tooling / book-of-modern-frontend-tooling

The Front-end Tooling Book
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Project scope #9

Open addyosmani opened 10 years ago

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

You'll notice that the initial chapters proposed represent a limited list of the material that could be covered on front-end tooling.

There's a lot out there and I think that for the first version, we should avoid looking at topics like debugging, testing with a specific solution (unless its presented as part of the workflow of using one of the tools already on there).

Does anyone massively disagree with this or should we reconsider scope?

passy commented 10 years ago

I wouldn't exclude testing completely. Explaining different tools and strategies could fill a book on its own and should definitely considered to be out of scope. But when I think about the chapters about Grunt and Gulp, a comparison between them by realizing the same workflow with both tools seems quite natural. I think a testing step is quite interesting because it usually runs on top of the build artifacts and separate from the previous build process.

0x-r4bbit commented 10 years ago

@addyosmani Hi there. This looks interesting. Any reasons why things like testing and debugging should be avoided for the first version?

Garbee commented 10 years ago

Do template systems like AngularJS, Ember, Backbone, etc. fit the current scope?

Templates could at least make a good subject for a future milestone if it isn't included with the first.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

I'd be happy for the book to also capture debugging and testing but it really depends on whether we can find authors to help write that content for the first version. I think they're otherwise totally legit topics.

@Garbee a future milestone would make sense I think :)

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

Fantastic initiative @addyosmani. I can see how useful such a book can be.

Having said that, to avoid scope creep (and to ensure focussed deliverables), would it make sense to have a canonical set of table of contents for each tool, something along the lines as below:

(updated this based on @travm's suggestion)

Happy to contribute to this project in any way possible.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

@rowoot I like this baseline for each section. Looks like @travm has already started using it :)

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

@travm did raise some good points regarding couple of sections (installation specifics, gotchas/debugging). I have updated the outline based on his feedback.

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

Proposed a directory structure to organize documents

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

Moving the project structure conversation from #3 to here.

I have revised the project structure to address a couple of concerns. My proposal is based on the following goals:

  1. enable modular chapters (with assets and sections, this gives the ability to iterate on specific chapters and its sections without disrupting other chapters)
  2. Support to scale to n tools (Eg, bower, grunt, gulp, etc) and m groups (Eg, dependency management, build, etc)
  3. Simplify content organization for the author. Introducing that heps organize sections as required.
# Example: Overall project structure

├── Gruntfile.js
├── assets // Shared assets
├── chapters
│   ├── dependency-management
│   │   └── bower
│   │       ├── assets // Chapter specific assets
│   │       │   └── s1-awesomeimage.jpg
│   │       ├──
│   │       ├──
│   │       ├──
│   │       ├──
│   │       ├──
│   │       ├──
│   │       └──
│   ├──
│   ├──
├── dist
└── package.json
# Example: chapters/dependency-management/bower/
* [Introduction](
* [Getting started](
* [Some awesome topic](
* [Another topic](
* [Troubleshooting](
* [References](


travm commented 10 years ago

I think this will work very well! I'll let the other contributors review and chime in to ensure it will work across the board. Once we can get the base setup and pulled into the main repo, I'll start working on the gulp information right away. Working on some basic examples as we speak.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

The revised structure is much better :) One question I have is: do we think there's going to be enough content for a per chapter preface that wouldn't overlap with the introduction?

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

@addyosmani I do agree, these are simply placeholder files at the moment. I have removed the file to minimize the scope.

Secondly, as proposed in my previous, I have templatized this structure in my fork (

If everyone is ok with this structure, we can start building content around this? @addyosmani and @travm let me know if I need to tag some other folks to help review this.

michealbenedict commented 10 years ago

To help organize conversations around planning this project's scope.

Discussions so far

  1. List of chapters ( outlines this, would an issue help kickstart discussions to finalize chapters for v1?)
  2. Project structure (
  3. Building (and exporting) the book (
  4. Skeleton for Tool specific content (
addyosmani commented 10 years ago

@rowoot Good idea re: 1. I've just created #15 for us to track the list of chapters. Would be great to flesh it out a little more to cover the structure that's been proposed in this issue.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

@rowoot I'm +1 on structure. Tagging in @sindresorhus too in case he has any opinions.

travm commented 10 years ago

I'm happy with this structure as well. Looking forward to getting started once we get that structure pulled in and approved!

Raynos commented 10 years ago

As part of frontend tooling, testing systems like testem or karma are actually really important tools for doing multi browser automated unit tests.

They are probably more important for a frontend development then build systems, since you can just hand code you build system trivially, you can't hand code a multi browser test runner trivially.

addyosmani commented 10 years ago

I agree with your points about the importance of testing (it'll come down to whether we can get commitment from community authors). Would such a testing section just be looking to capture testem and karma?

For anyone that might want to propose other alternatives worth covering, the key features that both Testem and Karma have include:

Raynos commented 10 years ago

The main thing that testem and karma give is a proper frontend TDD flow. The idea you can write some tests, see a terminal go red, write some code, see a terminal go green, repeat is really powerful.

A lot of people don't write tests. Some people write tests but have a test page they have to run with a server and have to manually refresh in multiple browsers, this sucks because both testem and karma tell you the results for all browsers in one page / terminal.

another thing that's cool about testem is tooling, I configured a bash script called testem-browser that I can in any folder that has a test/index.js file and it just does the right thing, zero configuration, zero setup, zero boilerplate.

So big features are

gskachkov commented 10 years ago

@Raynos Possible will be useful to add some information about test coverage, for Karma we have used istanbul -

Raynos commented 10 years ago

@gskachkov Yes coverage is awesome! I havn't got a good story for integrating instanbul with testem yet :(