Step 7: Download [latest Magisk apk]( and change the .apk extension to .zip. Extract zip and look into lib here you can find the binary tools for your architecture. On PC you extract lib/x86/
Magisk has some native static linked binary for x86 packed inside their apk. Download the magisk's apk, unzip it, look inside lib/ and you will find some x86 binary. There will be Just run it like a normal Linux executable (./
I'm trying to enable KVM for SM-A600G (Samsung Galaxy A6 with exynos7870). This is the tutorial that I'm following :
at point 7,he says :
Step 7: Download [latest Magisk apk]( and change the .apk extension to .zip. Extract zip and look into lib here you can find the binary tools for your architecture. On PC you extract lib/x86/
and even on the issues that I've opened :
he says :
Magisk has some native static linked binary for x86 packed inside their apk. Download the magisk's apk, unzip it, look inside lib/ and you will find some x86 binary. There will be Just run it like a normal Linux executable (./
ok. I've got the Magisk apk from here :
but I've seen that inside the folder lib/x86 and lib/x86_64 there aren't binaries. Why ?