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Accepting other repository systems #177

Open fourjr opened 5 years ago

fourjr commented 5 years ago


I think we should introduce other buttons (other than Github) on the bot page, such as

Applicable Links or Attachments

Image of the spot on bot page

SethFalco commented 4 years ago

Sorry, didn't notice that the issue already existed. ^-^' As mine was closed as a duplicate, just want to comment here.

I agree with this issue, but I feel the solution shouldn't be to have additional buttons, but rather just rename the current button to be more agnostic. It's not really feasible to accommodate every VCS, I feel it'd be better to just name the button after "version control system", or "source code" rather than a specific version control system implementation or provider.

I believe this should ideally be called something related to VCS / Version Control System:

  • VCS Repository
  • Version Control Repository
  • Version Control
  • Version Control System

Alternative relating to Source Code instead, for example:

  • Source Code
  • Code
  • Code Repository