torch / nn

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Bug: Inconsistence of the channel of `input` and that of `self.gradInput` can also work! #1279

Open Naruto-Sasuke opened 7 years ago

Naruto-Sasuke commented 7 years ago

When building a custom layer, it turns out that the channel of self.gradInput can be larger than the input. For example:

local myLayer, parent = torch.class('nn.MyLayer', 'nn.Module')

function myLayer:__init()

function myLayer:updateOutput(input)
    self.c = input:size(2)
    self.output = input:repeatTensor(1, self.c*2, 1, 1)
    return self.output

function myLayer:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
       self.gradInput = gradOutput
      return self.gradInput  -- It works fine.

However, self.gradInput is twice the channel of input. Pytorch requires that self.gradInput must match the size of input, or it errors! Does Torch cut out self.gradInput to be the same size of input internal ? If so, how does it crop?