topepo / caret

caret (Classification And Regression Training) R package that contains misc functions for training and plotting classification and regression models
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Optimising the train function in parallel from multiple splits generated by the createPartition function #192

Closed acocac closed 9 years ago

acocac commented 9 years ago


I tried to reproduce Max's response for the following issue:

Using the createPartition function and the times argument, I am creating multiple splits of train and test sets from my all train dataset. My aim is to assess the best model from these splits using the train function with 5-fold CV in parallel.

I implemented a foreach as suggested by Max's response. However, running these foreach my CPU utilisation is less than 10% (option 1). In contrast, if I use a for sentence, it has more than 10% CPU utilisation (option). The system.time from these two options as follows:

OPTION 1 (foreach and parallel) user system elapsed 6.77 4.42 351.99

OPTION 2 (for and parallel) user system elapsed 11.84 0.35 63.94

Is there any option or suggestion to optimise the following reproducible code using the iris dataset?

require(caret) require(doParallel)



create multiple split train and test data (2 times in this example)

set.seed(40) splits <- createDataPartition(iris$Species, p=0.7, list=T, times=2) results <- lapply(splits, function(x, dat) { holdout <- (1:nrow(dat))[-unique(x)] data.frame(index = holdout, obs = dat$Species[holdout]) }, dat = iris) mods <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(splits))

ANN parameters

decay.tune = c(0.01) size = size = seq(2, 3,by=1)

tuning grid for train caret function

my.grid <- expand.grid(.decay = decay.tune, .size = size)

create a list of seed, here change the seed for each resampling

set.seed(123) n.repeats = 100 n.resampling = 5 length.seeds = (n.repeats_n.resampling)+1 n.tune.parameters = length(decay.tune)_length(size) seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = length.seeds)#length is = (n_repeats*nresampling)+1 for(i in 1:length.seeds) seeds[[i]]<-, n.tune.parameters) #(n.tune.parameters = number of tuning parameters) seeds[[length.seeds]]<, 1)#for the last model

create a control object for the models, implementing 10-crossvalidation repeated 10 times

fitControl <- trainControl( method = "repeatedcv", number = n.resampling, ## 5-fold CV repeats = 100, ## repeated ten times 100 iterations classProbs=TRUE, savePred = TRUE, seeds = seeds )


cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-2) #create a cluster registerDoParallel(cl) #register the cluster

set.seed(40) system.time( foreach(i = seq(along = splits), .packages = c("caret")) %dopar% { in_train <- unique(splits[[i]]) set.seed(2) mod <- train(Species ~ ., data = iris[in_train, ], preProcess=c("center","scale"), tuneGrid = my.grid, trControl = fitControl, method = "nnet", trace = F, metric = "Kappa", linout = F) results[[i]]$pred <- predict(mod, iris[-in_train, ]) mods[[i]] <- mod } )


cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-2) #create a cluster registerDoParallel(cl) #register the cluster

set.seed(40) system.time( for(i in seq(along = splits)) { in_train <- unique(splits[[i]]) set.seed(2) mod <- train(Species ~ ., data = iris[in_train, ], preProcess=c("center","scale"), tuneGrid = my.grid, trControl = fitControl, method = "nnet", trace = F, metric = "Kappa", linout = F) results[[i]]$pred <- predict(mod, iris[-in_train, ]) mods[[i]] <- mod } )

zachmayer commented 9 years ago

I think you need to register a parallel cluster in order to run in parallel.

— Sent from Mailbox

On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 5:42 AM, acocac wrote:

Dears, I tried to reproduce Max's response for the following issue: Using the createPartition function and the times argument, I am creating multiple splits of train and test sets from my all train dataset. My aim is to assess the best model from these splits using the train function with 5-fold CV in parallel. I implemented a foreach as suggested by Max's response. However, running these foreach my CPU utilisation is less than 10% (option 1). In contrast, if I use a for sentence, it has more than 10% CPU utilisation (option). The system.time from these two options as follows: OPTION 1 (foreach and parallel) user system elapsed 6.77 4.42 351.99 OPTION 2 (for and parallel) user system elapsed 11.84 0.35 63.94 Is there any option or suggestion to optimise the following reproducible code using the iris dataset?


require(caret) require(doParallel)

end libraries



create multiple split train and test data (2 times in this example)

set.seed(40) splits <- createDataPartition(iris$Species, p=0.7, list=T, times=2) results <- lapply(splits, function(x, dat) { holdout <- (1:nrow(dat))[-unique(x)] data.frame(index = holdout, obs = dat$Species[holdout]) }, dat = iris) mods <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(splits))

ANN parameters

decay.tune = c(0.01) size = size = seq(2, 3,by=1)

tuning grid for train caret function

my.grid <- expand.grid(.decay = decay.tune, .size = size)

create a list of seed, here change the seed for each resampling

set.seed(123) n.repeats = 100 n.resampling = 5 length.seeds = (n.repeats_n.resampling)+1 n.tune.parameters = length(decay.tune)_length(size) seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = length.seeds)#length is = (n_repeats*nresampling)+1 for(i in 1:length.seeds) seeds[[i]]<-, n.tune.parameters) #(n.tune.parameters = number of tuning parameters) seeds[[length.seeds]]<, 1)#for the last model

create a control object for the models, implementing 10-crossvalidation repeated 10 times

fitControl <- trainControl( method = "repeatedcv", number = n.resampling, ## 5-fold CV repeats = 100, ## repeated ten times 100 iterations classProbs=TRUE, savePred = TRUE, seeds = seeds )


cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-2) #create a cluster registerDoParallel(cl) #register the cluster set.seed(40) system.time( foreach(i = seq(along = splits), .packages = c("caret")) %dopar% { in_train <- unique(splits[[i]]) set.seed(2) mod <- train(Species ~ ., data = iris[in_train, ], preProcess=c("center","scale"), trControl = fitControl, method = "nnet", trace = F, metric = "Kappa", linout = F) results[[i]]$pred <- predict(mod, iris[-in_train, ]) mods[[i]] <- mod } )


cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-2) #create a cluster registerDoParallel(cl) #register the cluster set.seed(40) system.time( for(i in seq(along = splits)) { in_train <- unique(splits[[i]]) set.seed(2) mod <- train(Species ~ ., data = iris[in_train, ], preProcess=c("center","scale"), trControl = fitControl, method = "nnet", trace = F, metric = "Kappa", linout = F) results[[i]]$pred <- predict(mod, iris[-in_train, ]) mods[[i]] <- mod }


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acocac commented 9 years ago

Hi Zach,

I think I was registering a parallel cluster before foreach starts with the following lines, are they correct? cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-2) #create a cluster registerDoParallel(cl) #register the cluster

Please let me know it.

zachmayer commented 9 years ago

Yes that looks correct.  I'm on a phone without laptop so it's hard to edit code :-)

— Sent from Mailbox

On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 10:31 AM, acocac wrote:

Hi Zach, I think I was registering before foreach starts with the following lines, is that correct? cl <- makeCluster(detectCores()-2) #create a cluster registerDoParallel(cl) #register the cluster

Please let me know it.

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topepo commented 9 years ago


Did this work?

acocac commented 9 years ago

topepo, it did not work. It is still slower using the foreach in comparison with the for sentence.

topepo commented 9 years ago

I'll try it on my machine. However, I should say that 100 repeats is like hitting a tack with a sledgehammer. Since we are just estimating means, 500 estimates are probably not needed, I've done 10 repeats at most.

Anyway, I'll run it in the next day.

acocac commented 9 years ago


I am using 100 repeats due to in my real sample data is small (15 samples by class). These number of repeats are based on the following publication:

topepo commented 9 years ago

I'll take a look but I would file that under "bat shit crazy". I'll guarantee that there is very little reduction in variation at some point less than 500 resamples.

Also, when tuning the model, the problem is not so much about sensitivity and specificity but is mostly about correctly rank-ordering the tuning parameters. In that context, the bar is much lower.

topepo commented 9 years ago

On my machine, detectCores()-2 = 10. The execution time for the first was 15.742s . For the second took 7.503s.

A few things:

So, use the second approach to parallelism.

acocac commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your response! It is great to have these sort of tips for future parallel processing. BTW, about the repeats how many of them do you suggest for training nnet models with a train set of 60 observations. This set that has 4 outcome classes (15 samples by class).

topepo commented 9 years ago

I use, at most, 10 repeats of 10-fold CV.

That paper uses 5-fold, which is strange because they talk a lot about the bias problem of the bootstrap (completely right too). However, 5-fold has higher bias than 10-fold so it seems like a contradiction.

acocac commented 9 years ago

Hi Max, thanks for your feedbacks, these are relevant to me!

topepo commented 9 years ago

Should we close this issue?