tools-life / taskwiki

Proper project management with Taskwarrior in vim.
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Vimwiki setup instructions for newcomers #124

Open arohacs opened 7 years ago

arohacs commented 7 years ago


Over the better part of a couple of days, I tried to install and configure taskwiki. I had never used vimwiki, but have used taskwarrior via command line for the past couple of years.

I realized that I'd have to learn vimwiki in order to understand taskwiki, so I configured vimwiki to work, even if files/directories were missing.

When i run taskwiki under the same circumstance - with either no directory existing in ~/.task or no file existing in ~/.task/wiki, nothing at all happens. Even when I make the directory and put the file in to use, nothing happens when I try the mapleader/shortcut. I discovered that I need to make the .wiki file manually and manually open it in vim and then taskwiki works as expected.

Something else I discovered is that the instructions in the readme could be better for installation with vundle. What I see currently is that I should use git clone to create the directories for tasklib and taskwiki in ~/.vim/bundle, but then there is no instruction for creating the plugin entries in .vimrc. This may be common knowledge to many, but in as an effort to make vimwiki more accessible, I think it would be good to provide better instructions.

And so here is a summary of what I discovered:

  1. vimwiki will not automatically either open an existing .wiki file, even if it is in the default directory - not sure what is going on but this might be a bug or something in my environment. I experimented on OS X and Archlinux.
  2. Instructions for installing via vundle could do better to include: git clone ~/.vim/bundle/ --branch dev git clone ~/.vim/bundle/taskwiki vim ~/.vimrc Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki' Plugin '/tbabej/taskwiki' :wq vim +PluginInstall +qall

Thanks for reading.

bodograumann commented 7 years ago

For the second point, you don’t need to do the git clone. That is a nice feature of Vundle. Just put

Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
Plugin 'tbabej/taskwiki'

into your .vimrc, load it and run VundleInstall (or PluginInstall it is the same). As far as I have observed, the dev branch of vimwiki is the default branch, so it gets installed correctly.

tbabej commented 7 years ago

I'm open to any improvements to instructions / documentation, so don't hesitate to send a pull request.

As far as the setup goes, I think you are missing configuration on the vimwiki's side which would make your 'wiki' files recognize as vimwikifiletype. See basic setup instructions for vimwiki, but for starter, even manually setting:

:set ft=vimwiki

should work.