Closed rainbar closed 3 weeks ago
think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany::matchPivot(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type think\\Model, array given, called in E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany.php on line 642
{ "message": "think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany::matchPivot(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type think\\Model, array given, called in E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany.php on line 642", "status": 500, "data": [], "debug": { "name": "TypeError", "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany.php", "line": 159, "code": 0, "message": "think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany::matchPivot(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type think\\Model, array given, called in E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany.php on line 642", "trace": [ { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany.php", "line": 642, "function": "matchPivot", "class": "think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany", "type": "->", "args": [ { "role_id": 10013 } ] }, { "function": "think\\model\\relation\\{closure}", "class": "think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany", "type": "->", "args": [ { "role_id": 10013 }, { "json": [], "json_assoc": false, "field_type": [], "key": null, "readonly_fields": [], "lazy_fields": [], "filter": [ {} ], "join": [ [ { "plarg_role_user": "pivot" }, "INNER", "" ] ], "where": { "AND": [ [ "pivot.user_id", "=", 10001 ] ] }, "table": "plarg_role", "data": [], "order": [], "union": [], "with_attr": [], "with_relation_attr": [], "strict": true, "master": false, "lock": false, "fetch_sql": false, "array": false, "distinct": false, "procedure": false, "with_cache": false, "group": "", "having": "", "limit": "", "force": "", "comment": "", "partition": "", "duplicate": "", "extra": "", "field": { "0": "plarg_role.*", "": "pivot__id", "pivot.role_id": "pivot__role_id", "pivot.user_id": "pivot__user_id" } } ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\db\\concern\\ResultOperation.php", "line": 101, "function": "call_user_func_array", "args": [ {}, [ { "role_id": 10013 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"think\\db\\BaseQuery", "type": "->", "args": [ 10013 ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\db\\BaseQuery.php", "line": 407, "function": "array_map", "args": [ {}, [ 10013 ] ] }, { "function": "column", "class": "think\\db\\BaseQuery", "type": "->", "args": [ "role_id" ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\Relation.php", "line": 245, "function": "call_user_func_array", "args": [ [ {}, "column" ], [ "role_id" ] ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\app\\api\\model\\manage\\User.php", "line": 253, "function": "__call", "class": "think\\model\\Relation", "type": "->", "args": [ "column", [ "role_id" ] ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\app\\api\\service\\manage\\Role.php", "line": 61, "function": "getRoleIds", "class": "app\\api\\model\\manage\\User", "type": "::", "args": [ 10001 ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\app\\api\\service\\manage\\Role.php", "line": 36, "function": "getPermittedMenuList", "class": "app\\api\\service\\manage\\Role", "type": "::", "args": [ 10001, true ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\app\\api\\model\\manage\\User.php", "line": 182, "function": "getLoginPermissions", "class": "app\\api\\service\\manage\\Role", "type": "::", "args": [ { "id": 10001, "nickname": "系统管理员", "s": true, "events": [ { "id": 10013, "event_group": "FINANCE" } ] } ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\app\\api\\controller\\User.php", "line": 71, "function": "login", "class": "app\\api\\model\\manage\\User", "type": "->", "args": [ { "username": "*****", "password": "*****" } ] }, { "function": "login", "class": "app\\api\\controller\\User", "type": "->", "args": [] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Container.php", "line": 345, "function": "invokeArgs", "class": "ReflectionMethod", "type": "->", "args": [ {}, [] ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\route\\dispatch\\Controller.php", "line": 110, "function": "invokeReflectMethod", "class": "think\\Container", "type": "->", "args": [ {}, { "name": "login", "class": "app\\api\\controller\\User" }, { "s": "Ht42A1kTAnqK7VBmOmCIBI~PiLiIeK0Ugr" } ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Pipeline.php", "line": 59, "function": "think\\route\\dispatch\\{closure}", "class": "think\\route\\dispatch\\Controller", "type": "->", "args": [ {} ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Pipeline.php", "line": 66, "function": "think\\{closure}", "class": "think\\Pipeline", "type": "->", "args": [ {} ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\route\\dispatch\\Controller.php", "line": 84, "function": "then", "class": "think\\Pipeline", "type": "->", "args": [ {} ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\route\\Dispatch.php", "line": 52, "function": "exec", "class": "think\\route\\dispatch\\Controller", "type": "->", "args": [] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Route.php", "line": 755, "function": "run", "class": "think\\route\\Dispatch", "type": "->", "args": [] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Pipeline.php", "line": 59, "function": "think\\{closure}", "class": "think\\Route", "type": "->", "args": [ {} ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Pipeline.php", "line": 66, "function": "think\\{closure}", "class": "think\\Pipeline", "type": "->", "args": [ {} ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Route.php", "line": 754, "function": "then", "class": "think\\Pipeline", "type": "->", "args": [ {} ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Http.php", "line": 208, "function": "dispatch", "class": "think\\Route", "type": "->", "args": [ {}, {} ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Http.php", "line": 198, "function": 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"type": "->", "args": [] } ], "source": { "first": 150, "source": [ " }\n", "\n", " \/**\n", " * 组装Pivot模型.\n", " *\n", " * @param Model $result 模型对象\n", " *\n", " * @return array\n", " *\/\n", " protected function matchPivot(Model $result): array\n", " {\n", " $pivot = [];\n", " foreach ($result->getData() as $key => $val) {\n", " if (str_contains($key, '__')) {\n", " [$name, $attr] = explode('__', $key, 2);\n", "\n", " if ('pivot' == $name) {\n", " $pivot[$attr] = $val;\n", " unset($result->$key);\n" ] } } }{ "message": "var_export does not handle circular references", "status": 500, "data": [], "debug": { "name": "think\\exception\\ErrorException", "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php", "line": 81, "code": 2, "message": "var_export does not handle circular references", "trace": [ { "function": "appError", "class": "think\\initializer\\Error", "type": "->", "args": [ 2, "var_export does not handle circular references", "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php", 81 ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php", "line": 81, "function": "var_export", "args": [ {}, true ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\Channel.php", "line": 137, "function": "save", "class": "think\\log\\driver\\File", "type": "->", "args": [ { "info": [ "[Controller->initialize]", "[Controller->checkPrivilege]: user\/login", "Auth::getInstance(Controller)", "使用新实例", "使用单例", "[Auth->CheckPrivilege]user\/login", "[AllowApi]", { "username": "*****", "password": "*****" }, "check belongsToMany", {} ], "sql": [ "CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000771s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=plarg_db;charset=utf8", "SELECT `id`,`nickname`,`password`,`s` FROM `plarg_user` WHERE `username` = 'admin' AND `is_delete` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000394s ]", "SELECT `plarg_role`.*,`pivot`.`id` AS `pivot__id`,`pivot`.`role_id` AS `pivot__role_id`,`pivot`.`user_id` AS `pivot__user_id` FROM `plarg_role` INNER JOIN `plarg_role_user` `pivot` ON `pivot`.`role_id`=`plarg_role`.`id` WHERE `pivot`.`user_id` = '10001' [ RunTime:0.001970s ]", "SELECT * FROM `plarg_user` WHERE `id` = 10001 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000408s ]", "SELECT `role_id` FROM `plarg_role` INNER JOIN `plarg_role_user` `pivot` ON `pivot`.`role_id`=`plarg_role`.`id` WHERE `pivot`.`user_id` = '10001' [ RunTime:0.000332s ]" ], "error": [ "[0]think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany::matchPivot(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type think\\Model, array given, called in E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany.php on line 642[E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\think-orm\\src\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany.php:159]" ] } ] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Log.php", "line": 173, "function": "save", "class": "think\\log\\Channel", "type": "->", "args": [] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Http.php", "line": 277, "function": "save", "class": "think\\Log", "type": "->", "args": [] }, { "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\public\\index.php", "line": 34, "function": "end", "class": "think\\Http", "type": "->", "args": [ {} ] } ], "source": { "first": 72, "source": [ " $info = [];\n", "\n", " \/\/ 日志信息封装\n", " $time = \\DateTime::createFromFormat('0.u00 U', microtime())->setTimezone(new \\DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))->format($this->config['time_format']);\n", "\n", " foreach ($log as $type => $val) {\n", " $message = [];\n", " foreach ($val as $msg) {\n", " if (!is_string($msg)) {\n", " $msg = var_export($msg, true);\n", " }\n", "\n", " $message[] = $this->config['json'] ?\n", " json_encode(['time' => $time, 'type' => $type, 'msg' => $msg], $this->config['json_options']) :\n", " sprintf($this->config['format'], $time, $type, $msg);\n", " }\n", "\n", " if (true === $this->config['apart_level'] || in_array($type, $this->config['apart_level'])) {\n", " \/\/ 独立记录的日志级别\n" ] } } }{ "message": "Uncaught think\\exception\\ErrorException: var_export does not handle circular references in E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php:81\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: think\\initializer\\Error->appError(2, 'var_export does...', 'E:\\\\plarg-web\\\\ve...', 81)\n#1 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php(81): var_export(Object(think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany), true)\n#2 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\Channel.php(137): think\\log\\driver\\File->save(Array)\n#3 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Log.php(173): think\\log\\Channel->save()\n#4 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Http.php(277): think\\Log->save()\n#5 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\initializer\\Error.php(60): think\\Http->end(Object(think\\response\\Json))\n#6 [internal function]: think\\initializer\\Error->appException(Object(think\\exception\\ErrorException))\n#7 {main}\n thrown", "status": 500, "data": [], "debug": { "name": "think\\exception\\ErrorException", "file": "E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php", "line": 81, "code": 1, "message": "Uncaught think\\exception\\ErrorException: var_export does not handle circular references in E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php:81\nStack trace:\n#0 [internal function]: think\\initializer\\Error->appError(2, 'var_export does...', 'E:\\\\plarg-web\\\\ve...', 81)\n#1 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\driver\\File.php(81): var_export(Object(think\\model\\relation\\BelongsToMany), true)\n#2 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\log\\Channel.php(137): think\\log\\driver\\File->save(Array)\n#3 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Log.php(173): think\\log\\Channel->save()\n#4 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\Http.php(277): think\\Log->save()\n#5 E:\\plarg-web\\vendor\\topthink\\framework\\src\\think\\initializer\\Error.php(60): think\\Http->end(Object(think\\response\\Json))\n#6 [internal function]: think\\initializer\\Error->appException(Object(think\\exception\\ErrorException))\n#7 {main}\n thrown", "trace": [ { "function": "appShutdown", "class": "think\\initializer\\Error", "type": "->", "args": [] } ], "source": { "first": 72, "source": [ " $info = [];\n", "\n", " \/\/ 日志信息封装\n", " $time = \\DateTime::createFromFormat('0.u00 U', microtime())->setTimezone(new \\DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))->format($this->config['time_format']);\n", "\n", " foreach ($log as $type => $val) {\n", " $message = [];\n", " foreach ($val as $msg) {\n", " if (!is_string($msg)) {\n", " $msg = var_export($msg, true);\n", " }\n", "\n", " $message[] = $this->config['json'] ?\n", " json_encode(['time' => $time, 'type' => $type, 'msg' => $msg], $this->config['json_options']) :\n", " sprintf($this->config['format'], $time, $type, $msg);\n", " }\n", "\n", " if (true === $this->config['apart_level'] || in_array($type, $this->config['apart_level'])) {\n", " \/\/ 独立记录的日志级别\n" ] } } }