Re: Sorry in advanced for mistakes, not fluent in English.
Xiaomi 14T Pro doesn't patch boot image correctly (after 1 second says done) but there's no root after installing it through fastboot Taiwan Hyperos 1.0.2
UPD: Tried patch init_boot.img instead in both 28.001 and 28, bootloop in both cases (though luckily could restore boot)
Device: Xiaomi 14T Pro
Android version: 14
Magisk version name: topjohnwu/canary
Magisk version code: 28001
Re: Sorry in advanced for mistakes, not fluent in English.
Xiaomi 14T Pro doesn't patch boot image correctly (after 1 second says done) but there's no root after installing it through fastboot Taiwan Hyperos 1.0.2
UPD: Tried patch init_boot.img instead in both 28.001 and 28, bootloop in both cases (though luckily could restore boot)
27|28|28.001 Device: Xiaomi 14T Pro Android version: 14 Magisk version name: topjohnwu/canary Magisk version code: 28001