toolkitxx / Girl-life-QOL-quality-of-life-mod

This mod is based on the 0.601 ECV. This is currently classified as a mod but will actually evolve into a full new version due to the complete clean-up and restructuring of the original code.
5 stars 2 forks source link

User reported bug #72

Open toolkitxx opened 7 years ago

toolkitxx commented 7 years ago

'$loc: korrPar '$locM: korrPar ''$CURLOC: korrPar ''$location_type: private ' 'daystart: 98 ' 'daystart_start: 239 ' 'month: 12 ' 'week: 4 ' '$temperature: -6°C

Don't know if this is a prob or not. My MC has not had a period in 96 days nor is she pregnant or on birth control or a birth control shot at the beginning of the game she had a period for one day after that nothing. Anyways I don't know if this is considered a ticket worthy item but just thought I should let you know. Thanks, Witchesbrew.

toolkitxx commented 7 years ago

Would appreciate a copy of the current save-file as this has been a long-time and very elusive bug