torch2424 / link-drops

A collection of your links that you find across the internet, made with the help of @julianpoy
Apache License 2.0
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Directive columns #76

Closed torch2424 closed 8 years ago

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

closes #51 closes #69

This finally solves the dreaded issue. However, performance is slightly worse, if not the same, and made an easy to adjust and use directive :) please test, and see an example below!

untitled recording 5

julianpoy commented 8 years ago


torch2424 commented 8 years ago

@julianpoy I know right, this was so much work :'D

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

@julianpoy But lease wait until I finish my angular material branch before pulling the have grid layout directive built in so we may not need this :o Also I removed Jquery, I found out its required by bootstrap sass :ooooo

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

Wut... Bootstrap sass? So we cant have sass or just bootstrap? Also I saw I wasn't assigned so I didn't pull it in :)

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

Yeah thank you! I knew you wouldnt! And yes whenever we generate yeoman from now on, say no bootstrap. What I'm doing the angular material branch is I'm using bootstraps custom downloader to get only the bootstrap css I need for the navbar, and I did all the collapsing js myself to avoid jquery. It's quite a lengthy alternative, but It should help the page tons

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

Honestly either of us can recode the nav without much trouble. Theres not much to it.

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

After doing some Angular material research, they're grid list isn't as dynamic as it made itself seem in the demo. Our elements must already have a pretermined row and column span, which we would have to calculate, I say we simply pull this in, after some testing of course, that way we have easy responsive grid based directive that does what we need it to do!

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

@julianpoy Please review and pull this at your eariliest convinience. I will admit one error that this branch has is that cards will load overlapping, and after loading iframes, it will fix itself. Also, like I said the performance is a slight amount slower, hopefully the angular material ranch fixes this

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

I'll do this tonight

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

I noticed f0d2e4b. Is this still a viable pull, or should I wait?

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

Yeah not viable yet, still working on some responsiveness that was broken with increasing the column sizes, to make 2 columns instead of 3 :p

torch2424 commented 8 years ago

@julianpoy all finished, looking great and good to go! :D

Video (Also in OP):

untitled recording 5

julianpoy commented 8 years ago

Beautiful job mate