Closed orzklv closed 5 months ago
When I run topgrade, it tries to run brew upgrade --ignore-pinned which is deprecated.
brew upgrade --ignore-pinned
Fail, because --ignore-pinned is deprecated.
Just run topgrade on latest homebrew package manager.
Remove --ignore-pinned.
Remote Execution
Operation System/Version: macOS Sonoma 14.5 arm64
Installation: Nix package manager
Topgrade version (topgrade -V)
topgrade -V
topgrade -v
~ via ❄️ impure (shell) ❯ topgrade -v DEBUG Configuration at /Users/sakhib/.config/topgrade.toml DEBUG Version: 13.0.0 DEBUG OS: aarch64-apple-darwin DEBUG Args { inner: ["topgrade", "-v"] } DEBUG Binary path: Ok("/Users/sakhib/.nix-profile/bin/topgrade") DEBUG self-update Feature Enabled: false DEBUG Configuration: Config { opt: CommandLineArgs { edit_config: false, show_config_reference: false, run_in_tmux: false, cleanup: false, dry_run: false, no_retry: false, disable: [], only: [], custom_commands: [], env: [], verbose: true, keep_at_end: false, skip_notify: false, yes: None, disable_predefined_git_repos: false, config: None, remote_host_limit: None, show_skipped: false, log_filter: "warn", gen_completion: None, gen_manpage: false, no_self_update: false }, config_file: ConfigFile { include: None, misc: Some(Misc { pre_sudo: None, sudo_command: None, disable: Some([Nix, Bun, Node, Pnpm, Yarn, HomeManager, Vscode]), ignore_failures: None, remote_topgrades: None, remote_topgrade_path: None, ssh_arguments: None, tmux_arguments: None, set_title: None, display_time: None, assume_yes: Some(true), no_retry: None, run_in_tmux: None, cleanup: None, notify_each_step: None, skip_notify: None, bashit_branch: None, only: None, no_self_update: None, log_filters: None }), pre_commands: None, post_commands: None, commands: Some({"Home Manager": "home-manager switch --flake github:orzklv/nix", "Nix": "nix-channel --update && nix-env -u '*'"}), python: None, composer: None, brew: Some(Brew { greedy_cask: None, autoremove: Some(true) }), linux: None, git: None, windows: None, npm: None, yarn: None, vim: None, firmware: None, vagrant: None, flatpak: None, distrobox: None }, allowed_steps: [AM, AppMan, Asdf, Atom, Bin, Bob, BrewCask, BrewFormula, Cargo, Chezmoi, Chocolatey, Choosenim, Composer, Conda, ConfigUpdate, Containers, CustomCommands, DebGet, Deno, Distrobox, DkpPacman, Dotnet, Emacs, Firmware, Flatpak, Flutter, Fossil, Gcloud, Gem, Ghcup, GithubCliExtensions, GitRepos, GnomeShellExtensions, Go, Guix, Haxelib, Helm, Jetpack, Julia, Juliaup, Kakoune, Helix, Krew, Lure, Macports, Mamba, Miktex, Mas, Maza, Micro, Myrepos, Opam, Pacdef, Pacstall, Pearl, Pip3, PipReview, PipReviewLocal, Pipupgrade, Pipx, Pkg, Pkgin, Powershell, Protonup, Raco, Rcm, Remotes, Restarts, Rtcl, RubyGems, Rustup, Scoop, Sdkman, SelfUpdate, Sheldon, Shell, Snap, Sparkle, Spicetify, Stack, Stew, System, Tldr, Tlmgr, Tmux, Toolbx, Vagrant, Vcpkg, Vim, Winget, Wsl, WslUpdate, Yadm] } DEBUG Detected "/Users/sakhib/.nix-profile/bin/git" as "git" DEBUG Cannot find "pwsh" DEBUG Cannot find "powershell" DEBUG Path "/Users/sakhib/.config/emacs" doesn't exist DEBUG Path "/Users/sakhib/.emacs.d" doesn't exist DEBUG Cannot find "doas" DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/sudo" as "sudo" DEBUG Step "Brew (ARM)" DEBUG Detected "/opt/homebrew/bin/brew" as "/opt/homebrew/bin/brew" ── 14:40:57 - Brew ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── DEBUG Executing command `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew update` ==> Updating Homebrew... Already up-to-date. DEBUG Executing command `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew upgrade --ignore-pinned --formula` Error: Calling `brew upgrade --ignore-pinned` is disabled! There is no replacement. Please report this issue: DEBUG Command failed: Err( 0: Command failed: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew upgrade --ignore-pinned --formula` 1: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew` failed: exit status: 1 Location: src/steps/os/ DEBUG Step "Brew (ARM)" failed: 0: Command failed: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew upgrade --ignore-pinned --formula` 1: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew` failed: exit status: 1 Location: src/steps/os/ Brew (ARM) failed: 0: Command failed: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew upgrade --ignore-pinned --formula` 1: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew` failed: exit status: 1 Location: src/steps/os/ Retry? (y)es/(N)o/(s)hell/(q)uit
~ ❯ topgrade ── 14:35:51 - Brew ==> Updating Homebrew... Already up-to-date. Error: Calling `brew upgrade --ignore-pinned` is disabled! There is no replacement. Please report this issue: Brew (ARM) failed: 0: Command failed: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew upgrade --ignore-pinned --formula` 1: `/opt/homebrew/bin/brew` failed: exit status: 1 Location: src/steps/os/ Retry? (y)es/(N)o/(s)hell/(q)uit
Duplicate of, and it has already been fixed (not released yet).
Erroneous Behavior
When I run topgrade, it tries to run
brew upgrade --ignore-pinned
which is deprecated.Expected Behavior
Fail, because --ignore-pinned is deprecated.
Steps to reproduce
Just run topgrade on latest homebrew package manager.
Possible Cause (Optional)
Remove --ignore-pinned.
Problem persists without calling from topgrade
Did you run topgrade through
Remote Execution
Additional Details
Operation System/Version: macOS Sonoma 14.5 arm64
Installation: Nix package manager
Topgrade version (
topgrade -V
)Verbose Output (
topgrade -v
)Runtime output