Apparently spaces in buffer names are evil and should not be working at all. They should be replaced by e.g. undercores. Here is an extract from #weechat:
mcnesium | so I got this weechat-matrix-protocol-script running and it works
| kinda well. now I do have a buffer called `Bits & Bäume` in my
| list of channels and I wonder how I can apply settings to that
| buffer, eg set notify. since there are spaces and a special
| character, just doing `/set "weechat.notify.lua.bits & bäume"
| message` does not work
mcnesium | the logfiles of the matrix chat channels do have this naming
| scheme featuring spaces in the name, so I tried that, but weechat
| did not take it
simonpatapon | what do you see in /buffer list
mcnesium | 14:04:27 weechat | [13] lua.Bits & Bäume (notify: highlight)
mcnesium | also tried to use nbsp but I am not even sure if weechat differs
| between nbsp and regular space
mcnesium | it always tries to add just a `lua.bits` setting
@nils_2 | spaces aren't supported
@nils_2 | format for example is: /set option value
@FlashCode | mcnesium: if a plugin or a script creates buffer name with spaces,
| it must be fixed, spaces are not supported at all in buffer names
@FlashCode | and in addition, weechat should even refuse to create such buffer
@FlashCode | this reminds me an old issue, I'm looking in issues
@FlashCode | found it:
mcnesium | FlashCode: I see, I will file an issue about that
Apparently spaces in buffer names are evil and should not be working at all. They should be replaced by e.g. undercores. Here is an extract from