torch / torch7
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Error: File not found: rockspecs\luafilesystem-1.6.3-1.rockspec #995

Open retsyo opened 7 years ago

retsyo commented 7 years ago

I have anaconda python 3.4.4 on Win7 64 bits. Then I gitted torch7 source, and excute build.bat in dos prompt. after some seconds, I get the error messsage. So how to solve it and build torch7 successfuly? Thanks

+++++++ Creating torch-activate.cmd luajit.cmd luarocks.cmd cmake.cmd
+++++++ Setup succeed!
+++++++ Updating submodules
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /r)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
+++++++ Installing common lua packages

Error: File not found: rockspecs\luafilesystem-1.6.3-1.rockspec
+++++++ Installation error!
BTNC commented 7 years ago

+++++++ Updating submodules fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /r)

Git clone torch distro repository instead of downloading the .zip repository file. Then run install.bat again.

huangshizhi commented 7 years ago

image how to solve it and build torch7 successfuly?

LarryK348 commented 6 years ago

cloning from distro repository today (2017/12/21) results in the same failure.

+++++++ Creating torch-activate.cmd luajit.cmd luarocks.cmd cmake.cmd +++++++ Setup succeed! +++++++ Updating submodules +++++++ Installing common lua packages

Visual Studio 2017 Developer Command Prompt v15.0.26430.16 Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation

[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64'

Error: File not found: rockspecs\luafilesystem-1.6.3-1.rockspec

tastyminerals commented 6 years ago

@retsyo Torch is not a Python framework it is written in Lua so it does not matter which anaconda version do you have. You said that you "gitted" torch repository however in cmd prompt it says Not a git repository. I am not a windows user but last time I used it I had to install a dedicated git application for windows to make git work on this system.

@huangshizhi @LarryK348 you have to clone torch repository first. luafilesystem-1.6.3-1.rockspec can be found in torch/extra/luafilesystem. If it is not there, then you haven't cloned it correctly. Use a dedicated git application for windows.

Please follow the official windows guide:

azmathmoosa commented 6 years ago

I have cloned the repo as advised but I'm facing the same issue. I've checked and luafilesystem-1.6.3-1.rockspec file exists in the correct folders. I modified the script and passed absolute path. It then crashed at the next line saying src/lfs.c not found. Please someone guide me.

I think the cd command is not doing what it's supposed to do. I am using Visual Studio 2017 Native Tools Command Prompt

C:\Work\torch7\distro>echo +++++++ Installing common lua packages
+++++++ Installing common lua packages

C:\Work\torch7\distro>cd C:\Work\torch7\distro\.\extra\luafilesystem   && call C:\Work\torch7\distro\.\install\luarocks.cmd make C:\Work\torch7\distro\.\extra\luafilesystem\rockspecs\luafilesystem-1.6.3-1.rockspec   || goto :FAIL
** Visual Studio 2017 Developer Command Prompt v15.5.3
** Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation
[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64'
cl /nologo /MD /O2 -c -Fosrc/lfs.obj -IC:/Work/torch7/distro/./install/include src/lfs.c
c1: fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'src/lfs.c': No such file or directory

Error: Build error: Failed compiling object src/lfs.obj
+++++++ Installation error!
souek88 commented 5 years ago

@azmathmoosa were you ale to fix that problem ? I have exactly same issue as You (also was trying to change relative to absolute path but same problem as yours).