torhus / monster-browser

A simple game server browser for Quake 3-based games
10 stars 1 forks source link

Assert in GeoIP code #9

Closed torhus closed 2 years ago

torhus commented 2 years ago
Data path is 'C:/prog/prosjekt/MonsterBrowser_git/'.
Loaded GeoIP2 library (libmaxminddb.dll) version 1.3.2.
Loaded GeoIP2 database: GeoLite2-Country, Mon Apr 22 17:02:53 2019.
Opening 'master.quake3arena.com_27950.xml'...
Loaded 0 servers in 0.00 seconds.
Checking for new servers for test...
Executing 'qstat -cfg test.cfg -testm,68,outfile,-'.
Got 679 servers from, including 679 new.
Executing 'qstat -f - -raw,game  -P -R -default q3s -carets -maxsim 10'.
Fed 679 addresses to qstat.
GeoIp: No info for address
GeoIp: No info for address
GeoIp: No info for address
GeoIp: No info for address
GeoIp: No info for address
MMDB_get_value failed.
GeoIP: The lookup path does not match the data (key that doesn't exist, array index bigger than the array, expected array or map where none exists)
src\main.d(42): tango.core.Exception.AssertException: Assertion failure
2 threads, currently in 'main'.
ThreadManager's thread is working.
tango.core.Exception.AssertException@geoip(164): Assertion failure
[  54baf6]       0+0                                  @0+151138 :0 
[  53f6cd]       0+0                                 @0+100921 :0 
[  47317c]       0+0   geoip.getGeoInfo                                                                 @0+15 src\geoip.d:164 
[  405dd2]       0+0   serverlist.ServerList.add                                                        @0+39 C:\prog\dmd\windows\bin\..\..\..\import\tango\tango\text\Util.d:367 
[  457878]       0+0   serverqueue.ServerQueue.addAll                                                   @0+14 src\serverqueue.d:76 
[  4577aa]       0+0   serverqueue.ServerQueue.synchronizedAdd                                          @0+3 src\serverqueue.d:62 
[  45770f]       0+0                                            @0+6 src\serverqueue.d:47 
[  481a3f]       0+0   dwt.widgets.Display.Display.runTimer                                             @0+9 dwt\widgets\Display.d:3992 
[  47fa32]       0+0   dwt.widgets.Display.Display.messageProc                                          @0+14 dwt\widgets\Display.d:3182 
[  47f3b8]       0+0   __D3dwt7widgets7Display7Display15messageProcFuncWPvkkiZi@16                      @0+0 dwt\widgets\Display.d:2958 
[768a1109]       0+0   ???                                                                                 @0+1983358069 :0 
[768980c5]       0+0   ???                                                                                 @0+1983321137 :0 
[76895e35]       0+0   ???                                                                                 @0+1983312289 :0 
[76895bfb]       0+0   ???                                                                                 @0+1983311719 :0 
[  480528]       0+0   dwt.widgets.Display.Display.readAndDispatch                                      @0+5 dwt\widgets\Display.d:3524 
[  405652]       0+0   main._main                                                                       @0+8 src\main.d:142 
[  40528d]       0+0   __Dmain                                                                          @0+6 src\main.d:39 
[  527077]       0+0   rt.compiler.dmd.rt.dmain2.main.runMain                                           @0+995 :0 
[  5270af]       0+0   rt.compiler.dmd.rt.dmain2.main.runAll                                            @0+1051 :0 
[  526f87]       0+0   _main                                                                            @0+755 :0 
[  555a00]       0+0   _mainCRTStartup                                                                  @0+191852 :0 
[75b6fa27]       0+0   ???                                                                                 @0+1969524115 :0 
[77237a9c]       0+0   ???                                                                                 @0+1993412104 :0 
[77237a69]       0+0   ???                                                                                 @0+1993412053 :0 
torhus commented 2 years ago

The fix is to include an updated GeoLite database in the next MB release.