Expected Result
When a back button is pressed and there is nothing in the app history to pop back to; inform the user that the app is exiting.
Obviously if confirmed, the process should logout the user
Bug Type
Device | OS | Browser
Samsung S9+|Android version 10|
Chrome *1.0.4472
Steps to reproduce
Actual Result Topcoder web app exit with a unknown login/logout status https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13720708/123458375-e4053500-d5dc-11eb-91f5-2ad284015106.mp4
Expected Result When a back button is pressed and there is nothing in the app history to pop back to; inform the user that the app is exiting. Obviously if confirmed, the process should logout the user
Bug Type Functional
Device | OS | Browser Samsung S9+|Android version 10| Chrome *1.0.4472