torchbox / wagtail-grapple

A Wagtail app that makes building GraphQL endpoints a breeze!
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Snippets don't identify themselves #386

Open jams2 opened 2 months ago

jams2 commented 2 months ago

SnippetObjectType is implemented as a union of a project's registered snippet models. Unless the snippet classes themselves implement a field that can discriminate the specific type of a snippet instance, it can be difficult to determine which type of snippet you have in a client.

For example, if using a stream field with SnippetChooserBlock, I might query it as follows:

query MyPages {
  pages(id: 28) {
    ... on MyPage {
      streamFieldContent {
        ... on SnippetChooserBlock {
          snippet {
            ... on FooSnippet {
            ... on BarSnippet {

The issue then is determining exactly which snippet type I get in response. I could query __typename on SnippetObjectType, but this won't work in environments where introspection queries are forbidden.

To get around this in my project we've added our own snippet interface type, which has a snippetType field, which returns the snippet class name. Something similar would be a valuable addition to grapple.