topojson / us-atlas

Pre-built TopoJSON from the U.S. Census Bureau.
ISC License
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Error when running make #3

Closed factormystic closed 7 years ago

factormystic commented 11 years ago

Cloned the repo, ran npm install, then make, and got this error:

Makefile:249: *** mixed implicit and normal rules.  Stop.

I inspected the makefile and see that the offending block appears to be

shp/us/zipcodes.shp shp/%/tracts.shp shp/%/blockgroups.shp shp/%/blocks.shp:
    rm -rf $(basename $@) && mkdir -p $(basename $@) && unzip -d $(basename $@) $<
    for file in $(basename $@)/*; do chmod 644 $$file; mv $$file $(basename $@).$${file##*.}; done
    rmdir $(basename $@)
    touch $@

A quick googling shows some discussions about the mixing of paths with and without the % character, so perhaps that's the cause? I'm afraid I don't know enough about makefiles to offer a solution.

NelsonMinar commented 10 years ago

I don't see this error. Which version of make are you using? I'm using GNU Make 3.81 on a Mac; that's the version Apple distributed with Lion, I think.

impronunciable commented 10 years ago

Is there a chance to get the simplified topo/zipcodes.json file already generated? I tried with `make topo/us-zipcodes.json' and it brokes (I think because of my computer specs.)

impronunciable commented 10 years ago

Nevermind I made it work. Uploaded so anyone can use the compressed and converted version. Thanks @mbostock you rock!

mbostock commented 7 years ago

Sorry I never replied. I’m closing old issues as I am going to do some redesigns here. If it helps, a fix was proposed in #9.