topepo / caret

caret (Classification And Regression Training) R package that contains misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models
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Parallel core utilization and memory uses #1146

Closed Ujjwal4CULS closed 4 years ago

Ujjwal4CULS commented 4 years ago

When running a methodList<- c('qrnn','gamboost','rpart','ctree','xgbDART','earth','rlm','kknn','qrf') with dataset (356720 observations and 14 predictors), I noticed that my HPC basically takes more than 4 TB ram with consumes more times than a week. This codes, parallel core utilization is also not significant. It only takes 3 to 5 per cent core utilization in parallel computing.

My code is below

bakatu<-c("raster","caret","e1071","kernlab","randomForest","parallel", "doParallel","qrnn", "caretEnsemble", "monmlp","arm","mboost","plyr","import","party","partykit","rpart","xgboost","MASS","earth","kknn","quantregForest","future","doMC") lapply(bakatu, require, character.only = TRUE) aa<-readRDS("aa.rds") bb<-readRDS("bb.rds") af<-readRDS("af.rds") bf_train_r<-readRDS("bf_train_r.rds")

cl <-makeCluster(124,type="FORK")


myControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, allowParallel = TRUE)

control <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10, repeats = 3, savePredictions=TRUE, classProbs=FALSE,search='random',allowParallel = TRUE)

methodList<- c('qrnn','gamboost','rpart','ctree','xgbDART','earth','rlm','kknn','qrf') registerDoSEQ() registerDoMC(cores = 123) models <- caretList(bf~.,data=na.omit(aa), trControl=myControl, methodList=methodList) results.all <- resamples(models) cv.models<[2]) summary(results.all) stackControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5, savePredictions=TRUE, allowParallel = TRUE)


stack.rf <- caretStack(models, method="rf", trControl=stackControl) stack.lm <- caretStack(models, method="lm", trControl=stackControl) stack.bayesglm <- caretStack(models, method="bayesglm", trControl=stackControl) stack.blassoAveraged <- caretStack(models, method="blassoAveraged", trControl=stackControl)

topepo commented 4 years ago

This might be more of a question for the caretEnsemble package. Remember that your memory requirements linearly scale with the number of workers.