topgrade-rs / topgrade

Upgrade all the things
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.76k stars 117 forks source link

Issue with oh-my-zsh on Manjaro Linux #762

Open nam1962 opened 3 months ago

nam1962 commented 3 months ago

Erroneous Behavior

── 10:14:03 - oh-my-zsh ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Pulling custom plugins and themes
Pulling /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
Pulling /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
Up-to-date /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
Up-to-date /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: --local can only be used inside a git repository
fatal: --local can only be used inside a git repository
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
oh-my-zsh failed: 
   0: Command failed: `zsh /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/tools/`
   1: `zsh` failed: exit status: 1

Retry? (y)es/(N)o/(s)hell/(q)uit

Expected Behavior

➜  tools git:(master) zsh /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/tools/
Updating Oh My Zsh
         __                                     __   
  ____  / /_     ____ ___  __  __   ____  _____/ /_  
 / __ \/ __ \   / __ `__ \/ / / /  /_  / / ___/ __ \ 
/ /_/ / / / /  / / / / / / /_/ /    / /_(__  ) / / / 
\____/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\__, /    /___/____/_/ /_/  

Oh My Zsh is already at the latest version.

To keep up with the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter: @ohmyzsh
Want to get involved in the community? Join our Discord: Discord server
Get your Oh My Zsh swag at: Planet Argon Shop
➜  tools git:(master) git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
➜  tools git:(master) cd ..                                    
➜  .oh-my-zsh git:(master) git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
➜  .oh-my-zsh git:(master) 

Steps to reproduce

Launch topgrade

Problem persists without calling from topgrade

Did you run topgrade through Remote Execution

Configuration file (Optional)

Additional Details


Verbose Output (topgrade -v)

➜  .oh-my-zsh git:(master) topgrade -v
DEBUG Configuration at /home/sum/.config/topgrade.toml
DEBUG Loaded configuration: ConfigFile { include: None, misc: Some(Misc { pre_sudo: None, sudo_command: None, disable: None, ignore_failures: None, remote_topgrades: None, remote_topgrade_path: None, ssh_arguments: None, tmux_arguments: None, set_title: None, display_time: None, assume_yes: None, no_retry: None, run_in_tmux: None, cleanup: None, notify_each_step: None, skip_notify: None, bashit_branch: None, only: None, no_self_update: None, log_filters: None }), pre_commands: Some({}), post_commands: None, commands: Some({}), python: None, composer: Some(Composer { self_update: None }), brew: Some(Brew { greedy_cask: None, autoremove: None }), linux: Some(Linux { yay_arguments: None, aura_aur_arguments: None, aura_pacman_arguments: None, arch_package_manager: None, show_arch_news: None, garuda_update_arguments: None, trizen_arguments: None, pikaur_arguments: None, pamac_arguments: None, dnf_arguments: None, nix_arguments: None, nix_env_arguments: None, apt_arguments: None, enable_tlmgr: None, redhat_distro_sync: None, suse_dup: None, rpm_ostree: None, emerge_sync_flags: None, emerge_update_flags: None, home_manager_arguments: None }), git: Some(Git { max_concurrency: None, arguments: None, repos: None, pull_predefined: None }), containers: None, windows: Some(Windows { accept_all_updates: None, self_rename: None, open_remotes_in_new_terminal: None, enable_winget: None, wsl_update_pre_release: None, wsl_update_use_web_download: None }), npm: None, yarn: None, vim: None, firmware: None, vagrant: None, flatpak: None, distrobox: None }
DEBUG Version: 14.0.1
DEBUG OS: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
DEBUG Args { inner: ["topgrade", "-v"] }
DEBUG Binary path: Ok("/usr/bin/topgrade")
DEBUG self-update Feature Enabled: true
DEBUG Configuration: Config { opt: CommandLineArgs { edit_config: false, show_config_reference: false, run_in_tmux: false, cleanup: false, dry_run: false, no_retry: false, disable: [], only: [], custom_commands: [], env: [], verbose: true, keep_at_end: false, skip_notify: false, yes: None, disable_predefined_git_repos: false, config: None, remote_host_limit: None, show_skipped: false, log_filter: "warn", gen_completion: None, gen_manpage: false, no_self_update: false }, config_file: ConfigFile { include: None, misc: Some(Misc { pre_sudo: None, sudo_command: None, disable: None, ignore_failures: None, remote_topgrades: None, remote_topgrade_path: None, ssh_arguments: None, tmux_arguments: None, set_title: None, display_time: None, assume_yes: None, no_retry: None, run_in_tmux: None, cleanup: None, notify_each_step: None, skip_notify: None, bashit_branch: None, only: None, no_self_update: None, log_filters: None }), pre_commands: Some({}), post_commands: None, commands: Some({}), python: None, composer: Some(Composer { self_update: None }), brew: Some(Brew { greedy_cask: None, autoremove: None }), linux: Some(Linux { yay_arguments: None, aura_aur_arguments: None, aura_pacman_arguments: None, arch_package_manager: None, show_arch_news: None, garuda_update_arguments: None, trizen_arguments: None, pikaur_arguments: None, pamac_arguments: None, dnf_arguments: None, nix_arguments: None, nix_env_arguments: None, apt_arguments: None, enable_tlmgr: None, redhat_distro_sync: None, suse_dup: None, rpm_ostree: None, emerge_sync_flags: None, emerge_update_flags: None, home_manager_arguments: None }), git: Some(Git { max_concurrency: None, arguments: None, repos: None, pull_predefined: None }), containers: None, windows: Some(Windows { accept_all_updates: None, self_rename: None, open_remotes_in_new_terminal: None, enable_winget: None, wsl_update_pre_release: None, wsl_update_use_web_download: None }), npm: None, yarn: None, vim: None, firmware: None, vagrant: None, flatpak: None, distrobox: None }, allowed_steps: [AM, AppMan, Asdf, Atom, Audit, Bin, Bob, BrewCask, BrewFormula, Bun, BunPackages, Cargo, Chezmoi, Chocolatey, Choosenim, Composer, Conda, ConfigUpdate, Containers, CustomCommands, DebGet, Deno, Distrobox, DkpPacman, Dotnet, Emacs, Firmware, Flatpak, Flutter, Fossil, Gcloud, Gem, Ghcup, GithubCliExtensions, GitRepos, GnomeShellExtensions, Go, Guix, Haxelib, Helm, HomeManager, Jetpack, Julia, Juliaup, Kakoune, Helix, Krew, Lure, Macports, Mamba, Miktex, Mas, Maza, Micro, Myrepos, Nix, Node, Opam, Pacdef, Pacstall, Pearl, Pip3, PipReview, PipReviewLocal, Pipupgrade, Pipx, Pkg, Pkgin, Pnpm, Powershell, Protonup, Raco, Rcm, Remotes, Restarts, Rtcl, RubyGems, Rustup, Scoop, Sdkman, SelfUpdate, Sheldon, Shell, Snap, Sparkle, Spicetify, Stack, Stew, System, Tldr, Tlmgr, Tmux, Toolbx, Vagrant, Vcpkg, Vim, Vscode, Winget, Wsl, WslUpdate, Yadm, Yarn] }
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/git" as "git"
DEBUG Cannot find "pwsh"
DEBUG Cannot find "powershell"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.config/emacs" doesn't exist
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.emacs.d" exists
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.emacs.d/bin/doom" doesn't exist
DEBUG Cannot find "doas"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/sudo" as "sudo"
DEBUG Step "Self Update"

── 10:35:03 - Self update ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Checking target-arch... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Checking current version... v14.0.1
Checking latest released version... DEBUG starting new connection:    
DEBUG resolving host=""
DEBUG connecting to
DEBUG connected to
DEBUG No cached session for DnsName("")    
DEBUG Not resuming any session    
DEBUG Using ciphersuite TLS13_AES_128_GCM_SHA256    
DEBUG Not resuming    
DEBUG TLS1.3 encrypted extensions: [ServerNameAck, Protocols([ProtocolName(6832)])]    
DEBUG ALPN protocol is Some(b"h2")    
DEBUG binding client connection
DEBUG client connection bound
DEBUG send frame=Settings { flags: (0x0), enable_push: 0, initial_window_size: 2097152, max_frame_size: 16384 }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: new
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: send frame=WindowUpdate { stream_id: StreamId(0), size_increment: 5177345 }
DEBUG pooling idle connection for ("https",
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: send frame=Headers { stream_id: StreamId(1), flags: (0x5: END_HEADERS | END_STREAM) }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: received frame=Settings { flags: (0x0), max_concurrent_streams: 100, initial_window_size: 67108864, max_frame_size: 68608, enable_connect_protocol: 1 }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: send frame=Settings { flags: (0x1: ACK) }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: received frame=Settings { flags: (0x1: ACK) }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: received settings ACK; applying Settings { flags: (0x0), enable_push: 0, initial_window_size: 2097152, max_frame_size: 16384 }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: received frame=Headers { stream_id: StreamId(1), flags: (0x4: END_HEADERS) }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: received frame=Data { stream_id: StreamId(1), flags: (0x1: END_STREAM) }
DEBUG Connection{peer=Client}: close
Topgrade is up-to-date
DEBUG Step ""
DEBUG Step "System update"

── 10:35:03 - System update ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Cannot find "powerpill"
DEBUG Cannot find "garuda-update"
DEBUG Cannot find "paru"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/yay" as "yay"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/yay -Pw`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/yay --pacman pacman -Syu`
[sudo] password for sum: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Searching AUR for updates...
:: Searching databases for updates...
 -> Packages not in AUR: podman-dnsname  pycharm-edu
 -> podofo-0.9: local (0.9.8-5) is newer than AUR (0.9.8-2)
 there is nothing to do
DEBUG Step "config-update"
DEBUG Step "am"
DEBUG Step "appman"
DEBUG Step "deb-get"
DEBUG Step "toolbx"
DEBUG Step "snap"
DEBUG Step "pacstall"
DEBUG Step "pacdef"
DEBUG Step "protonup"
DEBUG Step "distrobox"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/distrobox" as "distrobox"

── 10:35:10 - Distrobox ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/distrobox upgrade --all`
DEBUG Step "dkp-pacman"
DEBUG Step "pihole"
DEBUG Step "Firmware upgrades"
DEBUG Step "Restarts"
DEBUG Step "Flatpak"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/flatpak" as "flatpak"

── 10:35:10 - Flatpak User Packages ────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/flatpak update --user`
Looking for updates…

Nothing to do.

── 10:35:10 - Flatpak System Packages ──────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/flatpak update --system`
Looking for updates…

Info: runtime org.gnome.Platform branch 43 is end-of-life, with reason:
   The GNOME 43 runtime is no longer supported as of September 20, 2023. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported platform.
Info: applications using this runtime:
   com.github.muriloventuroso.easyssh, io.github.nate_xyz.Conjure, io.posidon.Paper

Info: runtime org.gnome.Platform branch 42 is end-of-life, with reason:
   The GNOME 42 runtime is no longer supported as of March 21, 2023. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported platform.
Info: applications using this runtime:

Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Sdk branch 21.08 is end-of-life, with reason:
   org.freedesktop.Platform 21.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version.

Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform branch 21.08 is end-of-life, with reason:
   org.freedesktop.Platform 21.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version.
Info: applications using this runtime:
   com.github.emmanueltouzery.projectpad, com.github.z.Cumulonimbus, io.github.kotatogram, io.lbry.lbry-app

Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform branch 20.08 is end-of-life, with reason:
   org.freedesktop.Platform 20.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version.
Info: applications using this runtime:

Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full branch 21.08 is end-of-life, with reason:
   org.freedesktop.Platform 21.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version.
Info: applications using this extension:

Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default branch 21.08 is end-of-life, with reason:
   org.freedesktop.Platform 21.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version.
Info: applications using this extension:
   com.github.emmanueltouzery.projectpad, com.github.z.Cumulonimbus, io.github.kotatogram, io.lbry.lbry-app, io.github.mmstick.FontFinder

Info: runtime org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default branch 20.08 is end-of-life, with reason:
   org.freedesktop.Platform 20.08 is no longer receiving fixes and security updates. Please update to a supported runtime version.
Info: applications using this extension:

Info: app org.seul.pingus branch stable is end-of-life, with reason:
   This application is now being maintained as a Nix flake.

Info: app io.lbry.lbry-app branch stable is end-of-life, with reason:
   This application is no longer maintained.

Info: app branch stable is end-of-life, with reason:
   The Linux version of Microsoft Teams is no longer supported. It is recommnded to switch to PWA version, using Chrome, Chromium or Edge. See for details.

Nothing to do.
DEBUG Step "Brew"
DEBUG Detected "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew" as "brew"

── 10:35:11 - Brew ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `brew update`
==> Updating Homebrew...
Already up-to-date.
DEBUG Executing command `brew upgrade --formula`
==> Auto-updating Homebrew...
Adjust how often this is run with HOMEBREW_AUTO_UPDATE_SECS or disable with
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE. Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
DEBUG Step "yadm"
DEBUG Step "nix"
DEBUG Step "nix upgrade-nix"
DEBUG Step "guix"
DEBUG Step "home-manager"
DEBUG Step "asdf"
DEBUG Step "pkgin"
DEBUG Step "bun"
DEBUG Step "bun-packages"
DEBUG Step "zr"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Step "antibody"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Step "antidote"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Step "antigen"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.zshrc" exists
DEBUG Step "zgenom"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.zshrc" exists
DEBUG Step "zplug"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.zshrc" exists
DEBUG Step "zinit"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.zshrc" exists
DEBUG Step "zi"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.zshrc" exists
DEBUG Step "zim"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Executing command `zsh -c '[[ -n ${ZIM_HOME} ]] && print -n ${ZIM_HOME}'`
DEBUG Command failed: Err(
   0: Command failed: `zsh -c '[[ -n ${ZIM_HOME} ]] && print -n ${ZIM_HOME}'`
   1: `zsh` failed: exit status: 1

DEBUG Step "oh-my-zsh"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/zsh" as "zsh"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.oh-my-zsh" exists

── 10:35:14 - oh-my-zsh ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `zsh -c 'test $ZSH_CUSTOM && echo -n $ZSH_CUSTOM'`
DEBUG Command failed: Err(
   0: Command failed: `zsh -c 'test $ZSH_CUSTOM && echo -n $ZSH_CUSTOM'`
   1: `zsh` failed: exit status: 1

DEBUG Running zsh returned Command failed: `zsh -c 'test $ZSH_CUSTOM && echo -n $ZSH_CUSTOM'`. Using default path: /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom
DEBUG oh-my-zsh custom dir: /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/example.zsh-theme is a file. Checking /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/example is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/example.zsh is a file. Checking /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
Pulling custom plugins and themes
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git remote show`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git remote show`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse HEAD`
Pulling /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse HEAD`
Pulling /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse HEAD`
Up-to-date /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse HEAD`
Up-to-date /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
DEBUG Executing command `zsh /home/sum/.oh-my-zsh/tools/`
Updating Oh My Zsh
         __                                     __   
  ____  / /_     ____ ___  __  __   ____  _____/ /_  
 / __ \/ __ \   / __ `__ \/ / / /  /_  / / ___/ __ \ 
/ /_/ / / / /  / / / / / / /_/ /    / /_(__  ) / / / 
\____/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\__, /    /___/____/_/ /_/  

Oh My Zsh is already at the latest version.

To keep up with the latest news and updates, follow us on Twitter: @ohmyzsh
Want to get involved in the community? Join our Discord: Discord server
Get your Oh My Zsh swag at: Planet Argon Shop
DEBUG Step "oh-my-bash"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/bash" as "bash"
DEBUG Step "fisher"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/fish" as "fish"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/fish -c 'type -t fisher'`
DEBUG Command failed: Err(
   0: Command failed: `/usr/bin/fish -c 'type -t fisher'`

      type: Could not find 'fisher'
   1: `/usr/bin/fish` failed: exit status: 1

DEBUG Step "bash-it"
DEBUG Step "oh-my-fish"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/fish" as "fish"
DEBUG Step "fish-plug"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/fish" as "fish"
DEBUG Step "fundle"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/fish" as "fish"
DEBUG Step "tmux"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/tldr" as "tldr"

── 10:35:15 - TLDR ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/tldr --update`
Updated cache for 4906 entries
DEBUG Step "pearl"
DEBUG Step "Gnome Shell Extensions"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/gdbus" as "gdbus"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/bash" as "bash"
DEBUG Step "rcm"
DEBUG Step "maza"
DEBUG Step "apm"
DEBUG Step "fossil"
DEBUG Step "rustup"
DEBUG Step "juliaup"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/dotnet" as "dotnet"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/dotnet tool list --global`
DEBUG Step "choosenim"
DEBUG Step "cargo"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.cargo" exists
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/cargo" as "cargo"
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.cargo/.crates.toml" exists

── 10:35:16 - Cargo ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Path "/home/sum/.cargo/bin/cargo-install-update" exists
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.cargo/bin/cargo-install-update install-update --git --all`
    Polling registry ''.

Package       Installed  Latest   Needs update
cargo-update  v13.4.0    v13.4.0  No

No packages need updating.
Package  Installed  Latest  Needs update

No git packages need updating.
Overall updated 0 packages.
DEBUG Step "Flutter"
DEBUG Step "go-global-update"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/go" as "go"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/go env GOPATH`
DEBUG Step "gup"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/go" as "go"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/go env GOPATH`
DEBUG Step "Emacs"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/emacs" as "emacs"
DEBUG Step "opam"
DEBUG Step "vcpkg"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/vcpkg" as "vcpkg"

── 10:35:16 - vcpkg ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/vcpkg upgrade --no-dry-run`
All installed packages are up-to-date with the local portfile.
DEBUG Step "pipx"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/pipx" as "pipx"

── 10:35:16 - pipx ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `pipx --version`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/pipx upgrade-all --quiet`
Versions did not change after running 'pipx upgrade' for each package 😴
DEBUG Step "Visual Studio Code extensions"
DEBUG Executing command `uname -r`
DEBUG Uname output: 6.7.7-1-MANJARO

DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/code" as "code"
DEBUG Executing command `code --version`

── 10:35:16 - Visual Studio Code extensions ────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/code --update-extensions`
No extension to update
DEBUG Step "conda"
DEBUG Step "mamba"
DEBUG Step "miktex"
DEBUG Step "pip3"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/python" as "python"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/python -V`
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/python3" as "python3"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/python3 -V`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/python -m pip`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/python -c 'import sysconfig; from os import path; print('\''Y'\'') if path.isfile(path.join(sysconfig.get_path('\''stdlib'\''), '\''EXTERNALLY-MANAGED'\'')) else print('\''N'\'')'`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/python -m pip config get global.break-system-packages`
DEBUG Command failed: Err(
   0: Command failed: `/usr/bin/python -m pip config get global.break-system-packages`

      ERROR: No such key - global.break-system-packages
   1: `/usr/bin/python` failed: exit status: 1

DEBUG pip3 externally managed: true 
DEBUG pip3 global.break-system-packages: false
DEBUG Step "pip-review"
DEBUG Step "pip-review (local)"
DEBUG Step "pipupgrade"
DEBUG Step "ghcup"
DEBUG Step "stack"
DEBUG Step "tlmgr"
DEBUG Step "myrepos"
DEBUG Step "chezmoi"
DEBUG Step "jetpack"
DEBUG Step "vim"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/vim" as "vim"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/vim --version`
DEBUG Step "Neovim"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/nvim" as "nvim"
DEBUG Step "The Ultimate vimrc"
DEBUG Step "voom"
DEBUG Step "Kakoune"
DEBUG Step "helix"
DEBUG Step "npm"
DEBUG Detected "/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm" as "npm"

── 10:35:18 - Node Package Manager ─────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm --version`
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm root '--location=global'`
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm --version`
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm update '--location=global'`
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! syscall rename
npm ERR! path /usr/bin/coffee
npm ERR! dest /usr/bin/.coffee-7NiFGh3y
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename '/usr/bin/coffee' -> '/usr/bin/.coffee-7NiFGh3y'
npm ERR!  [Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename '/usr/bin/coffee' -> '/usr/bin/.coffee-7NiFGh3y'] {
npm ERR!   errno: -13,
npm ERR!   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR!   syscall: 'rename',
npm ERR!   path: '/usr/bin/coffee',
npm ERR!   dest: '/usr/bin/.coffee-7NiFGh3y'
npm ERR! }
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/sum/.npm/_logs/2024-04-02T08_35_19_696Z-debug-0.log
DEBUG Command failed: Err(
   0: Command failed: `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm update '--location=global'`
   1: `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm` failed: exit status: 243

DEBUG Step "npm" failed: 
   0: Command failed: `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm update '--location=global'`
   1: `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm` failed: exit status: 243

npm failed: 
   0: Command failed: `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm update '--location=global'`
   1: `/home/sum/.npm-global/bin/npm` failed: exit status: 243

Retry? (y)es/(N)o/(s)hell/(q)uit
DEBUG Step "yarn"
DEBUG Detected "/home/sum/.local/share/pnpm/yarn" as "yarn"
DEBUG Detected "/home/sum/.local/share/pnpm/yarn" as "yarn"
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.local/share/pnpm/yarn --version`

── 10:35:26 - Yarn Package Manager ─────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.local/share/pnpm/yarn global dir`
DEBUG Executing command `/home/sum/.local/share/pnpm/yarn global upgrade`
yarn global v1.22.22
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Rebuilding all packages...
success Saved lockfile.
success Saved 0 new dependencies.
Done in 0.03s.
DEBUG Step "pnpm"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/pnpm" as "pnpm"

── 10:35:26 - Performant Node Package Manager ──────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/pnpm --version`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/pnpm root -g`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/pnpm --version`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/pnpm update -g`
Already up to date
Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0, done
Done in 485ms
DEBUG Step "Containers"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/podman" as "podman"
DEBUG Using container runtime '/usr/bin/podman'

── 10:35:28 - Containers ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Querying '/usr/bin/podman image ls --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}/{{.ID}}"' for containers
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/podman image ls --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.ID}}'`
DEBUG Containers to inspect: []
DEBUG Step "deno"
DEBUG Step "composer"
DEBUG Step "krew"
DEBUG Step "helm"
DEBUG Step "gem"
DEBUG Detected "/home/sum/.rbenv/shims/gem" as "gem"
DEBUG Step "rubygems"
DEBUG Step "julia"
DEBUG Step "haxelib"
DEBUG Step "sheldon"
DEBUG Step "stew"
DEBUG Step "rtcl"
DEBUG Step "bin"
DEBUG Step "gcloud"
DEBUG Step "micro"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/micro" as "micro"

── 10:35:28 - micro ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/micro -plugin update`
Checking for plugin updates
Nothing to install / update
DEBUG Step "raco"
DEBUG Step "spicetify"
DEBUG Step "GitHub CLI Extensions"
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/gh" as "gh"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/gh extensions list`

── 10:35:28 - GitHub CLI Extensions ────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/gh extension upgrade --all`
no installed extensions found
DEBUG Step "Bob"
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.emacs.d is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG Command failed: Err(
   0: Command failed: `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`

      fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
      Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
   1: `/usr/bin/git` failed: exit status: 128

DEBUG /home/sum/.doom.d does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.vim does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.config/nvim does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.ideavimrc does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.intellimacs does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.dotfiles does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/code/nam1962/dotfiles/zshrc is a file. Checking /home/sum/code/nam1962/dotfiles
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/code/nam1962/dotfiles is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG /home/sum/.tmux does not exist
DEBUG Checking if /home/sum/.config/fish is a git repository
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
DEBUG Command failed: Err(
   0: Command failed: `/usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`

      fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
      Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
   1: `/usr/bin/git` failed: exit status: 128

DEBUG /home/sum/.config/openbox does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.config/bspwm does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.config/i3 does not exist
DEBUG /home/sum/.config/sway does not exist
DEBUG Step "Git repositories"

── 10:35:28 - Git repositories ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git remote show`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse HEAD`
Pulling /home/sum/code/nam1962/dotfiles
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/git rev-parse HEAD`
Up-to-date /home/sum/code/nam1962/dotfiles
DEBUG Step "Vagrant boxes"

── 10:35:29 - Summary ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Self Update: OK SKIPPED: Cannot find "nu" in PATH
System update: OK
config-update: OK
am: SKIPPED: Cannot find "am" in PATH
appman: SKIPPED: Cannot find "appman" in PATH
deb-get: SKIPPED: Cannot find "deb-get" in PATH
toolbx: SKIPPED: Cannot find "toolbox" in PATH
snap: SKIPPED: Cannot find "snap" in PATH
pacstall: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pacstall" in PATH
pacdef: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pacdef" in PATH
protonup: SKIPPED: Cannot find "protonup" in PATH
distrobox: OK
dkp-pacman: SKIPPED: Cannot find "dkp-pacman" in PATH
pihole: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pihole" in PATH
Firmware upgrades: SKIPPED: Cannot find "fwupdmgr" in PATH
Restarts: SKIPPED: Cannot find "needrestart" in PATH
Flatpak: OK
Brew: OK
LURE: SKIPPED: Cannot find "lure" in PATH
yadm: SKIPPED: Cannot find "yadm" in PATH
nix: SKIPPED: Cannot find "nix" in PATH
nix upgrade-nix: SKIPPED: Cannot find "nix" in PATH
guix: SKIPPED: Cannot find "guix" in PATH
home-manager: SKIPPED: Cannot find "home-manager" in PATH
asdf: SKIPPED: Cannot find "asdf" in PATH
pkgin: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pkgin" in PATH
bun: SKIPPED: Cannot find "bun" in PATH
bun-packages: SKIPPED: Cannot find "bun" in PATH
zr: SKIPPED: Cannot find "zr" in PATH
antibody: SKIPPED: Cannot find "antibody" in PATH
antidote: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.antidote" doesn't exist
antigen: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/antigen.zsh" doesn't exist
zgenom: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.zgenom" doesn't exist
zplug: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.zplug" doesn't exist
zinit: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.zinit" doesn't exist
zi: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.zi" doesn't exist
zim: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.zim" doesn't exist
oh-my-zsh: OK
oh-my-bash: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.oh-my-bash" doesn't exist
fisher: SKIPPED: `fisher` is not defined in `fish`
bash-it: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.bash_it" doesn't exist
oh-my-fish: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.local/share/omf/pkg/omf/functions/" doesn't exist
fish-plug: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.local/share/fish/plug/kidonng/fish-plug/functions/" doesn't exist
fundle: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.config/fish/fundle" doesn't exist
tmux: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins" doesn't exist
pearl: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pearl" in PATH
Gnome Shell Extensions: SKIPPED: Desktop doest not appear to be gnome
SDKMAN!: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.sdkman/bin/" doesn't exist
rcm: SKIPPED: Cannot find "rcup" in PATH
maza: SKIPPED: Cannot find "maza" in PATH
apm: SKIPPED: Cannot find "apm" in PATH
fossil: SKIPPED: Cannot find "fossil" in PATH
rustup: SKIPPED: Cannot find "rustup" in PATH
juliaup: SKIPPED: Cannot find "juliaup" in PATH
.NET: SKIPPED: No dotnet global tools installed
choosenim: SKIPPED: Cannot find "choosenim" in PATH
cargo: OK
Flutter: SKIPPED: Cannot find "flutter" in PATH
go-global-update: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/go/bin/go-global-update" doesn't exist
gup: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/go/bin/gup" doesn't exist
Emacs: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.emacs.d/init.el" doesn't exist
opam: SKIPPED: Cannot find "opam" in PATH
vcpkg: OK
pipx: OK
Visual Studio Code extensions: OK
conda: SKIPPED: Cannot find "conda" in PATH
mamba: SKIPPED: Cannot find "mamba" in PATH
miktex: SKIPPED: Cannot find "miktex" in PATH
pip3: SKIPPED: Skip pip3 update as it is externally managed and global.break-system-packages is not true
pip-review: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pip-review" in PATH
pip-review (local): SKIPPED: Cannot find "pip-review" in PATH
pipupgrade: SKIPPED: Cannot find "pipupgrade" in PATH
ghcup: SKIPPED: Cannot find "ghcup" in PATH
stack: SKIPPED: Cannot find "stack" in PATH
tlmgr: SKIPPED: tlmgr must be explicity enabled in the configuration to run in Android/Linux
myrepos: SKIPPED: Cannot find "mr" in PATH
chezmoi: SKIPPED: Cannot find "chezmoi" in PATH
jetpack: SKIPPED: Cannot find "jetpack" in PATH
vim: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.vim/vimrc" doesn't exist
Neovim: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.config/nvim/init.lua" doesn't exist
The Ultimate vimrc: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.vim_runtime" doesn't exist
voom: SKIPPED: Cannot find "voom" in PATH
Kakoune: SKIPPED: Cannot find "kak" in PATH
helix: SKIPPED: Cannot find "helix" in PATH
yarn: OK
pnpm: OK
Containers: OK
deno: SKIPPED: Cannot find "deno" in PATH
composer: SKIPPED: Cannot find "composer" in PATH
krew: SKIPPED: Cannot find "kubectl-krew" in PATH
helm: SKIPPED: Cannot find "helm" in PATH
gem: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.gem" doesn't exist
rubygems: SKIPPED: Path "/home/sum/.gem" doesn't exist
julia: SKIPPED: Cannot find "julia" in PATH
haxelib: SKIPPED: Cannot find "haxelib" in PATH
sheldon: SKIPPED: Cannot find "sheldon" in PATH
stew: SKIPPED: Cannot find "stew" in PATH
rtcl: SKIPPED: Cannot find "rupdate" in PATH
bin: SKIPPED: Cannot find "bin" in PATH
gcloud: SKIPPED: Cannot find "gcloud" in PATH
micro: OK
raco: SKIPPED: Cannot find "raco" in PATH
spicetify: SKIPPED: Cannot find "spicetify-cli" in PATH
GitHub CLI Extensions: OK
Bob: SKIPPED: Cannot find "bob" in PATH
Git repositories: OK
Vagrant boxes: SKIPPED: Cannot find "vagrant" in PATH

Pacman backup configuration files found:
DEBUG Desktop notification: Topgrade finished with errors
 INFO perform: new
 INFO perform:write_command{command=Auth(Some(External), Some([49, 48, 48, 48]))}: new
 INFO perform:write_command{command=Auth(Some(External), Some([49, 48, 48, 48]))}: close
 INFO perform:read_command: new
 INFO perform:read_command: close
 INFO perform:write_command{command=NegotiateUnixFD}: new
 INFO perform:write_command{command=NegotiateUnixFD}: close
 INFO perform:read_command: new
 INFO perform:read_command: close
 INFO perform:write_command{command=Begin}: new
 INFO perform:write_command{command=Begin}: close
 INFO perform: close
 INFO socket reader: new
 INFO socket reader: close
➜  .oh-my-zsh git:(master) 

SteveLauC commented 3 months ago

Could you please take a look at this issue #519 and try the workaround here to see if it works or not