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Registering after checkpoint #62

Closed f0rc0d3r closed 7 years ago

f0rc0d3r commented 7 years ago

Is confusing to be able to register after checkpoint which means that you will not longer be able to submit. For example MM has the same end date to register and to submit. In design contest the end date to register should be the same date of checkpoint and if there is no checkpoint the same date as final submission date.

This issue affects some places:

f0rc0d3r commented 7 years ago


birdofpreyru commented 7 years ago

Challenge listing page will be replaced soon, as you heard.

In the Dashboard and at the challenge Specs page I can arrage it to be changed soon, just need understand better what should be done. Are these points valid for all challenges in design track, or only to some of them? Does it make sense to disabled registration after the checkpoint (registration is not only about submitting, but also about access to forums, thus following an on-going challenge)?

hokienick commented 7 years ago

Tony has fixed this!