topi314 / LavaSrc

A collection of additional Lavaplayer/Lavalink Sources
Apache License 2.0
158 stars 51 forks source link

I can't play spotify songs #212

Closed MateoGiunta closed 3 weeks ago

MateoGiunta commented 3 weeks ago

I didn't wanted to post this because I thought that I was doing something wrong but I couldn't make it work.

when I play spotify songs there is no sound. (I'm using youtube-source plugin and youtube is working)

Lavalink version: 4.0.7 Lavasrc version: 4.2.0 youtube-source-plugin: 1.6.0


server: # REST and WS server
  port: 2333 # you can change this if u want
  address: #you can change this too
    banner-mode: log

    enabled: true # Whether this source can be used.
    allowSearch: true # Whether "ytsearch:" and "ytmsearch:" can be used.
    allowDirectVideoIds: false # Whether just video IDs can match. If false, only complete URLs will be loaded.
    allowDirectPlaylistIds: false # Whether just playlist IDs can match. If false, only complete URLs will be loaded.
    # The clients to use for track loading. See below for a list of valid clients.
    # Clients are queried in the order they are given (so the first client is queried first and so on...)
      - WEB
      - MUSIC
      - ANDROID

    # You can configure individual clients with the following.
    # Any options or clients left unspecified will use their default values
    # for those individual clients.
    # Client configurations will ONLY take effect if the client is registered above,
    # otherwise they are ignored.
    # ---------------- WARNING ----------------
    # This part of the config is for DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY!
    # Do NOT use this config before understanding what the options do.
    # You do NOT need to copy this config just because it is published here.
    # ---------------- WARNING ----------------
    # WEB: # names are specified as they are written below under "Available Clients".
    #   # This will disable using the WEB client for video playback.
    #   playback: false
    #   # The below config disables everything except playback for this client.
    #   playlistLoading: true # Disables loading of playlists and mixes for this client.
    #   videoLoading: false # Disables loading of videos for this client (playback is still allowed).
    #   searching: true # Disables the ability to search for videos for this client.

    providers: # Custom providers for track loading. This is the default
      # - "dzisrc:%ISRC%" # Deezer ISRC provider
      # - "dzsearch:%QUERY%" # Deezer search provider
      - "ytsearch:\"%ISRC%\"" # Will be ignored if track does not have an ISRC. See
      - "ytsearch:%QUERY%" # Will be used if track has no ISRC or no track could be found for the ISRC
      #  you can add multiple other fallback sources here
      spotify: true # Enable Spotify source
      applemusic: false # Enable Apple Music source
      deezer: false # Enable Deezer source
      yandexmusic: false # Enable Yandex Music source
      flowerytts: false # Enable Flowery TTS source
      youtube: true # Enable YouTube search source (
      clientId: "CLIENT ID"
      clientSecret: "CLIENT SECRET"
      countryCode: "US" # the country code you want to use for filtering the artists top tracks. See
      playlistLoadLimit: 6 # The number of pages at 100 tracks each
      albumLoadLimit: 6 # The number of pages at 50 tracks each
      countryCode: "US" # the country code you want to use for filtering the artists top tracks and language. See
      mediaAPIToken: "your apple music api token" # apple music api token
      # or specify an apple music key
      keyID: "your key id"
      teamID: "your team id"
      musicKitKey: |
        -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
        your key
        -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
      playlistLoadLimit: 6 # The number of pages at 300 tracks each
      albumLoadLimit: 6 # The number of pages at 300 tracks each
      masterDecryptionKey: "your master decryption key" # the master key used for decrypting the deezer tracks. (yes this is not here you need to get it from somewhere else)
      accessToken: "mytoken" # the token used for accessing the yandex music api. See
      voice: "default voice" # (case-sensitive) get default voice from here
      translate: false # whether to translate the text to the native language of voice
      silence: 0 # the silence parameter is in milliseconds. Range is 0 to 10000. The default is 0.
      speed: 1.0 # the speed parameter is a float between 0.5 and 10. The default is 1.0. (0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is double speed, etc.)
      audioFormat: "mp3" # supported formats are: mp3, ogg_opus, ogg_vorbis, aac, wav, and flac. Default format is mp3

#    - dependency: "group:artifact:version"
#      repository: "repository"

  pluginsDir: "./plugins"

    password: "PASSWORD"
      youtube: false
      bandcamp: false
      soundcloud: false
      twitch: false
      vimeo: false
      mixer: false
      http: false
      local: true
    bufferDurationMs: 400
    youtubePlaylistLoadLimit: 6 # Number of pages at 100 each
    gc-warnings: true

    enabled: false
    endpoint: /metrics

  dsn: ""
some_key: some_value
another_key: another_value

    max-history: 30
    max-size: 100MB
  path: ./logs/

    root: INFO
    lavalink: INFO


2024-08-16T17:48:20.209-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : PATCH /v4/sessions/2b0q2ubtajxl5uya, payload={"resuming": true, "timeout": 60}
2024-08-16T17:48:20.236-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : GET /v4/info
2024-08-16T17:48:20.832-03:00  WARN 9332 --- [Lavalink] [pool-3-thread-1]    : Unable to localize Processor Information performance counter.  Error 0xc0000bbd.
2024-08-16T17:48:20.833-03:00  WARN 9332 --- [Lavalink] [pool-3-thread-1]   : Failed to locate performance object for Processor Information in the registry. Performance counters may be corrupt. Pdh call failed with error code 0xC0000BB8
2024-08-16T17:48:20.834-03:00  WARN 9332 --- [Lavalink] [pool-3-thread-1]   : Disabling further attempts to query Processor Information.
2024-08-16T17:48:42.382-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : PATCH /v4/sessions/2b0q2ubtajxl5uya/players/1086690054879068432?noReplace=True, payload={"voice": {"sessionId": "f8feffadf46273c9c3c362202ff60c0a", "token": "fb7ca15e64059514", "endpoint": ""}}
2024-08-16T17:48:42.391-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : PATCH /v4/sessions/2b0q2ubtajxl5uya/players/1086690054879068432?noReplace=True, payload={"volume": 20}
2024-08-16T17:48:42.413-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3] l.server.player.AudioLoaderRestHandler   : Got request to load for identifier ""
2024-08-16T17:48:43.562-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3] lavalink.server.player.AudioLoader       : Loaded track GIVENCHY
2024-08-16T17:48:43.582-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : GET /v4/loadtracks?identifier=
2024-08-16T17:48:44.382-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : PATCH /v4/sessions/2b0q2ubtajxl5uya/players/1086690054879068432?noReplace=False, payload={"track": {"encoded": "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", "userData": {}}, "volume": 20, "position": 0, "endTime": null, "paused": false, "filters": {"equalizer": [{"band": 0, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 1, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 2, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 3, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 4, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 5, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 6, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 7, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 8, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 9, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 10, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 11, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 12, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 13, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 14, "gain": 0.0}]}}
2024-08-16T17:48:46.413-03:00  INFO 9332 --- [Lavalink] [back-1-thread-1] d.l.y.http.YoutubeAccessTokenTracker     : Updating YouTube visitor id succeeded, new one is Cgt1N1lZa0M5SE9jNCiu9v61BjIKCgJBUhIEGgAgVzoMCAEg85TR7ePl7t9m, next update will be after 600 seconds.
topi314 commented 3 weeks ago

Enable these log levels

MateoGiunta commented 3 weeks ago

this is the new log

2024-08-16T18:45:20.084-03:00  INFO 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : PATCH /v4/sessions/j89om1a19oeo0g61/players/1109278349441912912?noReplace=True, payload={"volume": 20}
2024-08-16T18:45:20.102-03:00  INFO 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3] l.server.player.AudioLoaderRestHandler   : Got request to load for identifier ""
2024-08-16T18:45:20.104-03:00 TRACE 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3] lavalink.server.player.AudioLoader       : Loading item with identifier
2024-08-16T18:45:21.334-03:00  INFO 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3] lavalink.server.player.AudioLoader       : Loaded track GIVENCHY
2024-08-16T18:45:21.350-03:00  INFO 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : GET /v4/loadtracks?identifier=
2024-08-16T18:45:22.118-03:00 TRACE 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 I/O-10]         : Sent {"op":"playerUpdate","state":{"time":1723844722117,"position":0,"connected":true,"ping":0},"guildId":"1109278349441912912"}
2024-08-16T18:45:22.121-03:00 TRACE 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 I/O-10]         : Sent {"op":"playerUpdate","state":{"time":1723844722120,"position":0,"connected":true,"ping":0},"guildId":"1109278349441912912"}
2024-08-16T18:45:22.123-03:00 TRACE 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 I/O-10]         : Sent {"op":"event","type":"TrackStartEvent","guildId":"1109278349441912912","track":{"encoded":"QAAB+wMACEdJVkVOQ0hZAAREdWtpAAAAAAACyVIAFjZiVFZQNTBiYnRNdEQ2UkdlMmNVb1EAAQA1aHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVuLnNwb3RpZnkuY29tL3RyYWNrLzZiVFZQNTBiYnRNdEQ2UkdlMmNVb1EBAEBodHRwczovL2kuc2Nkbi5jby9pbWFnZS9hYjY3NjE2ZDAwMDBiMjczYjY2MWQ5ZDczOTIxZTQwYWU5N2NiNWU0AQAMVVlCMjgyMjQwMDIxAAdzcG90aWZ5AQAIR0lWRU5DSFkBADVodHRwczovL29wZW4uc3BvdGlmeS5jb20vYWxidW0vNHlObklvUWg4eTF1REI2U2NPUzJ2eAEANmh0dHBzOi8vb3Blbi5zcG90aWZ5LmNvbS9hcnRpc3QvMWJBZnRTSDh1bU5jR1owdXlWN0xNZwEAQGh0dHBzOi8vaS5zY2RuLmNvL2ltYWdlL2FiNjc2MTYxMDAwMGU1ZWJiOTcwYTZkMGYzMzQyODM5M2M1NzhmMWEBAGtodHRwczovL3Auc2Nkbi5jby9tcDMtcHJldmlldy81M2MxZWFhNjc1YjAzNGEwZTkzM2E1NThhODI2NzU2ZDdkZGM4NTJiP2NpZD00ZDk4MTIwMzA1NmY0N2NkOGQxYTM5M2ExN2JhNzQwOQAAAAAAAAAAAA==","info":{"identifier":"6bTVP50bbtMtD6RGe2cUoQ","isSeekable":true,"author":"Duki","length":182610,"isStream":false,"position":0,"title":"GIVENCHY","uri":"","sourceName":"spotify","artworkUrl":"","isrc":"UYB282240021"},"pluginInfo":{"albumName":"GIVENCHY","albumUrl":"","previewUrl":"","isPreview":false,"artistUrl":"","artistArtworkUrl":"","isLocal":false},"userData":{}}}
2024-08-16T18:45:22.127-03:00 TRACE 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 I/O-10]         : Sent {"op":"playerUpdate","state":{"time":1723844722126,"position":0,"connected":true,"ping":0},"guildId":"1109278349441912912"}
2024-08-16T18:45:22.129-03:00  INFO 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 task-3]         : PATCH /v4/sessions/j89om1a19oeo0g61/players/1109278349441912912?noReplace=False, payload={"track": {"encoded": "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", "userData": {}}, "volume": 20, "position": 0, "endTime": null, "paused": false, "filters": {"equalizer": [{"band": 0, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 1, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 2, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 3, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 4, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 5, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 6, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 7, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 8, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 9, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 10, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 11, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 12, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 13, "gain": 0.0}, {"band": 14, "gain": 0.0}]}}
2024-08-16T18:45:23.758-03:00  INFO 18488 --- [Lavalink] [back-1-thread-1] d.l.y.http.YoutubeAccessTokenTracker     : Updating YouTube visitor id succeeded, new one is CgtsVUNMMEM4YXo4byj0kP-1BjIKCgJBUhIEGgAgJjoMCAEg5saygMSO8t9m, next update will be after 600 seconds.
2024-08-16T18:45:23.848-03:00 TRACE 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 I/O-10]         : Sent {"op":"event","type":"TrackExceptionEvent","guildId":"1109278349441912912","track":{"encoded":"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","info":{"identifier":"6bTVP50bbtMtD6RGe2cUoQ","isSeekable":true,"author":"Duki","length":183000,"isStream":false,"position":0,"title":"GIVENCHY","uri":"","sourceName":"spotify","artworkUrl":"","isrc":"UYB282240021"},"pluginInfo":{"albumName":"GIVENCHY","albumUrl":"","previewUrl":"","isPreview":false,"artistUrl":"","artistArtworkUrl":"","isLocal":false},"userData":{}},"exception":{"message":"This video is unavailable","severity":"common","cause":" This video is unavailable"}}
2024-08-16T18:45:23.864-03:00 TRACE 18488 --- [Lavalink] [  XNIO-1 I/O-10]         : Sent {"op":"event","type":"TrackEndEvent","guildId":"1109278349441912912","track":{"encoded":"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","info":{"identifier":"6bTVP50bbtMtD6RGe2cUoQ","isSeekable":true,"author":"Duki","length":183000,"isStream":false,"position":0,"title":"GIVENCHY","uri":"","sourceName":"spotify","artworkUrl":"","isrc":"UYB282240021"},"pluginInfo":{"albumName":"GIVENCHY","albumUrl":"","previewUrl":"","isPreview":false,"artistUrl":"","artistArtworkUrl":"","isLocal":false},"userData":{}},"reason":"loadFailed"}
topi314 commented 3 weeks ago

There you can see it

This video is unavailable

You should handle track exception events. They carry important information.

MateoGiunta commented 3 weeks ago

thanks you. I'll see it

MateoGiunta commented 3 weeks ago

sorry for my ignorance, but how can I solve it? Because that happends with all the songs and I don't know what can I do.

topi314 commented 3 weeks ago

well since that's not an issue with lavasrc I would recommend you checkout the lavalink discord server and ask for help with youtube there instead

MateoGiunta commented 3 weeks ago

thanks you