topcoder-platform / community-app

React webapp for serving Topcoder Community
125 stars 214 forks source link page loads and then becomes blank #6813

Closed jmgasper closed 1 year ago

jmgasper commented 1 year ago


Bug: Users are provided a direct link to in emails when the join as a way to introduce them to the platform. However, this page loads and then the content disappears.



User should be able to access and see content on the page. 2. The full marketing uni nav header / footer should be on this page.


This is community app, can you have a look at this one? Seem that for some reason, on this page (not the others) the element for the uni-nav is missing the “id” attribute when uninav is initialized image-20230201-193704

Whereas the other pages have the “id” attached to the element: image-20230201-193733

Also, I don’t think this is related with the reason the page goes blank, it’s probably just a coincidence. I added a breakpoint when the react’s root element is removed, and the stack doesn’t seem to be correlated with uninav at all, so, again probably just a coincidence: image-20230201-194209