torch / nn

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Feature Request: Support for 2D/3D Sliding Window CNNs #886

Closed psicalculus closed 8 years ago

psicalculus commented 8 years ago

Could you please add support for 2D/3D sliding window CNNs in Torch nn?

The following papers use sliding window CNNs: 1) 2) 3) 4)

The only software framework available for doing this is ZNN but it only runs on CPUs:

We would appreciate a GPU-based implementation of sliding window CNNs (similar to what the people in paper 1) used).

soumith commented 8 years ago

you actually misunderstand. Torch does and always supported "sliding window CNNs". If you have your entire neural network consiting of Spatial* modules, for example SpatialConvolution, SpatialMaxPooling etc., then if you give a larger input than what the network experts, the network is slid over the larger input to give a larger output than 1x1. Hope this helps.