torch / torch7
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install/update problems after update to Ubuntu 16.10 random.c / torchcwrap not found #1007

Open rob-miller opened 7 years ago

rob-miller commented 7 years ago

After upgrading my development box from Ubuntu 15.10 to 16.10 I was unable to '' or '' my torch installation. Much cleaning, nvidia driver reinstallation, package search and installation, frustration etc. followed. Eventually the consistent issue generated throughout was in building the core Torch package torch, specifically:

[ 57%] Built target TH
[ 60%] Generating random.c
/home/rob/torch/install/bin/luajit: /home/rob/torch/pkg/torch/random.lua:3: module 'torchcwrap' not found:

much googling and flailing about yielded several hits but no satisfaction, until finally I actually looked at the source and worked out that './' was not on the LUA_PATH as exported from my login scripts.

After adding ';./?.lua;' to the LUA_PATH variable, the script runs to completion.

kimbring2 commented 7 years ago

Hey, you are so genius. It solved my program.