topcoder-platform / community-app

React webapp for serving Topcoder Community
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Adding identify to community app for Chameleon #639

Closed harshitmehta15 closed 6 years ago

harshitmehta15 commented 6 years ago

For chameleon implementation we need to track specific event segments identify. We need to add analytics.identify segment script to the community app. @birdofpreyru is this something you can help us with? cc: @ajefts @dmessing

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@harshitmehta123 sure. So, I just add the script from the page you referrenced, and populate user data from TC profile into initialization parameters of that script? Is there anything else this think needs to work? Should be present on all pages, or just selected ones, should it track any user, or only depending on their roles?

harshitmehta15 commented 6 years ago

Yeah, we need to add the script and auto populate from TC Profile parameters. It should be present on all the pages. Should be ignored when no user is logged in. Didn't understand "track any user"?

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@harshitmehta123 @ajefts e.g. Wipro's community and employees. Are they fine with this tracking code? I mean, moat probably they won't notice it, but just in case wanna double-check

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@harshitmehta123 I've added the call to analytics.identify(..) to the app version deployed to

It looks to me, though, that we also should call analytics.load(..), and probably as shown in these quick start article: Did not have these added yet. If we need them, then analytics.load(..) should receive API key (they call it Write Key), so I need key values for dev and prod.

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

@birdofpreyru yes, we definitely need to call analytics.load i.e. we need to bootstrap segment on page load. I was under impression that we are already using segment for community-app as I can it as a source in segment dashboard. Here is sample code for bootstrapping segment. I can add the segment key as environment variable to the circle build of the community app.

However, I would request you to check once again if we are already bootstrapping the segment somewhere in community-app.

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@vikasrohit oh, you are right! Found the initialization code here: Though, is it fine that now it is called everywhere with the same API key, which is also plain text in HTML? I would move that init code into and the key itself into Circle CI vars (and then we can have different keys for dev/prod, or just use only for prod).

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

I would move that init code into and the key itself into Circle CI vars (and then we can have different keys for dev/prod, or just use only for prod).

That would be great.

@birdofpreyru I guess, if we are already loading the segment script and now as you have added identify call as well, so it should be all done. Let me check on segment dashboard if we are getting the events.

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

@birdofpreyru Just checked. Right now it is tracking the dev environment events into production segment source because, as you mentioned above, right now api key is hard coded. I have also checked that it is not tracking the identify event yet on that source, may be it didn't deploy on dev with your changes?

So, I guess, we need two things to be done:

  1. Use separate keys for dev and prod environments
  2. Deploy the change with identify call and verify it for dev segment source.

Please ping me on Slack, if you need key for dev environment.

harshitmehta15 commented 6 years ago

Hi @birdofpreyru Were you able to work on this?

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

Hey @harshitmehta123 , I have not done anything else about it yet, but I'll look into this today/tomorrow. Thanks for reminding!

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@harshitmehta123 @vikasrohit Updated version is deployed to dev environment (, I need your help to verify whether it works, or still has problems: the analytics.js library, recommended by, lacks documentation on initialization in the setup we use (when we bundle it completely into our code, rather than load client-side from their cdn). I believe, I set it up correctly just looking at their code, but sure could do some mistakes on the way.

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

@birdofpreyru Thanks for confirming. However, I checked it again and it seems somehow we are not getting the 'identify' event yet into segment. We are getting the 'page' event though. Is it possible that because of certain condition or check in if block here it is not making the identify call?

One more thing, it is still pointing to production segment source instead of dev one for dev environment( as well.

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@vikasrohit my bad: when doing the changes, I forgot to remove the old code for initialization. I am not sure, though whether with two calls to init the latter one was effectively cancelled (and thus the identity event, depending on the second init was not sent), or I just have not set the second init properly, and it was not sent because of that. Please, check again with the current version in dev: do you see any events from that into dev, or none?

Also, should we sent page event each time a visitor moves between routes inside the app, or we are fine if it is called only on the initial load of the app?

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

@birdofpreyru Thanks for looking into it, however, it seems it is still not fixed. I am not seeing any event in dev segment source. In fact, I think now page event (for dev env) is not being recorded in production source as well. Only event I can see in the segment (and that too on production source) is for logout or first time landing on home page (

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@vikasrohit oh... Will you provide me access to the dev segment io, so that I can debug it all efficiently?

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

Actually, no need to access it, I just registered my own dev account at, and I hope to sort this thing out till the end of this week

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@vikasrohit @harshitmehta123 now I am pretty sure I have fixed it in dev. At the moment identity(..) sends user IDs as the name, if you prefer, I change to user handles. Also, as page(..) event is sent only once when the app is loaded, and not when the pages are changed without reloading the app. Tell me if you need to really call it on each page transition. And if these two are fine for you, we can close the ticket.

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

Great!!! @birdofpreyru it worked this time. I checked and found identify event logged for However, as you said, we need to add more fields to the payload. We are having following event tracked when someone loads connect app.

analytics.identify('23707', {
  avatar: null,
  createdAt: new Date('2012-10-31T04:28:00.000Z'),
  email: '',
  firstName: 'F_NAME',
  id: '23707',
  lastName: 'L_NAME',
  role: 'Connect Role',
  username: 'someuser'

And yes, it would be great if we can add tracking for different page loads e.g. in connect we are doing like this.

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@vikasrohit ok, updated, not it is supposed to work the way you say, both in dev and prod.

harshitmehta15 commented 6 years ago

@birdofpreyru Were you able to deploy the same in production also?

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

@birdofpreyru I have also noticed that we are not receiving the same events for page? Is it not served via community app?

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

@harshitmehta123 @vikasrohit it is deployed to prod, and I can see the calls to segment api in the network trace, when I access Blockchain community in prod. I'll drop you a screenshot via Slack in a bit, so you can check it uses the correct API key, etc.

vikasrohit commented 6 years ago

Yes @birdofpreyru I can see the events in production. However, I think /challenges page is not using community-app yet, hence, it is not sending the required event for that page. And I think @harshitmehta123 needs it for /challenges page. Do you have idea where is the /challenges hosted right now?

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

Eh, in fact, /challenges page (the challenge listing of the main community site) is already served from Community App, and I've just checked in the similar way, I see the same events being sent there

harshitmehta15 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @birdofpreyru