Open gamer123 opened 7 months ago
The integration get wrong values peaks for additional total source 5:45 pm and 2:45am 2 times in less than.
Not available
{ "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2024.4.4", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.12.2", "docker": true, "arch": "x86_64", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.6.25-haos", "supervisor": "2024.04.0", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 12.2", "docker_version": "25.0.5", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "mypyllant": { "version": "v0.7.3", "requirements": [ "myPyllant==0.8.9" ] }, "homematicip_local": { "version": "1.60.0", "requirements": [ "hahomematic==2024.4.10" ] }, "dreame_vacuum": { "version": "v1.0.3", "requirements": [ "pillow", "numpy", "pybase64", "requests", "pycryptodome", "python-miio", "py-mini-racer", "tzlocal", "paho-mqtt" ] }, "frigate": { "version": "5.1.0", "requirements": [ "pytz" ] }, "e3dc_rscp": { "version": "v3.7.0", "requirements": [ "pye3dc==0.9.1" ] }, "hacs": { "version": "1.34.0", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "nodered": { "version": "1.0.6", "requirements": [] }, "dahua": { "version": "0.5.0", "requirements": [] }, "gruenbeck_cloud": { "version": "0.1.1", "requirements": [ "pygruenbeck_cloud==0.1.0" ] }, "duckdns_ipv4_ipv6": { "version": "1.1.1", "requirements": [] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "e3dc_rscp", "name": "E3DC Remote Storage Control Protocol (Git)", "codeowners": [ "@torbennehmer" ], "config_flow": true, "dependencies": [], "documentation": "", "homekit": {}, "integration_type": "device", "iot_class": "cloud_polling", "issue_tracker": "", "requirements": [ "pye3dc==0.9.1" ], "ssdp": [], "version": "v3.7.0", "zeroconf": [], "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "current_data": { "system-derate-percent": 100.0, "system-derate-power": 12500.0, "system-additional-source-available": true, "system-battery-installed-capacity": 33, "system-battery-installed-peak": 12500, "system-ac-maxpower": 12000, "system-battery-charge-max": 12480, "system-battery-discharge-max": 12120, "system-mac": "3C:", "model": "S10X", "system-battery-discharge-minimum-default": 65, "e3dc_timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "additional-production": 9698, "autarky": 99.8515625, "battery-charge": 507, "battery-discharge": 0, "battery-netchange": 507, "grid-consumption": 0, "grid-netchange": -66, "grid-production": 66, "house-consumption": 1632, "selfconsumption": 99.80897521972656, "soc": 93, "solar-production": 3613, "wallbox-consumption": 11131, "pset-limit-charge": 12480, "pset-limit-discharge": 12120, "pset-limit-discharge-minimum": 65, "pset-limit-enabled": false, "pset-powersaving-enabled": true, "pset-weatherregulationenabled": true, "manual-charge-active": false, "manual-charge-energy": 0, "additional-1": 9757.0, "additional-1-total": 1400051.81, "db-day-autarky": 90.66351318359375, "db-day-battery-charge": 11759.0, "db-day-battery-discharge": 6924.3125, "db-day-grid-consumption": 2638.0, "db-day-grid-production": 4360.3125, "db-day-house-consumption": 28254.75, "db-day-selfconsumption": 85.45450592041016, "db-day-solar-production": 10848.0, "db-day-startts": 1714003200 }, "get_system_info": { "deratePercent": 100.0, "deratePower": 12500.0, "externalSourceAvailable": 1, "installedBatteryCapacity": 33, "installedPeakPower": 12500, "maxAcPower": 12000, "macAddress": "3C:", "maxBatChargePower": 12480, "maxBatDischargePower": 12120, "model": "S10X", "release": "H20_2023_062", "serial": "812" }, "get_system_status": { "dcdcAlive": true, "powerMeterAlive": true, "batteryModuleAlive": true, "pvModuleAlive": true, "pvInverterInited": true, "serverConnectionAlive": true, "pvDerated": false, "emsAlive": true, "acModeBlocked": false, "sysConfChecked": false, "emergencyPowerStarted": false, "emergencyPowerOverride": false, "wallBoxAlive": true, "powerSaveEnabled": false, "chargeIdlePeriodActive": false, "dischargeIdlePeriodActive": false, "waitForWeatherBreakthrough": false, "rescueBatteryEnabled": false, "emergencyReserveReached": false, "socSyncRequested": false }, "get_powermeters": [ { "index": 0, "type": 1, "typeName": "PM_TYPE_ROOT" }, { "index": 1, "type": 2, "typeName": "PM_TYPE_ADDITIONAL" } ], "e3dc_config": { "powermeters": [ { "index": 0, "type": 1, "typeName": "PM_TYPE_ROOT", "name": "Root PM", "key": "root-pm", "total-state-class": "total", "negate-measure": false }, { "index": 1, "type": 2, "typeName": "PM_TYPE_ADDITIONAL", "name": "Additional", "key": "additional-1", "total-state-class": "total_increasing", "negate-measure": true } ] }, "poll": { "autarky": 99.8515625, "consumption": { "battery": 507, "house": 1632, "wallbox": 11131 }, "production": { "solar": 3613, "add": 9698, "grid": -66 }, "selfConsumption": 99.80897521972656, "stateOfCharge": 93, "time": "2024-04-25T10:50:12.000586+00:00" }, "switches": [], "get_pvis_data": [ { "acMaxApparentPower": 4000.0, "cosPhi": { "active": null, "value": null, "excited": null }, "deviceState": { "connected": true, "working": true, "inService": false }, "frequency": { "under": null, "over": null }, "index": 0, "lastError": "11 0x0", "maxPhaseCount": 3, "maxStringCount": 2, "onGrid": true, "phases": { "0": { "power": 961.0, "voltage": 240.5, "current": 4.150000095367432, "apparentPower": 998.0, "reactivePower": 0.0, "energyAll": 883063.0, "energyGridConsumption": 169992.0 }, "1": { "power": 972.0, "voltage": 241.8000030517578, "current": 4.199999809265137, "apparentPower": 1016.0, "reactivePower": 0.0, "energyAll": 364308.0, "energyGridConsumption": 82554.0 }, "2": { "power": 1006.0, "voltage": 239.8000030517578, "current": 4.409999847412109, "apparentPower": 1057.0, "reactivePower": 0.0, "energyAll": 375405.0, "energyGridConsumption": 83077.0 } }, "powerMode": 1, "serialNumber": "E3E", "state": "0xff271d", "strings": { "0": { "power": 1944.0, "voltage": 362.0, "current": 5.369999885559082, "energyAll": 872440.0 } }, "systemMode": 2, "temperature": { "max": 130.0, "min": -30.0, "values": [ 43.400001525878906, 47.5, 49.20000076293945, 46.29999923706055 ] }, "type": 3, "version": " MAIN HW07 2.060", "voltageMonitoring": { "thresholdTop": null, "thresholdBottom": null, "slopeUp": null, "slopeDown": null } } ], "get_powermeters_data": [ { "activePhases": "111", "energy": { "L1": -0.15, "L2": -0.28, "L3": 0.26 }, "index": 0, "maxPhasePower": 24000.0, "mode": 1, "power": { "L1": -732.0, "L2": -51.0, "L3": 749.0 }, "type": 1, "voltage": { "L1": 241.55999755859375, "L2": 240.60000610351562, "L3": 240.50999450683594 } }, { "activePhases": "111", "energy": { "L1": -477074.61, "L2": -462341.89, "L3": -460635.31 }, "index": 1, "maxPhasePower": 24000.0, "mode": 65, "power": { "L1": -3720.0, "L2": -3038.0, "L3": -3020.0 }, "type": 2, "voltage": { "L1": 241.24000549316406, "L2": 240.74000549316406, "L3": 240.36000061035156 } } ], "get_batteries_data": { "exception": [ "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/config/custom_components/e3dc_rscp/\", line 110, in _query_data_for_dump\n tmp = call()\n ^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 1377, in get_batteries_data\n self.get_battery_data(\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 1272, in get_battery_data\n temperatures.append(temperatures_data[sensor][2])\n ~~~~~^^^^^^^^\n", "IndexError: list index out of range\n" ] }, "get_idle_periods": null, "get_power_settings": { "dischargeStartPower": 65, "maxChargePower": 12480, "maxDischargePower": 12120, "powerLimitsUsed": false, "powerSaveEnabled": true, "weatherForecastMode": 1, "weatherRegulatedChargeEnabled": true }, "EMS_REQ_GET_MANUAL_CHARGE": { "exception": [ "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 102, in sendRequest\n receive = self._receive()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 76, in _receive\n decData = rscpDecode(self.encdec.decrypt(data))[0]\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 263, in rscpDecode\n return rscpDecode(rscpFrameDecode(data)[0])\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 279, in rscpDecode\n innerData, usedLength = rscpDecode(data[curByte:])\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 270, in rscpDecode\n strTag = getStrRscpTag(hexTag)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 3692, in getStrRscpTag\n tag = RscpTag(tag)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/\", line 744, in call\n return, value)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/\", line 1158, in new\n raise ve_exc\n", "ValueError: 16777278 is not a valid RscpTag\n", "\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n\n", "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 226, in sendRequest\n result = self.rscp.sendRequest(request)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 108, in sendRequest\n raise CommunicationError\n", "e3dc._e3dc_rscp_local.CommunicationError\n", "\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n\n", "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/config/custom_components/e3dc_rscp/\", line 110, in _query_data_for_dump\n tmp = call()\n ^^^^^^\n", " File \"/config/custom_components/e3dc_rscp/\", line 79, in \n lambda: self.e3dc.sendRequestTag(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 263, in sendRequestTag\n return self.sendRequest(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 237, in sendRequest\n raise SendError(\"Max retries reached\")\n", "e3dc._e3dc.SendError: Max retries reached\n" ] }, "DB_REQ_HISTORY_DATA_DAY": [ "DB_HISTORY_DATA_DAY", "Container", [ [ "DB_SUM_CONTAINER", "Container", [ [ "DB_GRAPH_INDEX", "Float32", -1.0 ], [ "DB_BAT_POWER_IN", "Float32", 11759.0 ], [ "DB_BAT_POWER_OUT", "Float32", 6924.3125 ], [ "DB_DC_POWER", "Float32", 10848.0 ], [ "DB_GRID_POWER_IN", "Float32", 4360.3125 ], [ "DB_GRID_POWER_OUT", "Float32", 2638.0 ], [ "DB_CONSUMPTION", "Float32", 28254.75 ], [ "DB_PM_0_POWER", "Float32", 0.0 ], [ "DB_PM_1_POWER", "Float32", -25547.625 ], [ "DB_BAT_CHARGE_LEVEL", "Float32", 93.31400299072266 ], [ "DB_BAT_CYCLE_COUNT", "Int32", 0 ], [ "DB_CONSUMED_PRODUCTION", "Float32", 85.45450592041016 ], [ "DB_AUTARKY", "Float32", 90.66351318359375 ] ] ], [ "DB_VALUE_CONTAINER", "Container", [ [ "DB_GRAPH_INDEX", "Float32", 0.5312499403953552 ], [ "DB_BAT_POWER_IN", "Float32", 922.2745361328125 ], [ "DB_BAT_POWER_OUT", "Float32", 543.0833129882812 ], [ "DB_DC_POWER", "Float32", 850.8235473632812 ], [ "DB_GRID_POWER_IN", "Float32", 341.98529052734375 ], [ "DB_GRID_POWER_OUT", "Float32", 206.90196228027344 ], [ "DB_CONSUMPTION", "Float32", 2216.058837890625 ], [ "DB_PM_0_POWER", "Float32", 0.0 ], [ "DB_PM_1_POWER", "Float32", -2003.7353515625 ], [ "DB_BAT_CHARGE_LEVEL", "Float32", 93.31400299072266 ], [ "DB_BAT_CYCLE_COUNT", "Int32", 0 ], [ "DB_CONSUMED_PRODUCTION", "Float32", 85.45450592041016 ], [ "DB_AUTARKY", "Float32", 100.0 ] ] ] ] ] } }
I have the same issue. I think when the connection to the e3dc is interrupted the sensor reports 0 instead of unavailable.
System Health details
System Information
Home Assistant Community Store
GitHub API | ok -- | -- GitHub Content | ok GitHub Web | ok GitHub API Calls Remaining | 5000 Installed Version | 1.34.0 Stage | running Available Repositories | 1405 Downloaded Repositories | 22 HACS Data | okHome Assistant Cloud
logged_in | true -- | -- subscription_expiration | 1. Januar 2018 um 01:00 relayer_connected | false relayer_region | null remote_enabled | false remote_connected | false alexa_enabled | true google_enabled | true remote_server | null certificate_status | null instance_id | cea326129bee488ba17d2ad292cffe92 can_reach_cert_server | ok can_reach_cloud_auth | ok can_reach_cloud | okHome Assistant Supervisor
host_os | Home Assistant OS 12.2 -- | -- update_channel | stable supervisor_version | supervisor-2024.04.0 agent_version | 1.6.0 docker_version | 25.0.5 disk_total | 938.2 GB disk_used | 599.9 GB healthy | true supported | true board | generic-x86-64 supervisor_api | ok version_api | ok installed_addons | Mosquitto broker (6.4.0), TasmoAdmin (0.30.1), Advanced SSH & Web Terminal (17.2.0), MariaDB (2.7.1), Traccar (0.25.0), Studio Code Server (5.15.0), File editor (5.8.0), ESPHome (2024.4.1), Samba share (12.3.1), Whisper (2.0.0), Piper (1.5.0), RaspberryMatic CCU (, openWakeWord (1.10.0), porcupine1 (1.2.0), UniFi Network Application (3.0.4), Frigate (Full Access) (0.13.2), Assist Microphone (1.2.0), eBUSd (23.2.5), Let's Encrypt (5.0.15)Dashboards
dashboards | 18 -- | -- resources | 14 views | 52 mode | storageRecorder
oldest_recorder_run | 5. Mai 2023 um 08:41 -- | -- current_recorder_run | 24. April 2024 um 08:48 database_engine | mysql database_version | 10.11.6Checklist
Describe the issue
The integration get wrong values peaks for additional total source 5:45 pm and 2:45am 2 times in less than.
Reproduction steps
Debug logs
Diagnostics dump
{ "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2024.4.4", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.12.2", "docker": true, "arch": "x86_64", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.6.25-haos", "supervisor": "2024.04.0", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 12.2", "docker_version": "25.0.5", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "mypyllant": { "version": "v0.7.3", "requirements": [ "myPyllant==0.8.9" ] }, "homematicip_local": { "version": "1.60.0", "requirements": [ "hahomematic==2024.4.10" ] }, "dreame_vacuum": { "version": "v1.0.3", "requirements": [ "pillow", "numpy", "pybase64", "requests", "pycryptodome", "python-miio", "py-mini-racer", "tzlocal", "paho-mqtt" ] }, "frigate": { "version": "5.1.0", "requirements": [ "pytz" ] }, "e3dc_rscp": { "version": "v3.7.0", "requirements": [ "pye3dc==0.9.1" ] }, "hacs": { "version": "1.34.0", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "nodered": { "version": "1.0.6", "requirements": [] }, "dahua": { "version": "0.5.0", "requirements": [] }, "gruenbeck_cloud": { "version": "0.1.1", "requirements": [ "pygruenbeck_cloud==0.1.0" ] }, "duckdns_ipv4_ipv6": { "version": "1.1.1", "requirements": [] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "e3dc_rscp", "name": "E3DC Remote Storage Control Protocol (Git)", "codeowners": [ "@torbennehmer" ], "config_flow": true, "dependencies": [], "documentation": "", "homekit": {}, "integration_type": "device", "iot_class": "cloud_polling", "issue_tracker": "", "requirements": [ "pye3dc==0.9.1" ], "ssdp": [], "version": "v3.7.0", "zeroconf": [], "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "current_data": { "system-derate-percent": 100.0, "system-derate-power": 12500.0, "system-additional-source-available": true, "system-battery-installed-capacity": 33, "system-battery-installed-peak": 12500, "system-ac-maxpower": 12000, "system-battery-charge-max": 12480, "system-battery-discharge-max": 12120, "system-mac": "3C:",
"model": "S10X",
"system-battery-discharge-minimum-default": 65,
"e3dc_timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"additional-production": 9698,
"autarky": 99.8515625,
"battery-charge": 507,
"battery-discharge": 0,
"battery-netchange": 507,
"grid-consumption": 0,
"grid-netchange": -66,
"grid-production": 66,
"house-consumption": 1632,
"selfconsumption": 99.80897521972656,
"soc": 93,
"solar-production": 3613,
"wallbox-consumption": 11131,
"pset-limit-charge": 12480,
"pset-limit-discharge": 12120,
"pset-limit-discharge-minimum": 65,
"pset-limit-enabled": false,
"pset-powersaving-enabled": true,
"pset-weatherregulationenabled": true,
"manual-charge-active": false,
"manual-charge-energy": 0,
"additional-1": 9757.0,
"additional-1-total": 1400051.81,
"db-day-autarky": 90.66351318359375,
"db-day-battery-charge": 11759.0,
"db-day-battery-discharge": 6924.3125,
"db-day-grid-consumption": 2638.0,
"db-day-grid-production": 4360.3125,
"db-day-house-consumption": 28254.75,
"db-day-selfconsumption": 85.45450592041016,
"db-day-solar-production": 10848.0,
"db-day-startts": 1714003200
"get_system_info": {
"deratePercent": 100.0,
"deratePower": 12500.0,
"externalSourceAvailable": 1,
"installedBatteryCapacity": 33,
"installedPeakPower": 12500,
"maxAcPower": 12000,
"macAddress": "3C:",
"maxBatChargePower": 12480,
"maxBatDischargePower": 12120,
"model": "S10X",
"release": "H20_2023_062",
"serial": "812"
"get_system_status": {
"dcdcAlive": true,
"powerMeterAlive": true,
"batteryModuleAlive": true,
"pvModuleAlive": true,
"pvInverterInited": true,
"serverConnectionAlive": true,
"pvDerated": false,
"emsAlive": true,
"acModeBlocked": false,
"sysConfChecked": false,
"emergencyPowerStarted": false,
"emergencyPowerOverride": false,
"wallBoxAlive": true,
"powerSaveEnabled": false,
"chargeIdlePeriodActive": false,
"dischargeIdlePeriodActive": false,
"waitForWeatherBreakthrough": false,
"rescueBatteryEnabled": false,
"emergencyReserveReached": false,
"socSyncRequested": false
"get_powermeters": [
"index": 0,
"type": 1,
"typeName": "PM_TYPE_ROOT"
"index": 1,
"type": 2,
"e3dc_config": {
"powermeters": [
"index": 0,
"type": 1,
"typeName": "PM_TYPE_ROOT",
"name": "Root PM",
"key": "root-pm",
"total-state-class": "total",
"negate-measure": false
"index": 1,
"type": 2,
"name": "Additional",
"key": "additional-1",
"total-state-class": "total_increasing",
"negate-measure": true
"poll": {
"autarky": 99.8515625,
"consumption": {
"battery": 507,
"house": 1632,
"wallbox": 11131
"production": {
"solar": 3613,
"add": 9698,
"grid": -66
"selfConsumption": 99.80897521972656,
"stateOfCharge": 93,
"time": "2024-04-25T10:50:12.000586+00:00"
"switches": [],
"get_pvis_data": [
"acMaxApparentPower": 4000.0,
"cosPhi": {
"active": null,
"value": null,
"excited": null
"deviceState": {
"connected": true,
"working": true,
"inService": false
"frequency": {
"under": null,
"over": null
"index": 0,
"lastError": "11 0x0",
"maxPhaseCount": 3,
"maxStringCount": 2,
"onGrid": true,
"phases": {
"0": {
"power": 961.0,
"voltage": 240.5,
"current": 4.150000095367432,
"apparentPower": 998.0,
"reactivePower": 0.0,
"energyAll": 883063.0,
"energyGridConsumption": 169992.0
"1": {
"power": 972.0,
"voltage": 241.8000030517578,
"current": 4.199999809265137,
"apparentPower": 1016.0,
"reactivePower": 0.0,
"energyAll": 364308.0,
"energyGridConsumption": 82554.0
"2": {
"power": 1006.0,
"voltage": 239.8000030517578,
"current": 4.409999847412109,
"apparentPower": 1057.0,
"reactivePower": 0.0,
"energyAll": 375405.0,
"energyGridConsumption": 83077.0
"powerMode": 1,
"serialNumber": "E3E",
"state": "0xff271d",
"strings": {
"0": {
"power": 1944.0,
"voltage": 362.0,
"current": 5.369999885559082,
"energyAll": 872440.0
"systemMode": 2,
"temperature": {
"max": 130.0,
"min": -30.0,
"values": [
"type": 3,
"version": " MAIN HW07 2.060",
"voltageMonitoring": {
"thresholdTop": null,
"thresholdBottom": null,
"slopeUp": null,
"slopeDown": null
"get_powermeters_data": [
"activePhases": "111",
"energy": {
"L1": -0.15,
"L2": -0.28,
"L3": 0.26
"index": 0,
"maxPhasePower": 24000.0,
"mode": 1,
"power": {
"L1": -732.0,
"L2": -51.0,
"L3": 749.0
"type": 1,
"voltage": {
"L1": 241.55999755859375,
"L2": 240.60000610351562,
"L3": 240.50999450683594
"activePhases": "111",
"energy": {
"L1": -477074.61,
"L2": -462341.89,
"L3": -460635.31
"index": 1,
"maxPhasePower": 24000.0,
"mode": 65,
"power": {
"L1": -3720.0,
"L2": -3038.0,
"L3": -3020.0
"type": 2,
"voltage": {
"L1": 241.24000549316406,
"L2": 240.74000549316406,
"L3": 240.36000061035156
"get_batteries_data": {
"exception": [
"Traceback (most recent call last):\n",
" File \"/config/custom_components/e3dc_rscp/\", line 110, in _query_data_for_dump\n tmp = call()\n ^^^^^^\n",
" File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 1377, in get_batteries_data\n self.get_battery_data(\n",
" File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 1272, in get_battery_data\n temperatures.append(temperatures_data[sensor][2])\n \n lambda: self.e3dc.sendRequestTag(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n",
" File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 263, in sendRequestTag\n return self.sendRequest(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n",
" File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 237, in sendRequest\n raise SendError(\"Max retries reached\")\n",
"e3dc._e3dc.SendError: Max retries reached\n"
~~~~~^^^^^^^^\n", "IndexError: list index out of range\n" ] }, "get_idle_periods": null, "get_power_settings": { "dischargeStartPower": 65, "maxChargePower": 12480, "maxDischargePower": 12120, "powerLimitsUsed": false, "powerSaveEnabled": true, "weatherForecastMode": 1, "weatherRegulatedChargeEnabled": true }, "EMS_REQ_GET_MANUAL_CHARGE": { "exception": [ "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 102, in sendRequest\n receive = self._receive()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 76, in _receive\n decData = rscpDecode(self.encdec.decrypt(data))[0]\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 263, in rscpDecode\n return rscpDecode(rscpFrameDecode(data)[0])\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 279, in rscpDecode\n innerData, usedLength = rscpDecode(data[curByte:])\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 270, in rscpDecode\n strTag = getStrRscpTag(hexTag)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 3692, in getStrRscpTag\n tag = RscpTag(tag)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/\", line 744, in call\n return, value)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/\", line 1158, in new\n raise ve_exc\n", "ValueError: 16777278 is not a valid RscpTag\n", "\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n\n", "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 226, in sendRequest\n result = self.rscp.sendRequest(request)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", " File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/e3dc/\", line 108, in sendRequest\n raise CommunicationError\n", "e3dc._e3dc_rscp_local.CommunicationError\n", "\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n\n", "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/config/custom_components/e3dc_rscp/\", line 110, in _query_data_for_dump\n tmp = call()\n ^^^^^^\n", " File \"/config/custom_components/e3dc_rscp/\", line 79, in