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Bots are missing from all tags #877

Closed sinkaroid closed 2 years ago

sinkaroid commented 2 years ago

Expected Behavior

I expected to find my bot (724047481561809007) 10K votes

Observed Behavior

Bots still missing / does not appearing from all tags, idk why when I find out, this guy also apparently lost his bot from all the tags:

I don't think it's the problem of the site being down recently, just a bit weird only some bots are missing

Additional Information/Comments

Hi, You have a plenty Discord mods, but no one answered me clearly

Hopefuls commented 2 years ago

Wish to give a quick heads up that us moderators are not developers on the site, we cannot give you insights on certain issues experienced on the site. Thanks for understanding ♥

flav-code commented 2 years ago

Same for me for more than a week and they don't do anything about it...

sinkaroid commented 2 years ago

I've guessed, this issue will be fixed at the next month come. then it is resolved now