tooling / book-of-modern-frontend-tooling

The Front-end Tooling Book
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Book > Introduction #33

Open michealbenedict opened 10 years ago

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

I am not sure whether this has been discussed yet, but I am looking to put together some introductory content to help set some user expectations regarding the book.

As a reader of this book

(Please let me know if I am missing any other user use-cases)

Now, #15 briefly calls out some topics and I have expanded on them below. I look forward to hearing thoughts/ideas on how this can be improved.

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago


addyosmani commented 10 years ago

The above list looks pretty solid to me. If I were reading this book I would personally be most interested in the last 3 topics (content length wise) but the pre-rails/rails/post-rails era content also sounds like it would make for a good read. :+1:

Munter commented 10 years ago

Some things that come to mind when I think about why tooling:

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the initial feedback. Quick FYI, my topic recommendations were primarily geared towards a larger newbie-intermediate audience.

@addyosmani agreed. I am unsure whether the Rails content should exist even, but my motivation is to make a case on why automation is required today and how it helps during development, testing and deployment (which was not a big deal back then).

@Munter great points, added inline comments.

  • Performance is not an option. Some words about the work pioneered by Steve Souders and Yahoo in documenting front end performance and how to optimize for it.
  • Given the hoops we have to jumps through for performance it follows that development code cannot be equal to production code. A compile step is needed in order to keep development clean and efficient

Agreed. I am assuming you mean to call out how automation makes it simple to enforce some standard performance principles (not app specific) such as minification, reduced http requests, etc.

Some description of the complexity of the optimizations leading to the absolute need for full automation

I am unsure whether I follow, can you elaborate here?

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

I would love to see the intro section fleshed out a little more based on the initial points we have covered here so far. @rowoot would you be interested (or have time) to put something together that captures the core set of items we don't yet cover for the intro?

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

@addyosmani I am working on this. Let me get back to you in a day or two with a rough draft.

sindresorhus commented 10 years ago

beep boop :)

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

Edit: Oops, I think I forgot to mention, but I had put together an intro quite some time back which is merged via PR #58 - I scoped this first version which talks the the various steps a dev has to take before building and launching a web app.

I am bit unsure on what topics to cover in the next version of the introduction, any ideas/thoughts?