toolness / p5.js-docker

Experimental docker setup to make p5.js + development easier.
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How to view references in the localhost #13

Open theekshanadis opened 7 years ago

theekshanadis commented 7 years ago


I have followed the instructions given on the website to build the p5.js-docker. As the tutorial says "p5_1 | Waiting for source files to change..." message appears as well. After I browse to my localhost:8000 it shows the file structure as well. Then by visiting "http://localhost:8000/reference/", I saw the reference functions included in p5.js. But I'm little confused after that. When I click on a reference function it redirects to a different page "http://localhost:8000/reference/#/p5/alpha" but shows the same content as previous one. How I'm going to able to see the references as same as in p5.JS website. Is there something wrong what I'm doing. Can you please give me some guidance.

Thank you.

toolness commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reporting this! Right now, this docker setup does some "gluing together" of the two p5 repos that wasn't documented anywhere, and I'm guessing that the way the two repos plug into each other has changed since I last touched this repository a little over a year ago, so that's probably why things aren't working for you. I'll take a look at this repo soon and see if I can fix things!