topojson / us-atlas

Pre-built TopoJSON from the U.S. Census Bureau.
ISC License
859 stars 139 forks source link

Makefile #17

Closed jonataswalker closed 7 years ago

jonataswalker commented 9 years ago

Hi there!

To make the git clone work I made some adjustments as it follows: 1) download v0.0.4 tar.gz released 2) git clone repo(obvious) 3) replace cloned Makefile content with tar gzipped version 4) change the path of binary topojson - line 4 5) replace cloned geomerge content with topomerge tar gzipped version (both bin dir) 6) replace cloned geouniq content with topouniq tar gzipped version (both bin dir)

Now I can run make all, make topo/us-10m.json and so on. Many thanks for your software.

mbostock commented 7 years ago

Closing old issues. Sorry I never replied.