torch2424 / live-stream-radio

24/7 live stream video radio station CLI / API 📹 📻
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Using the Audio from the Video #145

Open MackPerfecto opened 3 years ago

MackPerfecto commented 3 years ago

Hi, This is prolly a really dumb question but is there a way to just use the audio that is in the video and just loop the same video over and over?


torch2424 commented 3 years ago

@MackPerfecto Hello! No question is a dumb question :smile:

However, in this project, the video audio is muted, so unfortunately no. But we can leave this issue open as a feature request :smile: :+1:

MackPerfecto commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot! It'll be amazing if you can include that... Thanks <3

Xodarr commented 3 years ago

Hello! As I understand it, this feature was not added?:(

torch2424 commented 3 years ago

@Xodarr Hello! So no, this feature has not been added yet, as I do not currently have a lot of free time for feature development on the project 😢 I'm more than happy to review PRs and contributions though! 😄