topjohnwu / Magisk

The Magic Mask for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
47.59k stars 12.08k forks source link

[BUG] v22 busybox error and crash noted in log #3898

Closed maxweisspoker closed 3 years ago

maxweisspoker commented 3 years ago

Device is a Pixel 3 blueline. ROM is stock Lineage OS 17.1, with patched magisk boot img. Upgrade to v22 app and system installation worked fine. Afterwards, I re-installed all Riru apps, just in case they detected the new Magisk version. Root does work, and root apps don't complain, however some select apps, including EdExposed, stopped working. The culprit seems to be something with Busybox. (Note the lines with "busybox failed with 8: Exec format error").

Here is the Magisk log, with some redactions. Let me know if you need further information.

---System Properties---

[aaudio.hw_burst_min_usec]: [2000]
[aaudio.mmap_exclusive_policy]: [2]
[aaudio.mmap_policy]: [2]
[af.fast_track_multiplier]: [1]
[dalvik.vm.appimageformat]: [lz4]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx]: [512m]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-flags]: [--inline-max-code-units=0]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-max-image-block-size]: [524288]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-minidebuginfo]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-resolve-startup-strings]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.dexopt.secondary]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [192m]
[dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree]: [16m]
[dalvik.vm.heapminfree]: [8m]
[dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [512m]
[dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [8m]
[dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization]: [0.6]
[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features]: [default]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant]: [kryo385]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features]: [default]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.variant]: [kryo385]
[dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold]: [500]
[dalvik.vm.minidebuginfo]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.usejit]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.usejitprofiles]: [true]
[debug.atrace.tags.enableflags]: [0]
[debug.force_rtl]: [false]
[debug.gralloc.enable_fb_ubwc]: [1]
[]: [2]
[debug.sf.early_app_phase_offset_ns]: [500000]
[debug.sf.early_gl_app_phase_offset_ns]: [15000000]
[debug.sf.early_gl_phase_offset_ns]: [3000000]
[debug.sf.early_phase_offset_ns]: [500000]
[debug.sf.enable_gl_backpressure]: [1]
[debug.sf.hw]: [1]
[debug.stagefright.c2inputsurface]: [-1]
[debug.stagefright.ccodec]: [4]
[debug.stagefright.omx_default_rank]: [512]
[dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
[]: [dm-3]
[dev.mnt.blk.metadata]: [sda]
[dev.mnt.blk.mnt.vendor.persist]: [sdf]
[dev.mnt.blk.product]: [dm-2]
[dev.mnt.blk.root]: [dm-0]
[dev.mnt.blk.vendor]: [dm-1]
[dev.mnt.blk.vendor.firmware_mnt]: [sda]
[drm.service.enabled]: [true]
[]: [2]
[]: [true]
[]: [LTE]
[gsm.operator.alpha]: [Visible]
[gsm.operator.idpstring]: [011]
[gsm.operator.iso-country]: [us]
[gsm.operator.isroaming]: [false]
[gsm.operator.numeric]: [311480]
[gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: [Visible]
[gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [us]
[gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: [311480]
[gsm.sim.state]: [LOADED]
[gsm.version.baseband]: [g845-00107-200409-B-6382632]
[]: [Qualcomm RIL 1.0]
[hwservicemanager.ready]: [true]
[init.svc.8vnSFOYwfL1nv]: [stopped]
[init.svc.adb_root]: [running]
[init.svc.adbd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.adsprpcd]: [running]
[init.svc.apexd]: [running]
[init.svc.apexd-bootstrap]: [stopped]
[init.svc.ashmemd]: [running]
[init.svc.audioserver]: [running]
[init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
[init.svc.bpfloader]: [stopped]
[init.svc.cameraserver]: [running]
[init.svc.cdsprpcd]: [running]
[init.svc.cnd]: [running]
[init.svc.cnss-daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.confirmationui-1-0]: [running]
[init.svc.devstart_sh]: [stopped]
[init.svc.drm]: [running]
[init.svc.easelmanagerd]: [running]
[init.svc.gatekeeper-1-0]: [running]
[init.svc.gatekeeperd]: [running]
[init.svc.gnss_service]: [running]
[init.svc.gpu]: [running]
[init.svc.gsid]: [stopped]
[init.svc.hidl_memory]: [running]
[init.svc.hwservicemanager]: [running]
[init.svc.idmap2d]: [stopped]
[init.svc.ims_rtp_daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.imsdatadaemon]: [running]
[init.svc.imsqmidaemon]: [running]
[init.svc.imsrcsservice]: [running]
[init.svc.incidentd]: [running]
[init.svc.init-fingerprint-sh]: [stopped]
[init.svc.init-radio-sh]: [stopped]
[init.svc.insmod_sh]: [stopped]
[init.svc.installd]: [running]
[init.svc.iorapd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.ipacm]: [running]
[init.svc.ipastart_sh]: [stopped]
[init.svc.irsc_util]: [stopped]
[init.svc.keymaster-4-0]: [running]
[init.svc.keystore]: [running]
[init.svc.lmkd]: [running]
[init.svc.loc_launcher]: [running]
[init.svc.logd]: [running]
[init.svc.logd-auditctl]: [stopped]
[init.svc.logd-reinit]: [stopped]
[]: [running]
[]: [running]
[init.svc.mediadrm]: [running]
[init.svc.mediaextractor]: [running]
[init.svc.mediametrics]: [running]
[init.svc.modem_svc]: [running]
[init.svc.msm_irqbalance]: [running]
[init.svc.mvI1Q7ePbrRZ16J]: [stopped]
[init.svc.netd]: [running]
[init.svc.netmgrd]: [running]
[init.svc.neuralnetworks_hal_service]: [running]
[init.svc.neuralnetworks_hal_service_paintbox]: [running]
[init.svc.pd_mapper]: [running]
[init.svc.per_proxy]: [running]
[init.svc.port-bridge]: [running]
[init.svc.ppd]: [running]
[init.svc.rmt_storage]: [running]
[init.svc.sensors.qti]: [running]
[init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
[init.svc.statsd]: [running]
[init.svc.storaged]: [running]
[init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]
[init.svc.system_suspend]: [running]
[init.svc.tftp_server]: [running]
[init.svc.time_daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.tombstoned]: [running]
[init.svc.traced]: [running]
[init.svc.traced_probes]: [running]
[init.svc.tui_comm-1-0]: [running]
[init.svc.ueventd]: [running]
[init.svc.update_engine]: [running]
[init.svc.update_verifier_nonencrypted]: [stopped]
[init.svc.usbd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.vendor-qti-media-c2-hal-1-0]: [running]
[init.svc.vndservicemanager]: [running]
[init.svc.vold]: [running]
[init.svc.wait_for_strongbox]: [stopped]
[init.svc.wificond]: [running]
[init.svc.wireless_charger]: [running]
[init.svc.wpa_supplicant]: [running]
[init.svc.x2ZnRaYS5a]: [stopped]
[init.svc.zygote]: [running]
[init.svc.zygote_secondary]: [running]
[keyguard.no_require_sim]: [true]
[log.tag.APM_AudioPolicyManager]: [D]
[log.tag.stats_log]: [I]
[masterclear.allow_retain_esim_profiles_after_fdr]: [true]
[media.aac_51_output_enabled]: [true]
[media.mediadrmservice.enable]: [true]
[media.recorder.show_manufacturer_and_model]: [true]
[media.stagefright.enable-aac]: [true]
[media.stagefright.enable-http]: [true]
[media.stagefright.enable-player]: [true]
[media.stagefright.enable-qcp]: [true]
[media.stagefright.enable-scan]: [true]
[mm.enable.qcom_parser]: [13631487]
[mm.enable.smoothstreaming]: [true]
[mmp.enable.3g2]: [true]
[]: [Android]
[net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
[net.tcp.default_init_rwnd]: [60]
[net.tethering.noprovisioning]: [true]
[nfc.initialized]: [true]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [5]
[]: [1]
[]: [rmnet_usb0]
[]: [concurrent]
[persist.debug.dalvik.vm.core_platform_api_policy]: [just-warn]
[persist.fuse_sdcard]: [true]
[]: [true]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[persist.rcs.supported]: [1]
[persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_0]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_1]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_2]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_3]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_plmn]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_0]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_1]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_2]: []
[persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_3]: []
[persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: []
[persist.sys.device_provisioned]: [1]
[]: [0]
[persist.sys.dun.override]: [0]
[persist.sys.gps.lpp]: [2]
[persist.sys.isolated_storage]: [true]
[persist.sys.sf.color_saturation]: [1.0]
[persist.sys.sf.native_mode]: [2]
[persist.sys.timezone]: [America/Los_Angeles]
[persist.sys.usb.config]: []
[persist.timed.enable]: [true]
[]: [1]
[persist.vendor.cne.feature]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [MCFG-g845-00107-200512-B-6487913
[]: [101]
[]: [1]
[]: [true]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [101]
[]: [false]
[]: [1]
[]: [10]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[pm.dexopt.ab-ota]: [speed-profile]
[]: [speed-profile]
[pm.dexopt.boot]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.first-boot]: [quicken]
[pm.dexopt.inactive]: [verify]
[pm.dexopt.install]: [speed-profile]
[pm.dexopt.shared]: [speed]
[ril.ecclist]: [911,112,*911,#911,*272911]
[ril.qcril_pre_init_lock_held]: [0]
[]: [1]
[ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled]: [true]
[]: [1]
[ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
[ro.apk_verity.mode]: [1]
[]: [true]
[ro.baseband]: [sdm]
[ro.board.platform]: [sdm845]
[ro.boot.baseband]: [sdm]
[ro.boot.blockchain]: [enabled]
[ro.boot.boot_devices]: [soc/1d84000.ufshc]
[ro.boot.bootdevice]: [1d84000.ufshc]
[ro.boot.bootloader]: [b1c1-0.2-6374987]
[ro.boot.boottime]: [0BLE:71,1BLL:30,1BLE:805,2BLL:121,2BLE:701,SW:10022,KL:0,KD:105,ODT:106,AVB:15]
[ro.boot.cdt_hwid]: [0x05022800]
[ro.boot.cid]: [00000000]
[ro.boot.ddr_info]: [Micron]
[ro.boot.ddr_size]: [4GB]
[ro.boot.dtb_idx]: [0]
[ro.boot.dtbo_idx]: [8]
[ro.boot.dynamic_partitions]: [true]
[ro.boot.dynamic_partitions_retrofit]: [true]
[ro.boot.flash.locked]: [1]
[ro.boot.force_normal_boot]: [1]
[ro.boot.hardware]: [blueline]
[ro.boot.hardware.ddr]: [4GB,Micron,LPDDR4X]
[ro.boot.hardware.dsds]: [0]
[ro.boot.hardware.platform]: [sdm845]
[ro.boot.hardware.revision]: [MP1.0]
[ro.boot.hardware.sku]: [G013A]
[ro.boot.hardware.ufs]: [64GB,Micron]
[ro.boot.keymaster]: [1]
[ro.boot.product.hardware.sku]: [G013A]
[ro.boot.revision]: [MP1.0]
[ro.boot.secure_boot]: [PRODUCTION]
[ro.boot.slot_suffix]: [_b]
[ro.boot.super_partition]: [system]
[ro.boot.theme]: [1]
[ro.boot.vbmeta.device_state]: [locked]
[ro.boot.verifiedbootstate]: [green]
[ro.boot.veritymode]: [enforcing]
[ro.boot.wificountrycode]: [00]
[]: [Tue Feb 23 03:05:52 UTC 2021]
[]: [1614049552]
[]: [google/blueline/blueline:10/QQ3A.200805.001/6578210:user/release-keys]
[ro.bootloader]: [b1c1-0.2-6374987]
[ro.bootmode]: [unknown]
[]: [true]
[]: [nosdcard]
[]: [Tue Feb 23 03:05:52 UTC 2021]
[]: [1614049552]
[]: [blueline-user 10 QQ3A.200805.001 6578210 release-keys]
[]: [lineage_blueline-userdebug 10 QQ3A.200805.001 f97d4fef13]
[]: [google/blueline/blueline:10/QQ3A.200805.001/6578210:user/release-keys]
[]: [lineage_blueline-userdebug]
[]: [lineage-buildkite]
[]: [QQ3A.200805.001]
[]: [blueline]
[]: [release-keys]
[]: [user]
[]: [buildkite-agent]
[]: [REL]
[]: []
[]: [REL]
[]: [f97d4fef13]
[]: [23]
[]: [0]
[]: [REL]
[]: [10]
[]: [29]
[]: [2021-02-05]
[ro.carrier]: [unknown]
[]: [android-google]
[]: [1.2]
[ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Hassium.ogg]
[ro.config.media_vol_steps]: [25]
[ro.config.notification_sound]: [Argon.ogg]
[ro.config.ringtone]: [Orion.ogg]
[ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps]: [7]
[ro.control_privapp_permissions]: [enforce]
[ro.cp_system_other_odex]: [1]
[ro.crypto.state]: [encrypted]
[ro.crypto.type]: [file]
[ro.crypto.volume.filenames_mode]: [aes-256-cts]
[ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge]: []
[ro.debuggable]: [0]
[ro.frp.pst]: [/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/frp]
[ro.hardware]: [blueline]
[ro.hardware.keystore_desede]: [true]
[ro.hwui.use_vulkan]: []
[ro.input.video_enabled]: [false]
[ro.iorapd.enable]: [false]
[]: [17.1]
[]: [0]
[]: [9]
[ro.lineage.device]: [blueline]
[ro.lineage.display.version]: [17.1-20210223-NIGHTLY-blueline]
[ro.lineage.releasetype]: [NIGHTLY]
[ro.lineage.version]: [17.1-20210223-NIGHTLY-blueline]
[ro.lineagelegal.url]: []
[ro.lmk.critical]: [0]
[ro.lmk.critical_upgrade]: [false]
[ro.lmk.downgrade_pressure]: [100]
[ro.lmk.kill_heaviest_task]: [true]
[ro.lmk.kill_timeout_ms]: [100]
[ro.lmk.log_stats]: [true]
[ro.lmk.low]: [1001]
[ro.lmk.medium]: [800]
[ro.lmk.upgrade_pressure]: [100]
[ro.lmk.use_minfree_levels]: [true]
[ro.logd.size.stats]: [64K]
[ro.minui.pixel_format]: [RGBX_8888]
[ro.modversion]: [17.1-20210223-NIGHTLY-blueline]
[]: [Tue Feb 23 03:05:52 UTC 2021]
[]: [1614049552]
[]: [google/blueline/blueline:10/QQ3A.200805.001/6578210:user/release-keys]
[]: [f97d4fef13]
[ro.oem.key1]: [G013A]
[ro.oem_unlock_supported]: [1]
[ro.opa.eligible_device]: [true]
[ro.opengles.version]: [196610]
[ro.ota.allow_downgrade]: [true]
[ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix]: [/system]
[ro.product.board]: [blueline]
[ro.product.brand]: [google]
[]: [Tue Feb 23 03:05:52 UTC 2021]
[]: [1614049552]
[]: [google/blueline/blueline:10/QQ3A.200805.001/6578210:user/release-keys]
[]: [QQ3A.200805.001]
[]: [release-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [f97d4fef13]
[]: [10]
[]: [29]
[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.device]: [blueline]
[ro.product.first_api_level]: [28]
[ro.product.locale]: [en-US]
[ro.product.manufacturer]: [Google]
[ro.product.model]: [Pixel 3]
[]: [blueline]
[ro.product.odm.brand]: [google]
[ro.product.odm.device]: [blueline]
[ro.product.odm.manufacturer]: [Google]
[ro.product.odm.model]: [Pixel 3]
[]: [blueline]
[ro.product.product.brand]: [google]
[ro.product.product.device]: [blueline]
[ro.product.product.manufacturer]: [Google]
[ro.product.product.model]: [Pixel 3]
[]: [blueline]
[ro.product.system.brand]: [google]
[ro.product.system.device]: [blueline]
[ro.product.system.manufacturer]: [Google]
[ro.product.system.model]: [Pixel 3]
[]: [blueline]
[ro.product.vendor.brand]: [google]
[ro.product.vendor.device]: [blueline]
[ro.product.vendor.manufacturer]: [Google]
[ro.product.vendor.model]: [Pixel 3]
[]: [blueline]
[ro.property_service.version]: [2]
[ro.qti.sdk.sensors.gestures]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.amd]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.cmc]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.dev_ori]: [true]
[ro.qti.sensors.facing]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.pedometer]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.rmd]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.scrn_ortn]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.step_counter]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.step_detector]: [false]
[ro.qti.sensors.wu]: [false]
[]: [/data/vendor/modem_dump]
[]: [modem_log_]
[ro.revision]: [MP1.0]
[]: [1]
[ro.sf.lcd_density]: [440]
[ro.storage_manager.enabled]: [true]
[ro.surface_flinger.has_HDR_display]: [true]
[ro.surface_flinger.has_wide_color_display]: [true]
[ro.surface_flinger.protected_contents]: [true]
[ro.surface_flinger.use_color_management]: [true]
[ro.surface_flinger.vsync_event_phase_offset_ns]: [2000000]
[ro.surface_flinger.vsync_sf_event_phase_offset_ns]: [6000000]
[ro.surface_flinger.wcg_composition_dataspace]: [143261696]
[ro.sys.sdcardfs]: [1]
[]: [Tue Feb 23 03:05:52 UTC 2021]
[]: [1614049552]
[]: [google/blueline/blueline:10/QQ3A.200805.001/6578210:user/release-keys]
[]: [QQ3A.200805.001]
[]: [release-keys]
[]: [userdebug]
[]: [f97d4fef13]
[]: [10]
[]: [29]
[ro.telephony.default_cdma_sub]: [0]
[ro.telephony.default_network]: [10]
[ro.thermal_warmreset]: [true]
[ro.treble.enabled]: [true]
[]: [Tue Feb 23 03:05:52 UTC 2021]
[]: [1614049552]
[]: [google/blueline/blueline:10/QQ3A.200805.001/6578210:user/release-keys]
[]: [f97d4fef13]
[]: [true]
[]: [false]
[]: [false]
[ro.vndk.version]: [29]
[ro.wifi.channels]: []
[ro.zygote]: [zygote64_32]
[security.perf_harden]: [1]
[selinux.restorecon_recursive]: [/data/misc_ce/0]
[service.adb.tcp.port]: []
[service.bootanim.exit]: [1]
[service.sf.present_timestamp]: [1]
[sys.boot_completed]: [1]
[sys.isolated_storage_snapshot]: [true]
[sys.lineage_settings_secure_version]: [1]
[sys.logbootcomplete]: [1]
[sys.oem_unlock_allowed]: [1]
[sys.rescue_boot_count]: [1]
[sys.retaildemo.enabled]: [0]
[sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes]: [27337]
[sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd]: [60]
[sys.system_server.start_count]: [1]
[sys.system_server.start_elapsed]: [15279]
[sys.system_server.start_uptime]: [15279]
[sys.usb.configfs]: [2]
[sys.usb.controller]: [a600000.dwc3]
[sys.usb.ffs.ready]: [0]
[sys.usb.mtp.device_type]: [3]
[sys.use_memfd]: [false]
[sys.user.0.ce_available]: [true]
[sys.wifitracing.started]: [1]
[telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice]: [1]
[tombstoned.max_tombstone_count]: [50]
[vidc.enc.dcvs.extra-buff-count]: [2]
[vidc.enc.disable.pq]: [1]
[vold.has_adoptable]: [0]
[vold.has_quota]: [1]
[vold.has_reserved]: [1]
[vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]
[wifi.interface]: [wlan0]

---Magisk Logs---
22.0 (22000)

02-23 19:40:04.471   772   772 I : Magisk 22.0(22000) daemon started
02-23 19:40:04.471   772   772 I : * Device API level: 29
02-23 19:40:04.481   772   775 I : ** post-fs-data mode running
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : * Mounting mirrors
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : link: /sbin/.magisk/mirror/metadata
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : mount: /sbin/.magisk/mirror/vendor
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : mount: /sbin/.magisk/mirror/product
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : link: /sbin/.magisk/mirror/persist
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : mount: /sbin/.magisk/mirror/data
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : link: /sbin/.magisk/mirror/system
02-23 19:40:04.482   772   775 I : mount: /sbin/.magisk/mirror/system_root
02-23 19:40:04.483   772   775 I : * Initializing Magisk environment
02-23 19:40:04.499   779   779 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.500   772   775 I : * Running post-fs-data.d scripts
02-23 19:40:04.502   772   775 I : * Enable MagiskHide
02-23 19:40:04.502   772   775 I : hide_list add: [[[LIST OF HIDDEN APPS REDACTED FOR PRIVACY]]]
02-23 19:40:04.733   772   775 I : hide: Hiding sensitive props
02-23 19:40:04.825   772   775 I : * Running module post-fs-data scripts
02-23 19:40:04.826   786   786 I : riru-core: exec []
02-23 19:40:04.826   788   788 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.827   786   786 I : riru_edxposed: exec []
02-23 19:40:04.827   789   789 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.828   786   786 I : riru_storage_redirect: exec []
02-23 19:40:04.828   790   790 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.829   786   786 I : aml: exec []
02-23 19:40:04.829   791   791 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.830   786   786 I : eds: exec []
02-23 19:40:04.830   792   792 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.830   786   786 I : MagiskHidePropsConf: exec []
02-23 19:40:04.831   793   793 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.831   786   786 I : riru-sui: exec []
02-23 19:40:04.832   794   794 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 19:40:04.833   772   775 I : * Loading modules
02-23 19:40:04.833   772   775 I : riru-core: loading [system.prop]
02-23 19:40:04.834   772   775 I : riru-core: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.835   772   775 I : hosts: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.835   772   775 I : riru_edxposed: loading [system.prop]
02-23 19:40:04.835   772   775 I : riru_edxposed: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.835   772   775 I : microg_installer: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.835   772   775 I : Fdroid-Priv: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : terminalmods: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : ccbins: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : busybox-ndk: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : riru_storage_redirect: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : adb-ndk: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : aml: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : acp: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.836   772   775 I : zipsigner: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.837   772   775 I : callrecorder-skvalex: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.837   772   775 I : safetynet-fix: loading [system.prop]
02-23 19:40:04.837   772   775 I : safetynet-fix: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.837   772   775 I : MagiskHidePropsConf: loading [system.prop]
02-23 19:40:04.837   772   775 I : MagiskHidePropsConf: loading mount files
02-23 19:40:04.837   772   775 I : riru-sui: loading mount files
02-23 11:40:05.383   772  1035 I : ** late_start service mode running
02-23 11:40:05.386   772  1035 I : * Running service.d scripts
02-23 11:40:05.395   772  1035 I : service.d: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.398   772  1035 I : * Running module service scripts
02-23 11:40:05.398   772  1035 I : riru-core: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.427  1047  1047 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:05.430   772  1035 I : ccbins: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.431  1061  1061 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:05.432  1068  1068 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:05.433   772  1035 I : shizuku-starter: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.440   772  1035 I : aml: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.446   772  1035 I : com.piyushgarg.rclone: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.447  1080  1080 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:05.448   772  1035 I : ssh: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.458  1070  1070 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:05.461  1083  1083 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:05.463   772  1035 I : MagiskHidePropsConf: exec []
02-23 11:40:05.481  1096  1096 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:05.485  1092  1092 E : execve /sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox failed with 8: Exec format error
02-23 11:40:43.245   772  2613 I : ** boot_complete triggered
02-23 11:40:43.246   772  2613 I : hide: Hiding sensitive props (late)
02-23 11:41:01.424   772   785 I : proc_monitor: [[[LIST OF APPS REDACTED FOR PRIVACY]]]

---Manager Logs---
22.0 (22000)

--------- beginning of crash
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: pool-3-thread-1
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.topjohnwu.magisk, PID: 2810
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The file system on the device is in a bad state. WorkManager cannot access the app's internal data store.
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:13)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:2)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14 SQLITE_CANTOPEN): Could not open database
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeOpen(Native Method)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.openConnectionLocked(
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openInner(
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper.getDatabaseLocked(
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.rv.K(Unknown Source:4)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:4)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.ku.h(Unknown Source:2)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.ku.b(Unknown Source:0)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.m30.b(Unknown Source:9)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.z10.h(Unknown Source:2)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:11)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:0)
02-23 11:40:44.727  2810  2861 E AndroidRuntime:    ... 5 more
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: pool-3-thread-1
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.topjohnwu.magisk, PID: 3045
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The file system on the device is in a bad state. WorkManager cannot access the app's internal data store.
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:13)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:2)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unknown error (code 14 SQLITE_CANTOPEN): Could not open database
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeOpen(Native Method)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnectionPool.openConnectionLocked(
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openInner(
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper.getDatabaseLocked(
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.rv.K(Unknown Source:4)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:4)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.ku.h(Unknown Source:2)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.ku.b(Unknown Source:0)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.m30.b(Unknown Source:9)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at a.z10.h(Unknown Source:2)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:11)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    at Source:0)
02-23 11:40:57.440  3045  3079 E AndroidRuntime:    ... 5 more
--------- beginning of main
02-23 11:45:19.008 10091 10091 E opjohnwu.magis: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-23 11:45:19.016 10091 10091 V StorageRedirectInject: main: package=com.topjohnwu.magisk, user=0
02-23 11:45:19.023 10091 10091 V StorageRedirectInject: install hook finished
02-23 11:45:19.117 10120 10120 W su      : type=1400 audit(0.0:397): avc: denied { read } for name="bin" dev="dm-1" ino=17 scontext=u:r:magisk_client:s0:c149,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.topjohnwu.magisk
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: QUALCOMM build                   : ba734b1, I0a3e8c4129
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: Build Date                       : 11/08/19
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.27.05.02
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: Local Branch                     : 
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.7.8.9.C1.
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: Remote Branch                    : NONE
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING
02-23 11:45:19.149 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: Build Config                     : S P 8.0.11 AArch64
02-23 11:45:19.152 10091 10113 I AdrenoGLES: PFP: 0x016ee183, ME: 0x00000000
02-23 11:45:19.172 10091 10113 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported
02-23 11:45:19.173 10091 10113 E libc    : Access denied finding property "vendor.gralloc.disable_ahardware_buffer"
02-23 11:45:19.170 10091 10091 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:398): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=18321 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c149,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 b/79617173 app=com.topjohnwu.magisk
02-23 11:45:19.497 10091 10117 W opjohnwu.magis: Accessing hidden method Landroid/hardware/biometrics/BiometricManager;->canAuthenticate(I)I (blacklist, linking, denied)
02-23 11:45:19.585 10091 10117 I opjohnwu.magis: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
02-23 11:45:19.593 10091 10117 D GmsProviderInstaller: Initializing provider for com.topjohnwu.magisk
02-23 11:45:19.629 10091 10117 V NativeCrypto: Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 288 native methods...
02-23 11:45:19.643 10091 10117 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-23 11:45:19.644 10091 10117 D GmsProviderInstaller: Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
02-23 11:45:19.657 10091 10091 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@b500330
02-23 11:45:19.661 10091 10091 I AppCompatDelegate: The Activity's LayoutInflater already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat's
02-23 11:45:19.873 10091 10193 W OkHttp  : Incorrect protocol: http/1.1
02-23 11:45:19.882 10091 10194 W OkHttp  : Incorrect protocol: http/1.1
02-23 11:45:21.221 10091 10091 I NavController: Ignoring popBackStack to destination com.topjohnwu.magisk:id/0_resource_name_obfuscated as it was not found on the current back stack
maxweisspoker commented 3 years ago

I have determined what the issue is. The file "/sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox" is mounted or copied from the file "/data/adb/magisk/busybox" and it is the following executable shell script:

[ -x $BB ] && exec $BB "$@"
exec /data/adb/magisk/busybox.bin "$@"

As you can see, it goes in an infinite loop.

My fix was simply replacing that script "/data/adb/magisk/busybox" with the busybox binary, copied from "/data/adb/magisk/busybox.bin". So now the mounted file "/sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox" is actually a binary rather than that script. With that fix, my issue no longer occurs and everything seems to work correctly.

I am leaving the issue open, since the bug still exists.

techIndia-hacker commented 3 years ago

This has something to do with ur device probably cause oneplus 7t, samaung A70 doesn't have any error

topjohnwu commented 3 years ago

Re-run the direct install method in the Magisk app, it seems to me the busybox binary was corrupted

giving-sesame commented 3 years ago

I have determined what the issue is.

Great work! Thanks a lot! One of my devices had the same bug, now it is cured.

Direct install re-run cannot help me, because for some unknown reasons I can only patch boot.img and then reflash it via fastboot on this device.

yipchow commented 3 years ago

I have determined what the issue is. The file "/sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox" is mounted or copied from the file "/data/adb/magisk/busybox" and it is the following executable shell script:

[ -x $BB ] && exec $BB "$@"
exec /data/adb/magisk/busybox.bin "$@"

As you can see, it goes in an infinite loop.

My fix was simply replacing that script "/data/adb/magisk/busybox" with the busybox binary, copied from "/data/adb/magisk/busybox.bin". So now the mounted file "/sbin/.magisk/busybox/busybox" is actually a binary rather than that script. With that fix, my issue no longer occurs and everything seems to work correctly.

I am leaving the issue open, since the bug still exists.

This unfortunately isn't working for me. I can't find a folder named /sbin/ on the root of my device. Is there a better guide out there on how to fix this issue?

Dark-Yox commented 3 years ago

@yipchow Same here, I just installed the old classic busybox.

HaleTom commented 3 years ago

I worked around this by "upgrading" (I already had the latest version) to the current version of Magisk via direct install method, then rebooting.

EugenNY commented 2 years ago

I'm on a Moto G7 Play with Magisk 24.2 (latest) and stock Android 9

thanks to this issue I found out a similar problem with my magisk/busybox:

channel:/data/adb/magisk # ./busybox
/system/bin/sh: ./busybox: not executable: 64-bit ELF file

I replaced the binary with a working one. the error disappeared.