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Gulp Chapter Updates (Server, typos, etc.) #69

Closed travm closed 9 years ago

travm commented 9 years ago

Very sorry for the delay. I've been swamped at work, and I've been meaning to get back to work on this for quite some time.

Rewrote the server task and cleaned up what typos and mistakes I could find. I actually don't use gulp to spin up a server very often in my normal workflow, so please check the code for accuracy and please let me know if there are ways to improve on it.

I'm considering replacing the LiveReload section with BrowserSync, but I figured I would let the rest if the contribs help decide what is best.

Thanks everyone!

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

Can you drop the unrelated commits?

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

Use BrowserSync.

travm commented 9 years ago

@sindresorhus Sure! I'm not sure the best way to drop those, my apologies. Can you share a link? I'll be happy to do so.

travm commented 9 years ago

I'll definitely replace LiveReload with BrowserSync asap.

travm commented 9 years ago

Finishing up BrowserSync task. I'm going to split the tasks into two separate sections to differentiate between tasks that use gulp plugins and tasks that just use node modules. That will give us a way to keep the more basic stuff up front - and then users can dive into the more complex tasks as they need. This will also give us a place to explain when and why to use node modules over gulp plugins in some cases.


sindresorhus commented 9 years ago


Sounds good :)

This will also give us a place to explain when and why to use node modules over gulp plugins in some cases.

Yes, this is important.

addyosmani commented 9 years ago

Friendly ping :)

travm commented 9 years ago

Recently switched job, so I've been in between that and moving. I believe have some changes mostly ready, but I need to squash/drop a bunch of additional commits. What's the best way to go about that?

I'll see if I can have something ready by the end of the week.

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

@travm interactive rebase?

travm commented 9 years ago

@sindresorhus Perfect! Thanks! I'll see where I left off and hopefully be able to finish something up by the end of the week.

addyosmani commented 9 years ago

Thanks for continuing to work on this @travm <3.

travm commented 9 years ago

No worries @addyosmani! I'm happy to help out.

I'm afraid I may have caused a bit of a mess with all of the additional commits. Not sure how to rebase with others merged commits. I hate to cause you guys trouble, but I may need some further help with that if all of the additional commits are cluttering up the project.

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

@travm Your problem is that you're doing the pull request from your master branch. You should never do that. Always create a separate branch for each PR. You can cherry-pick the relevant commits into a new branch and open a new PR.

travm commented 9 years ago

Thanks for all of the help @sindresorhus! I've cleaned things up in my fork and branched off and cherry picked the most important commits.

The new PR is

We can close this one out if the new PR is what you were looking for!

@addyosmani I'll add in Gulp blacklist info in soon - this was just to clean things up and avoid headaches. Hopefully this fixes mess.