for this chapter? :)

shama commented 10 years ago

@addyosmani Absolutely. Also let me ping @sokra and @jhnns for more technical review. Thanks!

sokra commented 10 years ago


jhnns commented 10 years ago

Cool! :+1:

Watching the repo now :smile:

sokra commented 10 years ago

Could you please use the correct spelling of webpack in the README.

I don't want to conflict with them... ;)

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Of course! We'll correct it asap :)

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Awesome @shama! That would be ace. I've added you to the repo and assigned this to you :)

dashed commented 10 years ago


shama commented 10 years ago

Here is a proposed outline:

Let me know if there are any other topics which would be important to include or exclude. Thanks!

sokra commented 10 years ago

After loaders

shama commented 10 years ago

Added, thanks!

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Just a friendly ping to see where we are on this :) Thanks again for volunteering to help out with this chapter!

shama commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the ping! I have a good lead on each section. Probably another week away from a PR.

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

@shama awesome! thanks for the update :)

sokra commented 10 years ago


addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Hey @shama. I know you're probably super-busy but I was wondering if you had a chance to get anywhere further with the chapter you were writing. If you think it might be a while until you can get back to it, perhaps it would make sense to PR your initial work and we can then build on it as time allows? Thanks again for getting involved! :)