topspin / topspin-wordpress

Topspin's Wordpress Integration
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Topspin Store Plugin incompatible with Yoast Wordpress SEO #70

Closed petermeg closed 11 years ago

petermeg commented 11 years ago

With all WP, Woothemes Canvas (with child), Framework and Plugins versions confirmed up to date, after testing, have discovered that when Yoast Wordpress SEO plugin is activated, simultaneously with Topspin store also activated, the result is being unable to access any page content when in an Admin mode. A resulting screenshot of the ERROR message can be seen here < ERROR.tiff > - A second screenshot of the lines of "offending" code being referred to can be seen here < metabox.php_line 1047.tiff >. Anyone help please?

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hello. Thanks for the information. We'll take a look at this and get back to you with our input by tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hi @petermeg,

We've installed the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin and it works for us. Can you send a new valid screenshot as the one you have posted are not inputted correctly.

ghost commented 11 years ago

We are closing this issue and if you need more Topspin plugin support, please open a new ticket. Thank you.