Closed SathyaJayabal closed 3 years ago
@LieutenantRoger , pending: open applications must not have completed jobs archived applications: withdrew jobs should have withdrew status
@LieutenantRoger , verified cases where there are no gigs to display
Note: The height of the white box is smaller for the active, completed and archived buckets when compared to the open bucket
@SathyaJayabal The height of the four buckets have been aligned with Open Application
bucket when showing empty information. And the depoyment to dev is finished.
Verified on Dev
[x] Add the below filters to the My Gigs Listings:
Open Applications : This bucket will include all applications in the following statuses Applied, Skills Test, Phone Screen, Screen Pass, Interview Pass, Selected, Offered, Placed (future and ongoing)
Completed Gigs : This bucket will include all placed jobs that are completed. Define new FE status Completed
Archived Applications : This bucket will include all applications with the following statuses
Job Closed, Not Selected, Withdrew
[x] Add Nav item "Gigs" under Find Work, and link it to
[x] Add new bucket "Active Gigs" for currently placed applications
[x] Update Job cards based on new design