topaz-next / topaz

💎 A server emulator for Final Fantasy XI.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Trust: Adjustments to casting order #2658

Closed Omnione closed 3 years ago

Omnione commented 3 years ago

• Added a slight offset to the initial tick of trust gambits to allow for the ability to check if other trust are casting the same spell over each other, Note: this is only micro seconds and will not be noticeable in game.

• Added the checks in CTrustController::Cast to give the trust the ability to sense what other trust are casting, and will stop the following: • Stops trust casting Cure over each other if the target has over 50% missing, tested at multiple levels with current working trust. • Stops trust from casting the same buffs over each other, protectra, shellra ect. this will allow other trust to cast shellra for example when another trust is casting protectra as retail does, same with other buffs. In the case that a trust is casting a spell that is a higher version of the buff, the higher version will be allowed to cast, for example, refresh II over refresh. The same goes for de-buffing mobs. Note: This does not effect nuking in anyway.

The changes as a whole allow the trust to be more MP efficient and more retail like.

I affirm: