I implemented my own module for the nn/cunn package. Therefore I wrote the MyModule_updateOutput() and MyModule_updateGradInput() functions in the .c and .cu files and I call them from MyModule.lua file.
That all works so far but I have problems or don't know in what files I have to include/register this module. Because I get the error
not found: THNN_CudaMyModule_updateGradInput/home/marcel/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/THNN.lua:108: /home/marcel/torch/install/lib/lua/5.1/libTHCUNN.so: undefined symbol: THNN_CudaMyModule_updateGradInput
not found: THNN_CudaMyModule_updateOutput/home/marcel/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/THNN.lua:108: /home/marcel/torch/install/lib/lua/5.1/libTHCUNN.so: undefined symbol: THNN_CudaMyModule_updateOutput
.../install/share/lua/5.1/nn/MyModule.lua:24: attempt to index field 'THNN' (a nil value)
which points to the line that the MyModule_updateOutput() .cu cennot be called in the .lua file because input.THNN is nil.
I implemented my own module for the nn/cunn package. Therefore I wrote the MyModule_updateOutput() and MyModule_updateGradInput() functions in the .c and .cu files and I call them from MyModule.lua file.
That all works so far but I have problems or don't know in what files I have to include/register this module. Because I get the error
which points to the line that the MyModule_updateOutput() .cu cennot be called in the .lua file because input.THNN is nil.
I registered/included the module here:
then I build nn first and cunn second.
am I missing something?