topspin / topspin-wordpress

Topspin's Wordpress Integration
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4.0 and lack of proper manual + template edit issues #56

Closed Iva83 closed 11 years ago

Iva83 commented 11 years ago


I figured out that this was the better place to ask than the WordPress support boards, as there doesn't seem to be any activity related to your plugin.

So, I am the web designer/developer/admin on two music websites (one moderately popular singer-songwriter and one indie label) using your plugin and I have upgraded to 4.0 on Friday. I have managed to find my way with the stores, offers and products; but I have been having problems with the templates and I was wondering if you could clarify some things for me.

Here's what I'm wondering:

  1. Should the template files remain in the plugin folder, or should they be copied to the theme folder, like it was the case previously?
  2. What template files am I supposed to edit in order to get rid of e.g. dates on the single product pages? From what I have seen, item.php doesn't look like your average WordPress custom type template. With my only option being a CSS visibility tweak, I don't think I like it.
  3. Where can I edit store templates to add notes about them? E.g. if I wanted to add a headline to a particular store, to say when the items should be shipped, how do I do that? A meta-box is missing from the custom write screen and I would not want to hack a plugin solely to lose my changes later when you've upgraded it.
  4. What template files am I supposed to edit or create in order to get rid of the stores' index or make it look different from post archives? I find this very inconvenient.
  5. Can I get item descriptions on the item listings, rather than having to click each item page to see them?
  6. Would it be possible to get rid of a taxonomy base, completely, so we would have something like and not like
  7. Some of the plugin's JavaScript is disabling the screen options toggle on WordPress backend edit pages and opening/closure of various other toggle-able page items. For example, I cannot remove the preview from the backend screen.
  8. The Spin tags I add to the offers myself, that have not been there previously, are ignored.

Any help would be appreciated, as these are production sites and some people are doing their final holiday shopping. Thank you.

Iva Tanacković

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

NINE. In addition to all of the above, the 4.0.3. change is confusing: while the new setting for the grid images is applied, it still displays the default value in the select box.

TEN. Also, would make more sense to introduce the other custom sizes for the said images as well. One of the sites I work on needs them at 580 pixels (and further scrollable, which worked before) wide and that's possible on the other, regardless of these 4.0.3. changes.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hi @Iva83 ,

Please refer to the Template Customization wiki page for more information on how to edit the templates within your theme directory.

In addition, you can refer to the Template Tags wiki page for an available list of tags/functions you can use in your templates.

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

Hello @theuprising ,

This will obviously solve only the first of the issues mentioned, as the rest simply no longer works with 4.0 or does not function at all. So, while I'm really thankful that I don't have to go through mazes for one of the problems, could you, please, have a look at the rest at some point? I believe 7, 8 and the one I added later are real bugs, while the others are just missing from the custom post types' set-ups.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Can you email us your server/WP credentials at and we'll take a look at your site specifically.


ghost commented 11 years ago

We will look into #7. For #8, if you added the tags and then added products into them in the Topspin system, but did not manually republish each offer, then this won't be updated in the API. This is a limit of Topspin which requires an offer to be manually published for any changes to the tags to take effect in the API itself - trust us, we know that sucks, but as a 3rd party there's nothing we can do since the API just doesn't get updated by Topspin unless the offers are manually republished.

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

I will have to ask for a permission from responsible for making such decisions as letting someone else have a look.

Regarding #8, would probably be a good idea to state that in the manual, as it's definitely not me and not them.

Regarding #2, #3, #4 and #5, I believe the problem is on your end, as the templates were created to replace the WordPress loop, rather than entire pages. When I say page template, I usually mean everything between the header and sidebar + footer, something intended to replace the main page area.

Regarding #9 and #10, I will show you what I mean:

In both cases, setting the image size from the WordPress backend, results in 200 pixels size still being set. On the first

Both sites are hosted on the same server.

ELEVEN: the colleague (who's a graphic designer and not that familiar with the web dev+design terms you and I would use on regular basis) has pointed out another thing.

"I'm not exactly sure how to organize and designate products to their respective tabs." - he said.

What he means is that he cannot order the items manually. If he wanted the bundle of items to be on the bottom of the page and a plain CD on top, it's impossible.

I do realise that changing the dates for the custom post types would do the trick, but given that the manual order used to function, I'm wondering if the feature was, perhaps, left out?

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hi @Iva83,

It could be that the jQuery and jQuery UI library are out of sync which is causing the break for your admin store edit pages to not working. The plugin utilizes the WordPress's own JS libraries (jQuery, jQuery UI Core, and jQuery UI Sortable). If you have any 3rd party plugins or anywhere in your theme's code that overrides this, you need to disable or update it to match the WordPress versions.

For customizing the templates, please make sure your custom template folder is in the correct paths. If your settings is set to Simplified, the plugin will first try to load /topspin/simplied/ if it is available. Otherwise, it will load the plugin's own template file.

If your template is set to "Standard", it will try to load /topspin/standard/ first and fall back to the file in the plugin folder if the custom location isn't found.

For custom sized images, you can use WordPress' native add_image_size() function as it uses the native feature post thumbnail feature for handling the images for each Offer. Once the size is added, you can change the ts_the_thumbnail() to reference the new custom image size in your custom template files.

Overall, I believe you would need to resolve the jQuery/jQuery UI version conflicts first and get the customized template folder working and that should open up the playground for moving stuff around.

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

So, this could potentially solve the backend issue and there's a workaround for the images. Thank you. :+1:

And I managed to solve #5 myself.

How about #2, #3 and #11 ? I have triple-checked the possible template customisations and I still have no way to solve those.

ghost commented 11 years ago

2 and 3

Depending on your theme's template structure, you can create a single-store.php file that handles the template for each store page. This will take effect on all store pages. From there, you can remove the post date/time function reference.

In addition, you can also do the same thing for individual offer pages by making a single-offer.php.

Note: Based on what your custom post type is called for stores/offers, you need to change the single file accordingly like single-{slug}.php (read more)


This should be fixed when the jQuery lib conflicts has been resolved as it relies on jQuery UI Sortable.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hi @Iva83 ,

This issue will now be marked as closed since we haven't heard a reply since the last update. Please open up a new issue if you have any more questions/bugs.


Iva83 commented 11 years ago

Thank you.

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

Making a single-store.php does not change absolutely anything. I have copied the Page template, which has metadata in a different place from the post template, just to see how this will work and nothing changed.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hi @Iva83 ,

Can you email send us at your site's credential (WordPress and FTP) and we will check to see how you are setting up your custom templates?

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

I am not able to provide you with that, I'm sorry.

I only copied plain code from page.php to single-store.php and put it in the theme folder; to test the functionality. Was it meant to be in the theme/topspin/standard folder instead?

ghost commented 11 years ago

Yes. The plugin active template folder should be copied to <current_theme_directory>/topspin/<template_folder>

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

Normally, custom single pages do not reside there. I was asking about that, specifically. The files you told me that I can create above.

Iva83 commented 11 years ago

I'm adding this to a suggestions list, if you do not mind.