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New site winning counts #33

Open hokienick opened 7 years ago

hokienick commented 7 years ago

In the general leaderboard and on profile it seams only 1st place placements are counted as winnings. Members would like to count other places as well.

hokienick commented 7 years ago

@ajefts - could you give us your thoughts please?

f0rc0d3r commented 7 years ago

There should be some concretion to this point: which placements? I can think in second, third, sometimes four and five, sometimes client selection...

hokienick commented 7 years ago

CAB MEETING MARCH: Counting wins other than just first place. Final Fix / F2F wins are also being counted but should not be counted.

hokienick commented 7 years ago

06/23 - Meeting with Trevor and @ajefts -Prod Dev will be working on profiles later in the year

hokienick commented 6 years ago

Let's say we start from scratch and develop a new general leaderboard. All the data is still there, but we can make the leaderboard dynamic and display the statistics that you believe should be shown there. What should these stats be? Be specific (i.e. Top 25 Most Wins [all time, year, month, week])

hokienick commented 6 years ago
ThomasKranitsas commented 6 years ago

Filter by Prize Amount won?

Most members will complain about this. I guess full-time Topcoders don't want their earnings to be public. :)

A good idea would be to be able to filter by technology. Eg: Find top # ReactJs developers.

IMO a member should also be able to see his position even if he's not in the top #. You're in the top 50! sounds better than You are not in the top 25. 😉

Another idea would be to show the top # performers of the month. This could be calculated based on the number of [wins, prizes won, passing submissions etc]. This will motivate members to try harder.

birdofpreyru commented 6 years ago

Most members will complain about this. I guess full-time Topcoders don't want their earnings to be public. :)

We need a poll :) If I look at this open-mindedly, I kind of support to reveal the earnings, if everybody agrees; because, I believe, if people see big number there, it will attract more new members, full-time, and it, in turn, will strenthen Topcoder dev force, thus will allow to attract/serve more and even better clients, so in the end will be beneficial for the everybody. Otherwise, I believe, many people do not consider Topcoder as a serious career path in live, more like a hobby/fun thing to do.

Also, currently the points in leaderboard, on average, are directly proportional to $$$. So, if you know it, just looking at leaderboard points allows you to estimate quite good how much people make (lower margin at least). So, now we are in a middle: not really hiding the earnings, but also not really revealing them.

A good idea would be to be able to filter by technology. Eg: Find top # ReactJs developers.


IMO a member should also be able to see his position even if he's not in the top #.

Yeah, it should be like this: if you are not in top five you see the top three places of the leaderboard (or more, if the layout permits), and then you see your place/score, and a one/two members just above/below it. This is how leaderboards work in many many places, where they have to be still compact.

Another idea would be to show the top # performers of the month. This could be calculated based on the number of [wins, prizes won, passing submissions etc]. This will motivate members to try harder.

True for all stats: any of them should have an option to see just stats over a specific timeframe, like this month / last month / total.