topgrade-rs / topgrade

Upgrade all the things
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Option "-t" doesn't work in version 16.0.0 #939

Closed dEajL3kA closed 4 days ago

dEajL3kA commented 5 days ago

Erroneous Behavior

Option "-t" fails with error message:

~/Desktop$ topgrade -t
unknown command: attach-client

Expected Behavior

Should run topgrade in tmux environment

Steps to reproduce

Run topgrade -t from the terminal

Possible Cause (Optional)

Incompatibility with Debian's tmux version ???

Problem persists without calling from topgrade

Did you run topgrade through Remote Execution

If yes, does the issue still occur when you run topgrade directlly in your remote host

Configuration file (Optional)

# Include any additional configuration file(s)
# [include] sections are processed in the order you write them
# Files in $CONFIG_DIR/topgrade.d/ are automatically included before this file
# paths = ["/etc/topgrade.toml"]

# Run `sudo -v` to cache credentials at the start of the run
# This avoids a blocking password prompt in the middle of an unattended run
# (default: false)
# pre_sudo = false

# Sudo command to be used
# sudo_command = "sudo"

# Disable specific steps - same options as the command line flag
# disable = ["system", "emacs"]

# Ignore failures for these steps
# ignore_failures = ["powershell"]

# List of remote machines with Topgrade installed on them
# remote_topgrades = ["toothless", "pi", "parnas"]

# Path to Topgrade executable on remote machines
# remote_topgrade_path = ".cargo/bin/topgrade"

# Arguments to pass to SSH when upgrading remote systems
# ssh_arguments = "-o ConnectTimeout=2"

# Arguments to pass tmux when pulling Repositories
# tmux_arguments = "-S /var/tmux.sock"

# Do not set the terminal title (default: true)
# set_title = true

# Display the time in step titles (default: true)
# display_time = true

# Don't ask for confirmations (no default value)
# assume_yes = true

# Do not ask to retry failed steps (default: false)
# no_retry = true

# Run inside tmux (default: false)
# run_in_tmux = true

# Cleanup temporary or old files (default: false)
# cleanup = true

# Send a notification for every step (default: false)
# notify_each_step = false

# Skip sending a notification at the end of a run (default: false)
# skip_notify = true

# The Bash-it branch to update (default: "stable")
# bashit_branch = "stable"

# Run specific steps - same options as the command line flag
# only = ["system", "emacs"]

# Whether to self update
# this will be ignored if the binary is built without self update support
# available also via setting the environment variable TOPGRADE_NO_SELF_UPGRADE)
# no_self_update = true

# Extra tracing filter directives
# These are prepended to the `--log-filter` argument
# See:
# log_filters = ["topgrade::command=debug", "warn"]

# Commands to run before anything
# "Emacs Snapshot" = "rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/elpa.bak && cp -rl ~/.emacs.d/elpa ~/.emacs.d/elpa.bak"

# Commands to run after anything
# "Emacs Snapshot" = "rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/elpa.bak && cp -rl ~/.emacs.d/elpa ~/.emacs.d/elpa.bak"

# Custom commands
# "Python Environment" = "~/dev/.env/bin/pip install -i -U --upgrade-strategy eager jupyter"
# "Custom command using interactive shell (unix)" = "-i vim_upgrade"

# enable_pip_review = true                         ###disabled by default
# enable_pip_review_local = true                   ###disabled by default
# enable_pipupgrade = true                         ###disabled by default
# pipupgrade_arguments = "-y -u --pip-path pip"    ###disabled by default

# self_update = true

# For the BrewCask step
# If `Repo Cask Upgrade` exists, then use the `-a` option.
# Otherwise, use the `--greedy` option.
# greedy_cask = true

# For the BrewCask step
# If `Repo Cask Upgrade` does not exist, then use the `--greedy_latest` option.
# NOTE: the above entry `greedy_cask` contains this entry, though you can enable
# both of them, they won't clash with each other.
# greedy_latest = true

# For the BrewFormula step
# Execute `brew autoremove` after the step.
# autoremove = true

# For the BrewFormula step
# Upgrade formulae built from the HEAD branch; `brew upgrade --fetch-HEAD`
# fetch_head = true

# Arch Package Manager to use.
# Allowed values:
#   autodetect, aura, garuda_update, pacman, pamac, paru, pikaur, trizen, yay
# arch_package_manager = "pacman"

# Arguments to pass yay (or paru) when updating packages
# yay_arguments = "--nodevel"

# Arguments to pass dnf when updating packages
# dnf_arguments = "--refresh"

# aura_aur_arguments = "-kx"

# aura_pacman_arguments = ""
# garuda_update_arguments = ""

# show_arch_news = true

# trizen_arguments = "--devel"

# pikaur_arguments = ""

# pamac_arguments = "--no-devel"

# enable_tlmgr = true

# emerge_sync_flags = "-q"

# emerge_update_flags = "-uDNa --with-bdeps=y world"

# redhat_distro_sync = false

# suse_dup = false

# rpm_ostree = false

# nix_arguments = "--flake"

# nix_env_arguments = "--prebuilt-only"

# Extra Home Manager arguments
# home_manager_arguments = ["--flake", "file"]

# How many repos to pull at max in parallel
# max_concurrency = 5

# Additional git repositories to pull
# repos = [
#     "~/src/*/",
#     "~/.config/something"
# ]

# Don't pull the predefined git repos
# pull_predefined = false

# Arguments to pass Git when pulling Repositories
# arguments = "--rebase --autostash"

# Manually select Windows updates
# accept_all_updates = false

# open_remotes_in_new_terminal = true

# wsl_update_pre_release = true

# wsl_update_use_web_download = true

# Causes Topgrade to rename itself during the run to allow package managers
# to upgrade it. Use this only if you installed Topgrade by using a package
# manager such as Scoop or Cargo
# self_rename = true

# Use sudo if the NPM directory isn't owned by the current user
# use_sudo = true

# Run `yarn global upgrade` with `sudo`
# use_sudo = true

# For `vim-plug`, execute `PlugUpdate!` instead of `PlugUpdate`
# force_plug_update = true

# Offer to update firmware; if false just check for and display available updates
# upgrade = true

# Vagrant directories
# directories = []

# power on vagrant boxes if needed
# power_on = true

# Always suspend vagrant boxes instead of powering off
# always_suspend = true

# Use sudo for updating the system-wide installation
# use_sudo = true

# use_root = false

# containers = ["archlinux-latest"]
# Specify the containers to ignore while updating (Wildcard supported)
# ignored_containers = ["", "*"]

# If disabled, Topgrade invokes `lensfun‑update‑data` without root priviledge, 
# then the update will be only available to you. Otherwise, `sudo` is required,
# and the update will be installed system-wide, i.e., available to all users.
# (default: false)
# use_sudo = false

Additional Details

Verbose Output (topgrade -v)

$ topgrade -t -v
DEBUG Current system locale is C
DEBUG Configuration at /home/john/.config/topgrade.toml
DEBUG Loaded configuration: ConfigFile { include: Some(Include { paths: None }), misc: Some(Misc { pre_sudo: None, sudo_command: None, disable: None, ignore_failures: None, remote_topgrades: None, remote_topgrade_path: None, ssh_arguments: None, tmux_arguments: None, set_title: None, display_time: None, assume_yes: None, no_retry: None, run_in_tmux: None, tmux_session_mode: None, cleanup: None, notify_each_step: None, skip_notify: None, bashit_branch: None, only: None, no_self_update: None, log_filters: None }), pre_commands: Some({}), post_commands: Some({}), commands: Some({}), python: Some(Python { enable_pip_review: None, enable_pip_review_local: None, enable_pipupgrade: None, pipupgrade_arguments: None }), composer: Some(Composer { self_update: None }), brew: Some(Brew { greedy_cask: None, greedy_latest: None, greedy_auto_updates: None, autoremove: None, fetch_head: None }), linux: Some(Linux { yay_arguments: None, aura_aur_arguments: None, aura_pacman_arguments: None, arch_package_manager: None, show_arch_news: None, garuda_update_arguments: None, trizen_arguments: None, pikaur_arguments: None, pamac_arguments: None, dnf_arguments: None, nix_arguments: None, nix_env_arguments: None, apt_arguments: None, enable_tlmgr: None, redhat_distro_sync: None, suse_dup: None, rpm_ostree: None, emerge_sync_flags: None, emerge_update_flags: None, home_manager_arguments: None }), git: Some(Git { max_concurrency: None, arguments: None, repos: None, pull_predefined: None }), containers: Some(Containers { ignored_containers: None, runtime: None }), windows: Some(Windows { accept_all_updates: None, self_rename: None, open_remotes_in_new_terminal: None, wsl_update_pre_release: None, wsl_update_use_web_download: None }), npm: Some(NPM { use_sudo: None }), yarn: Some(Yarn { use_sudo: None }), vim: Some(Vim { force_plug_update: None }), firmware: Some(Firmware { upgrade: None }), vagrant: Some(Vagrant { directories: None, power_on: None, always_suspend: None }), flatpak: Some(Flatpak { use_sudo: None }), distrobox: Some(Distrobox { use_root: None, containers: None }), lensfun: Some(Lensfun { use_sudo: None }) }
DEBUG Version: 16.0.0
DEBUG OS: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
DEBUG Args { inner: ["topgrade", "-t", "-v"] }
DEBUG Binary path: Ok("/usr/local/bin/topgrade")
DEBUG self-update Feature Enabled: true
DEBUG Configuration: Config { opt: CommandLineArgs { edit_config: false, show_config_reference: false, run_in_tmux: true, cleanup: false, dry_run: false, no_retry: false, disable: [], only: [], custom_commands: [], env: [], verbose: true, keep_at_end: false, skip_notify: false, yes: None, disable_predefined_git_repos: false, config: None, remote_host_limit: None, show_skipped: false, log_filter: "warn", gen_completion: None, gen_manpage: false, no_self_update: false }, config_file: ConfigFile { include: Some(Include { paths: None }), misc: Some(Misc { pre_sudo: None, sudo_command: None, disable: None, ignore_failures: None, remote_topgrades: None, remote_topgrade_path: None, ssh_arguments: None, tmux_arguments: None, set_title: None, display_time: None, assume_yes: None, no_retry: None, run_in_tmux: None, tmux_session_mode: None, cleanup: None, notify_each_step: None, skip_notify: None, bashit_branch: None, only: None, no_self_update: None, log_filters: None }), pre_commands: Some({}), post_commands: Some({}), commands: Some({}), python: Some(Python { enable_pip_review: None, enable_pip_review_local: None, enable_pipupgrade: None, pipupgrade_arguments: None }), composer: Some(Composer { self_update: None }), brew: Some(Brew { greedy_cask: None, greedy_latest: None, greedy_auto_updates: None, autoremove: None, fetch_head: None }), linux: Some(Linux { yay_arguments: None, aura_aur_arguments: None, aura_pacman_arguments: None, arch_package_manager: None, show_arch_news: None, garuda_update_arguments: None, trizen_arguments: None, pikaur_arguments: None, pamac_arguments: None, dnf_arguments: None, nix_arguments: None, nix_env_arguments: None, apt_arguments: None, enable_tlmgr: None, redhat_distro_sync: None, suse_dup: None, rpm_ostree: None, emerge_sync_flags: None, emerge_update_flags: None, home_manager_arguments: None }), git: Some(Git { max_concurrency: None, arguments: None, repos: None, pull_predefined: None }), containers: Some(Containers { ignored_containers: None, runtime: None }), windows: Some(Windows { accept_all_updates: None, self_rename: None, open_remotes_in_new_terminal: None, wsl_update_pre_release: None, wsl_update_use_web_download: None }), npm: Some(NPM { use_sudo: None }), yarn: Some(Yarn { use_sudo: None }), vim: Some(Vim { force_plug_update: None }), firmware: Some(Firmware { upgrade: None }), vagrant: Some(Vagrant { directories: None, power_on: None, always_suspend: None }), flatpak: Some(Flatpak { use_sudo: None }), distrobox: Some(Distrobox { use_root: None, containers: None }), lensfun: Some(Lensfun { use_sudo: None }) }, allowed_steps: [AM, AppMan, Asdf, Atom, Aqua, Audit, AutoCpufreq, Bin, Bob, BrewCask, BrewFormula, Bun, BunPackages, Cargo, Certbot, Chezmoi, Chocolatey, Choosenim, ClamAvDb, Composer, Conda, ConfigUpdate, Containers, CustomCommands, DebGet, Deno, Distrobox, DkpPacman, Dotnet, Elan, Emacs, Firmware, Flatpak, Flutter, Fossil, Gcloud, Gem, Ghcup, GithubCliExtensions, GitRepos, GnomeShellExtensions, Go, Guix, Haxelib, Helm, HomeManager, Jetpack, Julia, Juliaup, Kakoune, Helix, Krew, Lure, Lensfun, Macports, Mamba, Miktex, Mas, Maza, Micro, Mise, Myrepos, Nix, Node, Opam, Pacdef, Pacstall, Pearl, Pip3, PipReview, PipReviewLocal, Pipupgrade, Pipx, Pixi, Pkg, Pkgin, PlatformioCore, Pnpm, Poetry, Powershell, Protonup, Pyenv, Raco, Rcm, Remotes, Restarts, Rtcl, RubyGems, Rustup, Rye, Scoop, Sdkman, SelfUpdate, Sheldon, Shell, Snap, Sparkle, Spicetify, Stack, Stew, System, Tldr, Tlmgr, Tmux, Toolbx, Uv, Vagrant, Vcpkg, Vim, VoltaPackages, Vscode, Waydroid, Winget, Wsl, WslUpdate, Xcodes, Yadm, Yarn, Zvm] }
DEBUG Detected "/usr/bin/tmux" as "tmux"
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/tmux has-session -t topgrade`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/tmux has-session -t topgrade-1`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/tmux has-session -t topgrade-2`
DEBUG Executing command `/usr/bin/tmux new-session -d -s topgrade-2 -n topgrade 'env '\''TOPGRADE_KEEP_END=1'\'' '\''TOPGRADE_INSIDE_TMUX=1'\'' topgrade -t -v'`
unknown command: attach-client

SteveLauC commented 4 days ago

Duplicate of #928 and it has been fixed in #937

SteveLauC commented 4 days ago

Hi, I should probably release 16.0.1 to make the fix available to all users, I will do this tomorrow:)

SteveLauC commented 4 days ago

Version 16.0.1 released, please upgrade to it. 😄

Close the issue as it has been fixed.