torch / rocks

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"luarocks install sundown" doesn't work #38

Closed yashoteja closed 9 years ago

yashoteja commented 10 years ago

Hi, Apologies in case this is not the right place for this question. I am trying to install sundown using luarocks by using:

/usr/local/bin/luarocks install sundown

while logged in as root. This fails with following message:

Installing Using switching to 'build' mode Cloning into 'sundown-ffi'... fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Connection refused Error: Failed cloning git repository.

I suspect that this is because git:// port is blocked for me, and I use https:// port while git cloning. But I don't know how to force luarocks to use https:// port instead of git://

Because of this issue, the 2-line torch installation command from "" does not work for me, since it uses luarocks. Can someone please tell me how to overcome this issue?


soumith commented 10 years ago

Read this relevant thread. This would be a luarocks issue, but seems to have a workaround.

yashoteja commented 10 years ago

Done! Had to change



rockspec.source.url:gsub("^git://", "https://")

in git.lua

sonamsingh19 commented 9 years ago

Same issue. I was using a server over ssh(torch on server). luarocks couldn't install anything due to same error.

Final solution which worked for me was to use this in terminal : git config --global url. git://

aseempatni commented 9 years ago

Thanks @sonamsingh19 git config --global url. git:// solved the issue.

PrincipalComponent-zz commented 8 years ago

Thanks @sonamsingh19. Had the same issue, your solution solved it.

MInner commented 8 years ago

@sonamsingh19 worked for me as well!

christopher5106 commented 8 years ago

Thanks all!

admercs commented 7 years ago

@sonamsingh19 solution worked for me on OSX 10.11.

bityob commented 7 years ago

Thanks @sonamsingh19.

saurabhbajaj123 commented 7 years ago

thanks @sonamsingh19.

saviogeorge commented 7 years ago

@sonamsingh19 yes this did solve the issue

realwenlongwang commented 6 years ago

@sonamsingh19 Thanks!!

yanelike commented 6 years ago


springshuai commented 5 years ago

Same issue here, @sonamsingh19's solution worked, thanks!

sethrj commented 5 years ago

Surprised this hasn't been fixed in three years. Is it that uncommon for a corporate firewall to block outgoing git:// requests? Had to export GIT_TRACE=1 during spack install lmod to find out that it wasn't installing because of this clone attempt. Thanks @sonamsingh19 for the solution!

ineron commented 5 years ago

@sonamsingh19 solution worked for me on Centos 7 Thanks!!

eduamf commented 5 years ago

@vervenumen solution worked for me on Ubuntu 16. Thanks

seclorum commented 1 year ago

This is a viable workaround, but will luarocks ever be brought into the modern era?