toomuchio / plex-nginx-reverseproxy

Configuration to serve Plex Media Center using Nginx
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How do I make this work with /plex instead of a subdomain? #37

Closed rcdailey closed 5 years ago

rcdailey commented 5 years ago

I want to access plex using, instead of How can I achieve this? What parts of your script should I change?

toomuchio commented 5 years ago

This isn't a support forum, the config is provided as is, google around for a guide if you don't understand how it works. Issues are only for issues.

thistac commented 4 years ago

Hi! As this repository was the first one suggested by google, maybe others like me will also look for it... I made it work like this:

server {


        location /plex/ {
                proxy_pass http://plex_backend/;
        if ($http_referer ~ /plex/) {
                rewrite ^/web/(.*) /plex/web/$1? redirect;

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