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Bret Victor's talks #15

Open blinry opened 7 years ago

blinry commented 7 years ago

Hey, thanks for putting together this list!

In his talk Inventing on Principle, Bret Victor describes some principles related to live coding, and demonstrates a number of mind-blowing demos. If you feel this is relevant to your list, please consider adding it! :)

lvm commented 7 years ago

Hi! No problem :D Yes, it's a fantastic talk; originally was going to add it to the list but since most of the first content was about live coding as a performing arts, left it out.
There's this other issue discussing adding papers and extending the content of this list to add CS related material too. So, if you have more material like this, you're welcome to add (either by creating a PR or an issue).

For the moment, I'll leave this issue open until there's more material and then add all together.

yaxu commented 7 years ago

This one ends in a performance: A good talk, although not my favourite of his.

lvm commented 7 years ago

Great. Here's another by John Resig.
Also, here's the code for the editor he uses in that video.

I'll add these later

lvm commented 7 years ago

And this one, from the demoscene.

floer32 commented 5 years ago

This issue is very interesting and I’m glad it’s posted here.

FWIW, this is a cluster of topics I’ve thought about a lot.

I have a sprawling (figurative) mindmap on this cluster of topics ... Livecoding, creative coding more generally, Bret Victor’s kind of views (tying together HCI/HCD, systems thinking, etc), relationship to exploratory data analysis, curious hacker mindset, etc ...

Have always wanted to figure out non-rambling ways to share some of it.

I know that for me, Max/MSP and Jeskola Buzz were gateways into programming more generally; not quite livecoding but when you save and reload often enough it starts to give you the taste for it. I’ve never stopped having a prodding, curious approach (ie I favor test-driven coding, live in REPLs etc).

I’ve wondered about ways to recreate this for young ones and learners.

And maybe there could be an outline or guide, that could be fodder for people trying to create workshops or classes in that space.

It feels like a separate, overlapping/complementary guide to this. But I have such a nebulous sense, that I can’t even come up with a fake title for it yet.

I would enjoy having some kinda brainstorm about this area, and seeing if there’s a good project to do in this. If anybody else in interested in a breakout group about it (via chat, virtual meetup, etc), and/or knows educators who work with tech or new media, please do chime in / get in touch!