torbennehmer / hacs-e3dc

Homeassistant E3DC Integration
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
53 stars 8 forks source link

E3DC Manual charge #102

Closed Thomansky closed 5 months ago

Thomansky commented 5 months ago


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Please integrate this feature so that it would be possible to load the memory manually via Tibber, for example

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-21 um 17 51 03

Describe the solution you'd like


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Additional context

Wanted to ask if you can support the project financially or when the next update will come with the wallboxes

Diagnostics dump

No response

torbennehmer commented 5 months ago

That's already implemented. See Initate manual battery charging in the Readme, read carefully, it has a few cavets.

Wanted to ask if you can support the project financially or

The hindering factor for me is time, not money :-)

when the next update will come with the wallboxes

The next update will have HASS 24.01 support and a number of minor fixes, 24.01 brings a number of features, that allow me to improve error handling a bit. Next thing will be the system status support (as this is a quick-win). Wallbox will probably come next, as it is a more time-consuming feature as I don't have an E3DC wallbox (I'm using an OpenWB instead).

Thomansky commented 5 months ago

Is there anything else that can help? I can't program, but I have two E3DC wallboxes. do you speak german?