torarnehave1 / slowyouio

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Title: Proposal to Implement Subdomains for Product Services and Partners #3

Open torarnehave1 opened 3 months ago

torarnehave1 commented 3 months ago

Title: Proposal to Implement Subdomains for Product Services and Partners


Hello Team,

To better cater to our diverse and international user base, I propose the implementation of subdomains for various sections of the SlowYou platform. This structure will help us organize our offerings more efficiently and improve accessibility for our global audience.

Subdomain Structure:

  1. Training Subdomain:

    • Dedicated to hosting our online body work classes and Zoom sessions. This will centralize all training-related content, making it easier for users to find and engage with our courses.
  2. Video Courses Subdomain:

    • A separate hub for all our video courses. This will allow users to access our extensive library of video resources independently of our live training sessions.
  3. Learning Resources Subdomain:

    • To store and present various educational and support materials that complement our training and video courses. This could include articles, downloadable guides, and FAQs.
  4. Partners Subdomain:

    • A portal for current and potential partners to find information about collaborating with us, understanding our business model, and exploring mutual benefits.


Our goal with SlowYou is to deliver valuable services and resources to an international market. Implementing subdomains will help us achieve a more organized and effective online presence.

For further discussions on this proposal, please feel free to provide your insights or suggest modifications.

Best regards, Tor Arne Håve

torarnehave1 commented 3 months ago

Since you are using Nginx, here are the specific steps to add a subdomain to your site on your VPS:

DNS Configuration:

Nginx Configuration:

Enable the Configuration:

Verify Configuration:

Website Content:

After completing these steps, your subdomain should be accessible and point to the content you've specified. If you have any further questions or encounter issues during this process, feel free to ask for assistance.

torarnehave1 commented 3 months ago

Yes, adding a new DNS record for your subdomain and pointing it to your VPS's IP address ( involves creating an A record. An A record (Address record) is used to map a domain or subdomain to an IPv4 address, allowing the domain to be resolved to the specified IP address. When adding the A record for your subdomain, you will specify the subdomain name and the corresponding IPv4 address.

Once the A record is added and propagated, requests to your subdomain will be directed to the specified IP address, allowing your Nginx server to handle the incoming traffic for the subdomain. If you need guidance on adding the A record through your domain registrar's DNS management interface, feel free to ask for further assistance.

torarnehave1 commented 3 months ago

The commands you provided are related to using Certbot, a tool that automates the process of obtaining and installing Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificates with the Nginx web server. Let’s break down what each command does:

Command 1: sudo certbot --nginx -v

This command is typically used to start the process of securing an Nginx server block with a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. Certbot will interactively ask which domains to secure if not specified with the -d flag, and it will handle the challenges to prove domain ownership automatically.

Command 2: sudo certbot --expand -d -d

When using the --expand option, you are telling Certbot to re-issue a certificate covering both the existing domains and any new domains listed. It’s important to include all the domains and subdomains that the certificate should cover, both old and new, when using --expand.

Do I have to include all sites including the subdomain in the expand command?

Yes, when you use the --expand option with Certbot, you should include all domains and subdomains that you want the certificate to cover, not just the new ones. If you omit any previously covered domains, they will not be included in the new certificate, and therefore, they will not be secured by HTTPS after the update. For instance, if your original certificate covered and now you want to add, you should run:

sudo certbot --expand -d -d -d

This command updates the existing certificate to include the new subdomain alongside the previously covered domains, ensuring that all specified addresses are secured under a single certificate.

torarnehave1 commented 3 months ago

The error message you're encountering from Certbot indicates a problem with DNS configuration for the domain This specific issue arises because the DNS records (A or AAAA) for the domain do not correctly point to a valid IP address where your Nginx server is hosted. Here are the steps you need to take to resolve this issue:

1. Check DNS Records

First, you need to ensure that you have properly set up DNS records for

How to Set Up DNS Records

You will typically manage these records from the domain registrar's website or through the DNS management service you are using. Here’s a general process:

  1. Log in to Your DNS Provider: This could be where you registered your domain or a third-party DNS service.
  2. Access DNS Management: Navigate to the DNS settings page for your domain.
  3. Add/Edit DNS Records:
    • For an A record, you would typically enter the subdomain part (maiken for, select 'A' as the type, and input the IPv4 address of your server.
    • For an AAAA record, the process is similar, but you input an IPv6 address if your server supports it.

2. Verify DNS Propagation

After updating your DNS records, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours for these changes to propagate worldwide, due to DNS caching. You can check the status of DNS propagation using tools like dig, nslookup, or various online services:

dig +noall +answer A
dig +noall +answer AAAA

3. Retry Certbot

Once you confirm that the DNS records are correctly set and propagated, you can retry running Certbot:

sudo certbot --nginx -d

This command will attempt to obtain a certificate for again, now that the DNS issues should be resolved.

4. Debugging Further Issues

If you encounter further issues, check the following:

Addressing the DNS issue should resolve the problem you're seeing with Certbot. If problems persist after taking these steps, you may need to investigate additional configurations or potential errors in your server setup.

torarnehave1 commented 3 months ago

nslookup -type=A