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Initial gulp Documentation #24

Closed travm closed 10 years ago

travm commented 10 years ago

Here's some of the initial gulp documentation for writing tasks (and a few other additions). There is a lot more to be done, but this should get us started.

With all the discussions going on, I'm unsure if this is the approved way of organizing this content. This was written using the initially approved content base by @rowoot.

dashed commented 10 years ago

@travm You don't mind that I flesh out things in this manner?

dashed commented 10 years ago

@Contra Would you like to review these md docs?

travm commented 10 years ago

@dashed Not at all, I appreciate the help! It may be better to wait for it to be merged and then fork the main repo and submit a PR from your fork with your changes.

I'm wondering what would be the best way to collaborate on the docs. @addyosmani How would you prefer we update and submit changes to the documentation? I know organization discussions are still taking place and I don't want to get things started in the wrong direction.

dashed commented 10 years ago

@travm I should probably do a PR on your fork of the repo?

dashed commented 10 years ago

Also would be super useful for this.

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

Also need some mention of streams, concurrency, and running tasks synchronously and task dependencies.

// @contra

yocontra commented 10 years ago

Check out the wiki again btw if you haven't seen it in a while - it has changed quite a bit and has a lot more info

travm commented 10 years ago

Thanks everyone!

@sindresorhus and @Dashed A lot of good points. I'll correct these asap.

@Contra Thanks for letting me know. I hadn't seen the updates. Those recipes will help, especially the Mocha one as we need a testing example.

What is the best practice with documentation projects like this? Should I close the PR, resolve these issues and the submit another? Any guidance would be appreciated!

cc @addyosmani

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

@travm just push more commits to this PR when you're ready and we'll squash it at the end ;)

travm commented 10 years ago

@sindresorhus Much appreciated. :) I'll get these fixed after work this evening and add in the remaining tasks.

dashed commented 10 years ago

@travm I only looked through the beginning md docs. I'll need to set aside some time to look through the rest extensively.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

As @sindresorhus has already mentioned, great work. We can continue iterating on this PR and just squash your commits at the end of the process once you're ready :)

travm commented 10 years ago

Okay, I think that should cover most of the initial corrections. I apologize if I missed a few. LiveReload section has been fleshed out a bit more, but may need to be further explained.

To do:

0x-r4bbit commented 10 years ago

@addyosmani @sindresorhus what do you guys think of the little convention to only use one line per sentence and each sentence a new line.

So a sentence like

I am a sentence and I can be very long. I am another sentence and I'm short.

would be written as

I am a sentence and I can be very long.
I am another sentence and I'm short.

This makes it easier to see diffs in commits etc..

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

@PascalPrecht no, and github now support wrapping lines in diffs:

travm commented 10 years ago

Streams introduction is complete. Let me know if I should go into more detail. I was afraid of overwhelming readers in the introduction, so I kept it very basic. Added a quick reminder about .pipe() to the first task in the Writing Tasks section.

To do:

dashed commented 10 years ago

Maybe a quick primer of and mention the standard events of streams?

These seem to be frequently used handlers: .on('data'), .on('error'), and .on('end'). At least from my experience with gulp.

travm commented 10 years ago

I'm beginning to wonder if this stream and api information wouldn't better be suited in the Node and npm chapter? Thoughts?

dashed commented 10 years ago

It may mislead readers to its relevance in the book until they read the gulp chapter.

travm commented 10 years ago

Yeah, that's true. Maybe if another tool makes use of streams then we could unify the streams information in the Node chapter and each tool can reference it. For now, It's probably best to remain here.

My biggest fear with including api information this early is that we may overwhelm our target audience who may have never used Node or npm before. What do you think about including more advanced api information and examples after the introductory content?

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more advanced information after the introductory portions.

travm commented 10 years ago

Sounds great! I'll be committing more of the basic documentation for review very soon.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

@sindresorhus how happy are you with the current state of the chapter?

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

@addyosmani happy :D

@travm very nice work!

@Dashed thanks for reviewing.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

Thanks so much for all of the hard work @travm!

travm commented 10 years ago

@sindresorhus @addyosmani My pleasure! I'm glad I can help!